The Witcher

Chapter 434: water of life

"Well, that is... ‘Water of Life’!"

Suddenly, Lin Meng, who was halfway flying, showed a look of doubt at first, then his body shook violently, revealing an unbelievable look, staring at a drop of milky white liquid that was imprisoned by a mysterious mask in the bushes ahead. . ? Bayi Chinese? W≥W≥W=. ≤81ZW. COM

Lin Meng's mental strength quickly swept over the milky white droplet, and he immediately felt an extremely vigorous vitality. From the milky white droplet, Lin Meng couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

Lin Meng again thought of the weird situation of the green tree in front of him and the abnormality of the seeds of the sacred tree on his body. In an instant, Lin Meng guessed what the milky droplet was.

"Water of Life", the holy water of the pure-blooded elves in the legend, is probably one of the most treasured items on the wizard's level 6, the top alchemy material.

Once Lin Meng was in the mortal world and heard the legend about the "water of life". It is said that as long as he has not completely died, even the most serious injury, as long as he can take a drop of the water of life, he can completely recover. Of course, this It was just the legend Lin Meng had heard in the mortal world at the beginning, and he couldn't take it seriously.

After Lin Meng entered the wizarding world, his cognition of the legend of "Water of Life" became more rational as his knowledge and experience increased.

The "Water of Life" is produced in the "Whispering Forest" where the half-elves are located. Legend has it that there is an extremely old "wisdom tree" handed down by the ancient elves in the Moon Temple, a holy land of half-elves. The "Old Wisdom Tree" is extremely mysterious and indispensable to the half-elves. Every hundred years, the "Old Wisdom Tree" secretes dozens of drops of "water of life" at its roots.

This'water of life' is extremely cherished, and among all the alchemy materials Lin Meng has seen or has never seen before, it can be regarded as the top alchemy material.

"Unexpectedly, in this crimson tower, there is even the existence of'water of life'. I don't know where the wizard of the'crimson tower' got it from?" Lin Meng suddenly thought of it in his heart.

"Know that the'water of life' was regarded as holy water by the pureblood elves in the ancient times. Not to mention exchange, it is rare to see each other, and the elves are also extremely arrogant and conceited, and it is very difficult to communicate. , It seems that this drop of water of life was also obtained by the wizard of the'Crimson Tower' in a way that is not visible." Then Lin Meng speculated maliciously in his heart.

"Roar, who is it that disturbed Master Ben's deep sleep?"

Just as Lin Meng was recalling the specific information about the'Water of Life', a somewhat annoyed and old voice suddenly sounded in the laboratory, making Lin Meng's expression change.

Suddenly, a huge face with weird facial features appeared on the huge emerald tree in front of Lin Meng.

The strange face has only one eye, and another eye is turned into a huge hole. The nose is also a huge gap. At the mouth, only the upper lip is left. The lower lip disappears completely, leaving a huge hole. The wound looked a little ugly and terrible, as if it had been seriously injured.

"Ah...huh...human wizard?"

Just when Lin Meng looked suspicious, the giant tree in front of him showed a strange expression of surprise, and he opened the only one eye to look at Lin Meng and said.

"Tree man?"

Similarly, Lin Meng was also very surprised. The giant green tree in front of him turned out to be a wise life, and then Lin Meng immediately thought of the magic in the "Green Tree Man Array" that he met in the Rus Principality. The tree man seemed very similar to the giant tree in front of him.

"Ah...Human race boy, don't confuse this lord with those low-level treants."

Suddenly, above the giant tree in front, a somewhat annoyed old voice came, accompanied by several slightly painful coughs.

Hearing this, Lin Meng looked at the giant tree in front of him with a somewhat painful look. He couldn't help but roll his eyes, swept over the dead giant trees around him, and a thought flashed in his mind.

"Huh, Human Race kid, look sneakily, don't make any silly ideas in front of this lord, hurry up and hand over the seed of the'war giant tree' in your body."

Then the giant tree looked at Lin Meng's ghostly look, and couldn't help saying angrily, but in the bottom of his one-eyed eyes, there was a vague eagerness flashing.

"Your Excellency, what does this mean?" Lin Meng couldn't help his face sinking when he heard the words, and his tone became a little cold and stern.

Just as the old voice of the giant tree fell, Lin Meng immediately felt a sense of fear from the'sacred tree seed' in the space ring in his hand. Lin Meng couldn't help being more sure of his guess, the little thing in his space ring. , With its own independent consciousness, is a smart life.

"Hmph, in front of this lord, you little human wizard dare to refuse this lord's order." The old voice, coming from the giant tree again, couldn't help becoming a little furious.

Suddenly, Lin Meng's complexion darkened, and his entire face suddenly became stern, and then he saw Lin Meng's figure trembled and instantly disappeared in place.

The next moment, not far from where Lin Meng was standing just now, a figure flashed, and Lin Meng appeared in shape.

As soon as his eyes condensed, Lin Meng saw the ground where he was just now, and suddenly pierced several thick and sharp rhizomes, which were unusually sharp.

With a change of complexion, several red fireballs the size of a head appeared in front of Lin Meng, bringing the coquettish tail awns, and blasting towards the thorns.

Then a roar came, and a few spikes on the ground were seen. Under the intense high temperature burning, with a whistling sound, they retracted into the ground and disappeared.

"Damn...cough!" At the same time, a very angry voice followed in the distance, accompanied by a series of painful coughs.

Seeing this, Lin Meng couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then his figure flashed before disappearing from where he was.


The next moment, there was a blast, and I saw that on the side of the giant tree, a black giant axe suddenly appeared out of thin air, with a violent momentum, it fiercely slashed towards the thick branches of the giant tree, while at the same time in the void. The fire flashed, and another huge fireball blasted towards the giant tree.

"Damn human kid, dare to offend the majesty of this lord!" The ugly giant face on the trunk of the green giant tree immediately let out a roar full of anger.

Then a few green branches on the giant tree immediately turned into a few thick green vines, with three fierce attacks, towards the giant axe cut in Lin Meng's hand, the fireball shot from the air, and behind the giant axe The no man's land bursts away.

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