The Witcher

Chapter 340: sneak into

"If this is the case, I also count myself, and it happens to be a little more meritorious." After seeing the woman in the red skirt pondering for a moment, she raised her head and said to Claude.

"Well, with the participation of Your Excellency Lafite, the chance of success in this operation is a bit higher." Hearing this, Claude was overjoyed and couldn't help but flatter.

"Hmph, I don't need to say these things for Claude, I also urgently need a lot of merit points to prepare to exchange for something." The woman in the red skirt did not care about the flattery in Claude's words, and hummed slightly.

"I wonder who among the three of you will participate in this operation?"

Seeing that the three of the second team came from three of the four camps, but the ‘dark council’ where Lin Meng was located had not yet expressed his opinion, Claude couldn’t help but glance at the three of Lin Meng.

Feeling that Claude looked at him with other meanings, Lin Meng groaned for a moment, then raised his head and exchanged glances with Christina and the stern man Curtis beside him. Shen said.

"If that's the case, that's one of me."

"Well, Lord Link's strength, but it is well known in our team, so this mission will be more confident." Hearing this, Claude's face was overjoyed, and his eyes flashed with light.

Seeing this, Lin Meng smiled coldly in his heart. If Claude dared to use any tricks in the next action, Lin Meng would never be polite.

"I don't know who else has anything to add?" Just after the action was finalized, Claude glanced at a few people and asked again.

"Claude, I have a set of'extremely cold and fierce' array items here, which can be placed on our evacuation route later. In case there are high-ranking orcs behind us, we It is also good to use this formation to trap it, and then leave calmly."

Suddenly, Lilith, the woman in the white dress in the team who had never said anything, turned her beautiful eyes and said for a while.

"Hey, the'extremely cold and fierce' formation, this is a good witchcraft formation, which can be used to attack and trap the enemy. If this is the case, we don't have to worry about the high-ranking orcs in the camp. , Humiliated into anger, chasing after him." Hearing this, the animal skin man said with joy.

"Well, if that's the case, then proceed according to the results of the discussions just now." After a while, after seeing that there was no one to add, Claude finally decided.

At dawn, before the orc camp.

At this moment, the night-time orcs have reached the most fatigued moment of the day. Many ordinary orc soldiers standing guard in the camp can't help but look in a trance, some absent-minded, and even some orc soldiers are standing with a spear, but their eyes are tight Closed, making a slight cry.

Perhaps it is because this camp is within the territory of the orc tribe, so these orc soldiers dare to relax like this.

Looking at the orc soldiers who didn't hide their sleepiness in front of them, Christina walked in easily through the gate of the orc camp quietly.

At the same time, Lin Meng and the other three of Crowder have also appeared in an extremely secret place on the side of the orc camp.

"Don't move, this seems to be a defensive restriction set by the orc shaman." Seeing a cyan light curtain flashed in front of him, the black-haired old man suddenly changed his voice.

"Well, it's the'Blue Wind Technique'..." After hearing this, Claude's eyes sank, and he stared at the cyan light curtain in front of him for a moment.

"This is a bit difficult? Although this prohibition is not so powerful, it is a bit difficult to not disturb the orcs inside." After speaking, a gloomy color flashed in Claude's eyes.

"Let me try it!!"

Suddenly, I saw the woman in the red dress among the four step forward, standing in front of the cyan mask, and took out a fiery red face towel from her arms. Then the mana in the hands of the woman in the red dress surged, and she immediately saw the red face towel. The fiery red light was lit, and the jade hand of the woman in the red skirt was covered, and then the woman in the red skirt slowly stretched her hand over the cyan mask.

The next moment, I saw the arm enveloped by the red light, easily penetrated into the light curtain, and it did not cause any reaction from the light curtain.

Seeing this, the three of Lin Meng couldn't help but smile.

"Unexpectedly, Your Excellency Lafite still has this kind of alchemy item." Claude looked at the red face towel in the hands of the woman in the red dress with curious eyes.

"Well, this is also a special alchemy item I got in the early years. Except for passing through some restrictions, it has no other functions. Let's go." After hearing this, the woman in the red skirt said softly and brought the topic into consideration. Past.

Lin Meng's eyes flashed under the cloak. He looked at the face towel in the hand of the woman in the red dress. With a move, he moved the "Pupils of Magic Moon" in his eyes without a trace. He immediately saw the red face towel expanding in his eyes, above the original face towel. Some decorative lines also began to become intermittent. In the end, Lin Meng's pupils shrank, but he saw countless dense rune characters appearing on the face towel, forming the decorative lines on the face towel.

Feeling the gaze under Lin Meng's cloak, the woman in the red dress couldn't help frowning, and glanced at Lin Meng displeasedly, but considering Lin Meng's strength, the woman in the red dress didn't say much in the end.

In the next moment, the face scarf in the hands of the woman in the red skirt was spreading red, covering Lin Meng's three people together, and then the four of them walked toward the cyan light curtain without delay.

After a while, the four of them appeared in the camp without making a sound under the envelope of red light.

"Okay, it's already inside, now everyone be careful." After speaking, the red kerchief flashed on the woman's hand in the red skirt, and the red face towel disappeared without a trace, revealing the three Lin Meng's figures.

Then the black cloak on Lin Meng's body shimmered, and Lin Meng's figure slowly disappeared in place, but it stimulated the witchcraft of the hidden figure on the'cloak of night'.

On the other side, Cloud and the black-haired old man also used secret techniques to hide their figures.

After a while, the four slowly lurked into the depths of the camp again.

"Go and see, what are the things in these warehouses?"

It didn’t take long for the four of them from the edge of the camp to touch the center of the camp. Of course, along the way, the four also met several waves of orc soldiers patrolling, but these were ordinary orc soldiers. Unconscious.

"Food, weapons...Well, these are witchcraft resources snatched from the southern continent!!"

Suddenly, Claude appeared in a warehouse quietly, looking at the neatly stacked weapon racks and piles of hay on the ground, his expression changed.

The next moment, Claude's eyes condensed, looking at the neatly stacked black stones placed in the black iron boxes, and he was immediately overjoyed. These are all low-level magic stones.

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