The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 263 I endured so much hard work for this day

"What else do you say?" Scott stopped and looked at Newcomen.

"I just want to tell everyone that whether it is the exploration of mechanical theory or the research of psionic energy, no matter which one, we are far from the end, and there is not only one of these two directions."

"My steam engine ship won the exchange meeting, but this is only from mechanical exploration and research, and it does not mean that machinery is better than psionic power in selection. I hope everyone can understand this."

"The debate between the mechanical school and the psionic school has lasted for many years, but this is really unnecessary. We can do better by exploring together."

At this moment, Newcomen looked sincere. He did not attribute his success to mechanical success, but told everyone that these two directions complement each other.

clap clap.

Sigmund clapped his hands quietly, and applause soon resounded throughout the audience. Although there were still some staunch Psionic School supporters in the crowd, the facts speak louder than words. At the scene, Newcomen used a The purely mechanical steam engine won the race.

Even if he was unwilling, but with the results here, no one dared to refute anything in person. Only Scott, he really came here in good spirits and returned in disappointment.

Before he set off, he thought that he would shine in this exchange meeting and return to the Kingdom of Elam with everyone's praise and honor, and then he could apply for it.

This will make his position a logical thing, instead of being like a bystander when he is obviously the most powerful person.

Unwilling, Scott walked slowly to Newcomen.

"It doesn't mean anything. I know you've always wanted to promote your own mechanical theory, but Newcomen, I can definitely design a better steam-powered engine." Clenching his fists, all negative emotions converged, Scott I regained my composure again.

"Also, don't forget your identity. You are an alchemist, and I am a master of runes. You are not qualified to guide me in choosing the path!"

"You say I'm not qualified?" Newcomen smiled. "When will we create a contract like a hunter with long muscles, and we must rely on the size of our fists to show ourselves?"

I feel insulted, Sigmund whispered.

Class representative status, but compared to other contracts, the creation contract does pay more attention to theoretical research. Newcomen said this sentence to mock Scott for using power to overwhelm others.

Everyone in the field also smelled the smell of gunpowder. Although this was demeaning, it was irrefutable that Scott was indeed of a higher rank.

"Focus on mechanical research and ignore the use of the spiritual path. In my opinion, this is just a little cleverness. No wonder you haven't been promoted for so many years. You have taken the wrong path. When will you think about this problem clearly? When you have advanced to the sixth level, Come and guide me again!"

After leaving the last sentence, Scott turned around gracefully. He looked up, but no one in the room dared to look at him. At this moment, he regretted it immensely.

Back then, I shouldn't have come to participate in the so-called exchange meeting. When my strength is reached, that position is mine. Who dares to gossip?

After making up his mind, he submitted an application after returning to become the youngest resident committee member in Elam's history, and then he could justifiably make some small reforms as a committee member.

"Hey..." But at this moment, a long sigh came from behind.

"Scott." This time Newcomen called him by his first name.

"Is level that important to you?"

"I couldn't wait to jump out just after being promoted to level 6. I can't wait to tell the news to everyone in the extraordinary world. Do you pay more attention to your own exploration, or do you just want to win the praise and applause of others?"

This old man... Sigmund on the side bared his teeth. After being promoted, he carefully disguised himself for several months, and the opportunity he had been waiting for was finally seized by Newcomen.

Poor Scott, what's wrong with you, you have to mention your own level. Compared with this old guy, you are indeed too tender.

Everyone looked at Newcomen.

The next moment, a wave of spiritual power unique to the sixth level was released from Newcomen's body.

Stable and heavy.

Compared with Scott's previous display, Newcomen's power released at this time is much thicker. Judging by the speed of promotion after normal promotion, this is at least the spiritual power that can only be accumulated after promotion for more than three years.

"Level 6, Mr. Newcomen is also tier 6!!"

At this time, the shock of Newcomen's power change to everyone was greater than the sum of the previous victories and the excitement brought by the mechanical steam engine.

The seventh level is too rare, which makes the sixth level rune master almost the end of everyone's lifelong pursuit of goals.

And here, they witnessed the emergence of a new master.

No, it is not.

Judging from the depth of spiritual power, Newcomen's promotion to level 6 definitely took more than three years.

"Oh my God! He has kept silent all this time, what a calm and peaceful heart is needed." Someone said with emotion.

"Yeah, if it were me, I would definitely notify everyone as soon as possible." Hearing this sentence, Scott felt his face turn red.

"This is the true style of a master. He can endure loneliness and focus on the exploration of his own field. It may be for this reason that Master Newcomen was able to design a steam-powered engine with a purely mechanical structure."

"What did Master Scott say just now? Focusing on machines can't be promoted?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't be heard..."

Listening to the discussions around him, the blood on Scott's face faded away. He opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Newcomen.

"You... Tier 6, when?"

"Is this important? My brain has more things to think about, and I won't remember such a boring question." Newcomen smiled.

"This old man is really one way before others, and one way after others..." Sigmund was unable to complain anymore. He still remembered that when he was promoted, Newcomen almost jumped up and down in excitement.

It's really old-fashioned.

"Am I qualified to discuss with you now?" Newcomen asked.

Scott's complexion kept changing, and he even felt that every look around him was full of ridicule and contempt for him. After all, it is not common for a sixth-level embarrassment.

"I'm tired." After finding a random reason, Scott didn't want to stay here any longer, turned around and strode away.

Newcomen's light voice came from behind, "Master Scott, I heard that you are planning to apply for a permanent seat after you go back this time. What a coincidence, I also have this plan."

Stumbling under his feet, Scott held his breath and nearly tripped over the deck.

Stronger strength, epoch-making design, he shined brilliantly at the exchange meeting, the only advantage he has in comparison between the two is his age, but this little advantage is not enough to even out the gap between the two sides.

The future is already foreseeable, and there is no hope for him in that position.

At this moment, Scott realized what it meant to be crushed.

"Calm down, Scott!" Barry encouraged with a complicated expression.

"Although you lost, Newcomen may not be able to win." Barry's eyes shone with an inexplicable gleam, "I have a way to make Newcomen suffer a lot!"

On the other hand, after Scott left, Newcomen instantly received praise and applause from everyone.

The setting sun fell into the sea, and the lively night had just begun.

Sigmund leaned on the railing and took out a pen and paper, and contacted Ashley who was far away in Abetus.

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