The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 255 Hunting the Abyss

Without Sigmund's manipulation, the tyrannical sea beasts would only fight instinctively.

The purpose of the shells fired by the Bloody Earl just now was not to attack, but to seal off the area around the ship. The thick blood fell into the sea and condensed into a large area.

This is equivalent to forming a natural quarantine area. Sea beasts will encounter severe erosion if they break into it. attack.

If it's just an ordinary ship, it can only be beaten passively in this situation, but the legendary ship does have something unique, the blood-red guards appear on the hull, and the approaching sea beasts are pulled and swallowed.

For a moment, flesh and blood collided, and the bottom of the sea was cloudy.

A transparent cyclone appeared under his feet, and Sigmund flew at low altitude, quickly approaching the Bloody Earl. He was also full of curiosity about the legendary ship.

After all, according to Pablo, if you want to explore the sea of ​​chaos, you must have a legendary ship.

When the ability was activated, a blue mark appeared on the top of the octopus Paul's head, which was left after the fusion of the evil bone fork. A similar situation also appeared on Sabic's previous mount.

Seeing this scene, no one else reacted, only a man with a gun standing beside Bartoli frowned.

"What did you find?" Bartoli was a little strange.

"It's nothing, it's just the mark on the top of that octopus monster's head, which is a bit familiar, but... I guess I was thinking too much." He took a deep breath, looked at Sigmund in mid-air, "Everyone, be careful, this bald head is using Moving the whirlwind, that is the ability that only level 5 storm messengers can have."

"Level 5."

Everyone settled down, with excitement in their eyes, "Even if you are a storm bringer, if you dare to set foot on the Earl, you will only be reduced to nourishment!"

"Storm bearers are especially good at long-range combat. We must find a way to pull him onto the boat. They can manipulate strong winds and form a large area of ​​vacuum, they can create tornadoes, and they can also form storm armor around their bodies..." Bartoli's side The man quickly explained to everyone.

"Be careful. Stormbringers are best at melee combat. The ice spears they make are sharper and the cages they form are stronger."

"That's easy." Bartoli smiled, "I'll let him fall on the deck obediently."

"Of course, no man can resist the captain's charm." The crew laughed loudly, and at this time Sigmund had already reached the sky above the Bloody Earl.

His eyes swept over him and he quickly saw the situation on the deck.

"One woman, three men, and the rest are trash."

Below the third level, the superiority in numbers is very important, but after the fourth level, the gap gradually widens, and other low-level crew members choose to retreat at this time, leaving a large space on the deck.

"You look very strong, come down and stay with me." Bartoli activated her ability, without any aggressive mental fluctuations spreading out.


Sigmund laughed and released the cyclone under his feet, and his body fell to the deck.

"It's now!"

Someone yelled, and then everyone attacked Sigmund at the same time.

For a moment, several kinds of attacks landed on Sigmund's body crackling, but everyone's pride quickly froze on their faces.

Under the sun, Sigmund's figure didn't move at all, and the surface of his skin reflected a thick metallic luster.

【man of Steel】

The explosion of the three fourth-orders did not break his hardening. With a slight smile, Sigmund grabbed the collar of the man beside him, and then punched him hard.

The power of the ancient gods.

A scarlet blood mist appeared, and the man's facial bones collapsed in an instant. He didn't even have time to scream, because the entire mouth was filled with broken bones, and his voice was blocked in his throat.

After solving the first target, he took off the cane with his right hand and slapped it on the other person.


The arm was bounced high, and Sigmund saw the metallic luster on the opponent's body, "Demon hunters are so annoying." He couldn't help complaining, and he couldn't do anything about the opponent unless he broke the hard shell .

His right hand trembled, spiritual power poured into it, praised the captain, the yellow light flowed, and he slashed at the fourth-tier hunter again.

Break the demon, break the spirit, break the hardening!

The man's face was ferocious, and he kept his hardened state. He rushed towards Sigmund, planning to have a head-on confrontation.

At this time, the only one of the three male transcendents who had besieged Sigmund who hadn't rushed forward tapped the trigger in his hand with a look of astonishment.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet hit Sigmund's temple, and his brain became a little heavy under the impact, and fine cracks appeared on the surface of the metal-like skin.

This guy is obviously using a special bullet.

Between lightning and flint, Sigmund and the fourth-tier hunter completed a collision.

The yellow light flowed on the cane, and the level 4 executioner's hardening persisted for two seconds before it shattered in his astonishment, and then the sharp blade pierced the skin, cut the muscles and shattered the bones.

Painful screams came, blood splattered, and the man's body was smashed open like a cannonball.

At this time, Sigmund felt a terrible heat wave coming from behind him, he retreated and twisted his body, blocking it forward with his left hand.


The fire exploded, and the defense formed by the hardening collapsed in an instant. It didn't mean that the opponent's attack could directly defeat his hardening, but that after falling, Sigmund was attacked one after another, and his own defense had reached its limit.

His skin was scorched, and the heat wave rushed towards him. He avoided it vigilantly and saved his eyebrows in the face of danger.

It was Bartoli, with flames burning in her hands.


A scream came, and while defending, Sigmund still did not give up attacking. The cane transformed into a long whip like a spirit snake, catching up with the fourth-tier hunter who was thrown out, and burrowing in along the wound just caused, The opponent's entire arm and half of the shoulder were torn off together.

"He's not the Stormbringer!" shouted the man who fired.

"Hardening...he is a hunter, and that mobile whirlwind was obtained through his execution ability!" The wounded hunter shouted.

"Punishment?!" They are all high-level transcendents. Of course they know the powerful ability of the fourth-level hunter contract. The crux of the problem is not this, but the mobile whirlwind, which is the ability only possessed by the fifth-level storm messenger.

You must know that the Stormbringer's ability is very comprehensive, even if he can't beat it, it is difficult to be killed, but even so, he was deprived of his ability.

The meanings of the 5th order and killing the 5th order are different.

"I... I remembered!"

The man with the gun stepped back quickly. He is a fourth-order son of the deep sea, and he is relatively familiar with the extraordinary person in this contract. When he saw the blue lines on the head of the octopus monster, he just thought it was a bit weird, although he thought of it. What, but felt that the idea was too ridiculous, and was automatically blocked.

But now, looking at the weird hunter in front of him, he remembered the mobile whirlwind that the other party had deprived from the Stormbringer through the execution ability.

Coupled with the weird lines on the head of the octopus, all the clues are connected together.

"That's the imprint left after the evil bone fork was implanted into the body of the sea beast. The evil bone fork is the weapon of the fifth-level storm messenger Sabic!"

"He killed Sabic and took away his abilities and weapons!" The man's voice was full of panic, and even Bartoli's face changed wildly upon hearing these words.

"Who is Sabic?" The fourth-order hunter whispered while clutching his wound.

"He is the chief mate of the Abyss, one of the five legends."

"Their captain is a sixth rank!"

At this time, everyone looked at Sigmund with deep fear.

"So, you are not Sabic's accomplices?" Sigmund asked blankly.

Who is this guy? What is he going to do?

Do you regard the Abyss as your prey...

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