The Witcher

Chapter 327: Kogetsu Kaikou

Seeing that the silver light spot in front of him changed to the size of a basin, the old man collected all his mana, and then his big hand waved at the drop of scarlet blood in the air.

The red blood drop immediately turned into a red glow, and plunged into the silver light spot.

In this way, the old man hadn't finished casting the spell, and he saw him then drew a delicate crescent dagger from his waist, pulled it fiercely in his palm, and immediately a stream of scarlet blood dripped slowly along the sharp blade.

The old man quickly took the dagger away, and then stretched his bleeding palm into the silver spot.

The next moment, I heard a horrible sucking sound. The old man couldn't help turning pale, but the crazy anger in his eyes didn't let him take his arm back, but continued to let the silver light spot **** his own blood.

After a while, something surprising happened.

Seeing that the silver light spot sucked enough blood from the old man, it turned into a blood-red color. Only then did the old man put his hand back with a pale complexion.

It seemed that with the strength of the old man, he couldn't help but hurt his vitality when he wanted to use this weird witchcraft. Then, using his hand as a pen, the old man carefully wrote a few mysterious runes on the blood-colored disc.

"Return to the moon!"

I saw the mysterious rune, and disappeared for a moment.

Soon after, there were ripples on the blood-colored disc, and then a man wearing jet black armor appeared in the blood-colored disc.

If Lin Meng were here, he would be very surprised. At this moment, the black-clad figure in the blood-colored disk was exactly what he looked like wearing a ‘thousand-jun’ heavy armor.

"Huh! Even if you cover your face, I have already remembered your breath firmly, I said I will find you..."

Staring at the blood-colored disc, the figure in the black armor facing each other, the old man's face was murderous, and he paused every word.

After speaking, the old man waved his hand. The next moment, Lin Meng's figure disappeared from the blood-colored disc, and then the blood flashed, and the blood-colored disc slowly disappeared into the tent.

At this time, the old man took out a medicine suit and rested for a while. After the influence of the large amount of blood lost just now, it was a little better.


Two months later, the setting sun was deep in the grassland, in a black forest.

"Guru Guru!"

There was a strange sound, and the woods turned out to be a black swamp, and from time to time a huge bubble was rising.

Then, with a ‘pop’, it burst open, emitting a sour, musty smell, and there was a hint of black mist in the bubbles.

I saw a green insect that had just flew into the woods. It accidentally sucked in a little, and its body trembled, and one head fell into the moist swamp below.

"Wow!" A sound, and then I saw a sound of water in the muddy swamp, and the green insect that had just fallen disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the blue light flashed, and a mighty old man with short silver hair appeared in the woods.

The old man stood in the air, his sharp eyes scanned the situation in the dense forest, then his figure flashed, and he flew quickly in one direction.

Just as the old man flew past the swamp, he made the same slamming sound. Below the swamp, mud splashed suddenly. Several creatures like long snakes jumped out of the swamp below, with their huge mouths wide open and fangs. Bite towards the old man.


Feeling the abnormal changes around him, the old man couldn't help frowning, not angry, and suddenly green light flashed around the old man,'clicking', all the snake-shaped creatures, all turned into two pieces, fell back into the swamp, The swamp was stained with blood.

The next moment, I saw the swamp, the waves were big, it seemed that there were thousands of creatures fighting in the swamp, the corpses that had just fallen.

The old man flying in the sky just frowned and glanced at it. He ignored the movement below, and then flickered towards the depths of the dense forest.


At the same time, Lin Meng was now appearing in front of a majestic giant city. The giant city was the stone city built by the third-level wizards with mysterious witchcraft when he first came to the setting sun on the grassland.

At this time, it has been two years since Lin Meng came back to rest for a rest.

Standing at the gate of the stone city, Lin Meng calmly handed a black badge issued by the alliance to a first-level wizard, and after careful scrutiny, Lin Meng was allowed to enter the city for a while.

"Huh!!! Finally came back!!!"

Looking at the human wizards going around in the city, and the huge bans behind him, the strong witchcraft fluctuations that came, Lin Meng had been fighting on the grassland for many days, and his tight nerves finally relaxed.

When he returned to his home in the city, a small building arranged by the Alliance, Lin Meng tidied up a bit before falling asleep. This sleep was one day, and it was the evening of the next day that Lin Meng got out of bed. stand up.


At the same time, in the depths of the sunset grassland, in that mysterious swamp dense forest.

The mighty old man with short silver hair is standing by a black lake at the moment.

The black lake is very large, and the water in the lake is dark, but there is no peculiar smell. On the surface of the lake, you can see circles of weird ripples from time to time. It seems that there are huge creatures underwater. Cruising.

Seeing the short-haired old man narrowed his eyes, like a falcon, staring solemnly at the center of the lake, a strangely shaped house.

The weird house should be called the wooden house. At a glance, in the center of the black lake, there are three huge weird trees rising up into the sky, rushing out from the black water surface, reaching the sky, strange branches.

The wooden house is made up of these three towering giant trees. The branches of the three towering giant trees are entwined with each other closely, and then they form several houses formed by branches, and these branches are like living things. Just look carefully. When I go, I will find that the small branches that make up the wall of the tree house are all wiggling slightly.

A strong wave of witchcraft is uploaded from the entire tree house, above the wooden house, the giant tree and the black lake below from time to time flashing mysterious runes in the aisles, it seems that someone has arranged an extremely Powerful magic circle.

"Maria, an old friend is visiting, why don't you come out to meet the guests?"

After looking at it for a while, suddenly the short-haired and mighty old man stood on the edge of the black lake and let out a full-bodied shout. Immediately the entire dense forest was startled by the old man's shout, and countless startled birds flew up.

Even under the surface of the black lake in front of me, there were several huge splashes of water.

On the surface of the black lake, several ripples suddenly appeared, like a sharp sword, quickly approaching the old man.

"Hmph, Carl, we haven't seen each other for decades. I don't know why you came to me today?"

The next moment, a voice of an old yin bird came from the tree house in the center of the black lake in the distance.

Suddenly I saw the creatures that were quickly approaching the old man under the black lake. They all twisted, stirred up a huge wave again, and swam toward the depths of the lake, but the old man by the lake never even glanced at him from the beginning to the end. movement. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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