The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 259 Can't afford to lose

"What is this?!" Newcomen vaguely guessed something when he was holding a thick stack of papers in his hands. After flipping through a few sheets, he suddenly raised his head and fixed his eyes on Xi Germon.

That kind of look made Sigmund unable to help but suspect that if Newcomen had a chain in his hand, he would definitely tie himself up without hesitation.

"These are... all..."

"That's right, teacher, these are all designed by Sigmund, and because of time constraints, these are not all."

"That's right!" Newcomen's face was flushed and his body was shaking crazily as the intracranial pressure rose, "From today onwards, you must not leave my sight, no, I will take you to see Appleyard Sir, only he can influence Duke Dressel's will!"

"Based on the drawings provided by Sigmund and combined with my own experience, I redesigned and remodeled the ship." Savery took out another drawing, "Now it is a purely mechanically built steamship. Although I don't know how fast Scott's steamship can be, but now, our ship is at least twice as fast as the previous research ship!"

"Also, there is no need for maintenance by a mechanic. As long as there is no breakdown, it will be fine even if it sails on the sea for several months!"

"Okay, great!" Newcomen waved his arms excitedly.

"Go back, let's go to the next game!"

Not long after, when the research ship arrived at the meeting place, Isaac took the opportunity to announce the competition list in public. Hearing his name, Newcomen seemed to understand something, and then he saw a smile in the crowd Scott, and Barry standing beside him.

"Mr. Newcomen, do you want to participate in the competition?" Barry walked over and said with a smile.

"This year's competition is very fierce. Which team do you think will win the second place?" Barry suffered a big loss in public at the last exchange meeting. Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally cannot let go of ridiculing Newcomen.

"I hope you can get the second place." Newcomen said with a smile.

"What did you say?" Barry even suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

"We finished second? Are you kidding me? Is there anyone else who can be faster than us in today's race? Have you seen Knoss' design? And Akkad, they have no hope at all."

"The championship is ours, they have no hope, but the second place can still be fought for. After all, the blueprint is the blueprint, and a simple design cannot represent everything. Any accident may happen in the competition." Newcomen laughed. replied.

"You still want to win the championship? Hehe." Barry sneered, not taking Newcomen's words to heart.

At this time, someone reminded that the game was about to start.

The specific rules are very simple, and the one with the shortest one-way time wins.

The place where the exchange meeting is located is used as the end point, while the starting point is on the other side of the distant island, and the place where the island is located serves as the middle position of the entire competition.

After a simple inspection, everyone boarded the ship, and Sigmund deliberately won the opportunity to take the helm.

The setting sun in the sky fell downwards, and on the other side of the island in the distance, gorgeous light rose into the sky, and ten steamships set off at the same time.

On the other side, on the big ship where the exchange meeting was held, representatives from various countries held wine glasses and still maintained their reserved faces.

"I'm very nervous. I don't know which ship will appear first on the other side of the island." Someone chuckled.

"As for this issue, I think there should be no suspense. What is really worth noting is the second ship." The person in charge of an island country said.

"Master Scott, which ship do you think will appear second?"

"Everything is possible. After all, everyone's strength is similar this year. During the driving process, the stability of the mechanic and the smoothness of the spiritual path will affect the final result."

"In my opinion, the designs of Knoss and Akkad are both advanced, and the second place should come from these two teams." Scott talked eloquently, with a look of giving advice.

Seeing this scene, Newcomen, who was standing not far away, couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Newcomen, do you have a different opinion?" Scott's face sank.

"It appeared, the first ship appeared!" At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "It's too fast, it's unbelievable, how long has it passed?!"

"It's Elam's ship, with the flag of the Royal Academy of Engineering flying on it!"

Hearing these shouts, Scott's face changed slightly. He has tested it many times, and it stands to reason that it should not be so fast...

"Congratulations, Master Scott!" Everyone praised.

"Your design ideas are too advanced. It seems that you have concealed something in the previous communication. To be honest, your modesty is a bit too much." Everyone flattered.

Scott glanced up and saw Elan's flag clearly, when more people flocked to block his view.

In fact, the race can basically be declared over at this point, and the remaining half of the journey will continue at the original speed, and the possibility of accidents is not high.

"About the new idea you mentioned at the exchange meeting just now..."

"I understand that this is a secret, but even if it can be improved a little bit, maybe we can directly buy a steam-powered machine with a secret rune on it, and the price is more expensive." Some people are fighting for it.

Each runemaster wields a unique brand of branding runes, which act as an invisible lock that protects their designs from theft.

If someone tries to crack it, it will cause the machine to self-destruct.

So seeing such an astonishing speed, everyone couldn't sit still, everyone surrounded Scott, and for a while, no one even cared about the follow-up results of the game.

Until a trembling, even a terrified voice resounded through the audience.

"A second ship appears, the flag of the Royal Academy of Engineering!"

"The second ship is also from the Kingdom of Elam!"


Scott's face changed slightly. He separated the crowd and looked into the distance. On the other side of the island, a ship flying the flag of the Royal Academy of Engineering was approaching rapidly.

"Newcomen?!" He turned his head and looked at the old man standing on the other side.

But at this moment, a hoarse shout shocked everyone, "767, the mark on the second ship is 767!"

The noise and communication disappeared completely at this moment. Everyone on the field seemed to lose their souls. Everyone turned their heads suddenly and released their respective methods. The distant scenery was zoomed in and enlarged.

Then they saw, on the first ship, under the last rays of the setting sun, a bald head that was as bright as a light source...

No, it's the number on the flag.

"That is……"

"It's Mr. Newcomen's ship!" Isaac, the person in charge of the Elam Kingdom, exclaimed as his head buzzed.

"This is impossible!" Accompanied by a hysterical exclamation, the sixth-level spiritual power wave was released violently.

Scott's eyes widened, scanning the sea repeatedly.

"Could it be that the flag was hung wrong?" Someone muttered in a low voice.

"Shut up, idiot!"

"What did you do?!" Scott rushed to Newcomen's side and growled sharply. At this time, he no longer had the usual peaceful and calm appearance, his eyes were red, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

Not long ago, he enjoyed as much flowers, applause and praise as he had reaped so much shame and embarrassment at this time. Such a result was simply unacceptable to him.

He didn't even dare to look up, afraid of seeing ridicule and pity in the eyes of others.

"Calm down, young man." Newcomen said with a smile.

"Don't let people think you can't afford to lose."

With a hideous look on his face, Scott clenched his fists.

"I haven't lost yet!" After speaking, he raised his right hand abruptly.

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