The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 261 Young man, you are not good enough

"What did you do on the boat?" Scott yelled, and everyone stopped talking at his words.

"I don't understand what you mean, Master Scott." Newcomen smiled.

"You just went through the motions of an exchange meeting, didn't join our discussion at all, and didn't put forward constructive design ideas..." Scott knew in his heart that Newcomen didn't want to participate in this competition at all at first.

I used some means to fill in Newcomen's name before the game, so when the list was announced, he had to join it.

Which means it was a complete accident.

If Newcomen's improved ship is really so advanced, then he should be the absolute protagonist in this exchange meeting, instead of joining the competition hastily like just now.

So there is only one answer, and that is that there is a problem with Newcomen's ship.

"Master Scott, we have checked every boat that participated in the competition, and Mr. Newcomen's boat is fine." Someone beside him added.

"The only thing that's okay is what you see. Can you guarantee that it's okay if you don't see that part?" Scott asked rhetorically.

"What do you mean?"

"You hid two power systems in the hull, right?!" Scott said surprisingly.

"What?!" Everyone's eyes widened.

Each set of steam power system is very large, although more power will definitely bring greater load capacity and faster speed, but this is not the more the better.

The structure of the hull and the ratio of mechanics need to be considered.

I am afraid that few people will do this in practical applications. After all, the larger the ship, the larger the steam equipment. There is no need to build a separate system, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

But the situation is different in the game.

Through the redesign, a small set of reduced power structure is hidden, and this speed increase will form a crushing advantage during the competition.

However, in the previous public exchange meetings, such a situation has never occurred. The so-called exchange meetings only provide a platform for discussion and basically do not involve any rewards.

Under such circumstances, few people would do similar things. After all, winning is no good, and if it is exposed, it will lose the reputation of the country along with it.

Therefore, once Scott's accusation is established, Newcomen will be infamous for the rest of his life, and may even be completely expelled from the Royal Academy of Engineering.

"Hehe." The expression on Newcomen's face remained unchanged, but he just sneered.

"Master Scott, do you have any evidence?" the organizer of the exchange meeting asked.

"The proof is simple. If you disassemble his ship completely, we will naturally find the hidden power system!"

"Dismantling the ship?!"

"I'm sorry we can't do this, it's an insult to Mr Newcomen."

"It's very simple without dismantling the ship." Scott looked at Newcomen, "Take out your design sketch, let us analyze it in public, if your design is enough to support the performance of the ship, I would like to apologize to you in public. "

Scott raised his head, "Do you dare?"

"Master Scott, how did you make such a judgment?" asked the organizer of the exchange meeting.

"You lost the game, I know that..."

"I haven't lost yet, there is a problem with his boat!" Scott interrupted the organizer indifferently.

"You want evidence, it's very simple, come with me." He turned around and strode to the edge of the fence.

"See for yourselves!" He pointed to Newcomen's boat.

"Look at the draft of this ship."

To be fair, the boats participating in the race are of the same size, and the draft refers to how deep a boat is submerged in water, which indirectly reflects the weight of the hull and its cargo when at rest.

Everyone looked closely, and all the ships were docked side by side near the finish line. It was clear at a glance that the draft of Newcomen's ship was obviously deeper, which meant that the weight of this ship was much heavier than other ships.

"In order to increase speed, we will try to reduce unnecessary decoration on the boat as much as possible to reduce weight, but what about his boat?" Scott looked at everyone.

"There is only one reason to add weight in this case, and that part of the added weight can help increase the speed of the ship, so it turns out that there must be another power system hidden in the hidden mezzanine on this ship!"

"Papa papa!"

Sudden applause interrupted Scott's words, and Newcomen's face was not nervous after being exposed, but a smile on his face.

Even Sigmund felt that this Scott should be a detective.

"Mr. Newcomen, this situation..." The organizers of the exchange meeting were also a little uncertain.

"Don't be nervous, I will prove it to you, because the reason is actually very simple." Newcomen clapped his hands, "Unload the cargo from the ship."

"What product?" Everyone looked surprised, and then they saw an extremely shocking scene, the bottom warehouse of Unicom's storage room was opened.

All kinds of instrument parts were shipped out box by box.

The weight of the hull has been reduced, and the draft has been reduced. When all the cargo is moved out of the warehouse, Newcomen's research ship seems to be much lighter than other ships.

"That's the whole truth."

"Impossible, how could someone drag a full load of goods to participate in the competition?!" At this time, Scott felt that everyone's eyes were on his face.

He carefully inspected every piece of cargo, and even rushed into the bottom of the cargo hold, but what he didn't know was that the more he did, the more pitiful he looked in the eyes of others.

"Nothing is impossible. I have confidence in my ship, even if it is full of cargo, I can still win."

"Impossible, you did not participate in our communication, which means that there is a problem with your design..."

"Scott, the reason why I don't participate in the exchange meeting is very simple."

Newcomen smiled, "Since you can win the competition by participating, I don't think I need to come up with my own design. You are younger than me and more eager for honor, so after hearing your design, I will take the initiative quit."

"I decided to give you this opportunity."

Speaking of this, Newcomen deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "let".

His body trembled, and Scott felt a great humiliation at this moment.

"But I didn't expect that my name would appear on the list of competitions. I have no choice but to participate." Newcomen sighed, "I don't know who added my name. Hey, this is really a It's a coincidence, you see, I didn't even unload the cargo on the ship."

After hearing Newcomen's words, everyone kept nodding their heads and looked at him with admiration. Everyone agreed that this is the real master's demeanor.

As for Scott, although he is strong enough and has unlimited potential in the future, compared with the two, Scott's situation is obviously much worse.

Sigmund on one side watched Newcomen bragging blankly, and his impression of Newcomen was repeatedly overturned.

It seems that pretense is just needed.

If you don't understand the truth, just listen to Newcomen's words, even he will believe it.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe your design is better than mine!" Scott is still trying to insist.

He knew the cause and effect, and knew that Newcomen must be lying.

"What is your design concept? What is the specific improvement direction of the spiritual path cycle?" Scott asked.

"You really want to hear it?" Newcomen said with a smile hidden in every wrinkle.

"I'm afraid you don't understand."

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