The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 271 The Glory of Sigmund

Facts have proved that Sigmund is indeed overthinking, not to mention the promotion to the eighth level, even after the sixth level, every small step forward is very difficult.

The design drawings of the internal combustion engine he handed over to Newcomen were just the simplest kind, but in the eyes of Appleyard and others, the most important thing was the concept, and the internal combustion engine undoubtedly opened up a new world for them.

With the endorsement of Appleyard and the four judges who gave a contribution value of 10 at the same time, Newcomen won the final victory without any dispute.

Although he didn't see the specific design, Milosh's vision is still there. Through the explanations of Appleyard and others, he understands that this kind of machine is more advanced than the steam engine, or can completely replace the position of the steam engine. A new era.

There is no fluke in Newcomen's success, and this period of competition between him and Newcomen will be remembered forever, but this time he has been reduced to a background board and a stepping stone.

Sweeping his gaze off the field, he noticed Scott and Barry's dodging gazes. The two stood up in a panic, intending to leave the scene, but at this moment, Newcomen stood up and blocked their way.


"What are you going to do?" Scott stepped back half a step vigilantly, but Newcomen smiled and extended his right hand friendly.

"I came here specifically to thank you. Without you, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to challenge Mr. Milosh for promotion."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Scott's face froze, and there were discussions around him.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Newcomen is thanking Scott."

"If you hadn't encouraged Mr. Milosh to withdraw his abdication application, and used this method to defeat my wish to be promoted to the five permanent members through replacement, I'm afraid I haven't had the chance to challenge him yet."

"From this perspective, shouldn't I thank you?"

"This is slander!" Scott growled.

"But you said these words to me yourself." Newcomen turned his head and glanced at Milosh. The latter's face was ashen. Some ins and outs can also be guessed from the reaction.

"Is that true?"

"It's really strange, everything is too coincidental."

All kinds of discussions came to his ears, and the blood vessels on his forehead were beating. Scott lowered his head, not daring to look at anyone, and fled away in a desperate manner with Barry.

At this time, Newcomen became the focus of everyone in the field. He stood on the high platform and calmed down his excitement, "There is something I must tell you today. The three designs you saw, the original The drawings are all from this student of mine."

As he spoke, he pulled the stunned Sigmund to his side.

"He is a true mechanical genius. Purely in the exploration of mechanical theory, I don't think anyone..." He turned his head and looked to the other side of the high platform.

"Including our dean, Mr. Appleyard, no one is better than him."

"Teacher..." Sigmund tugged at Newcomen's sleeve.

In private, Newcomen has repeatedly expressed his desire to return the honor that belonged to Sigmund to him, but Sigmund refused.

At least in the field of creating contracts, he is just a little-known little guy, and his sudden appearance will definitely arouse everyone's doubts. Besides, good resources must be concentrated and developed. Putting these honors on him will only attract people. Some envy and talk.

But if it is given to Newcomen, it will allow Newcomen to gain great reputation and status in a short period of time. Because of Louis, Sigmund has always been worried about the future.

Improving Newcomen's status and enhancing one's own invisible power is a good thing no matter from which point of view.

And as long as he is promoted step by step and his strength improves, he will naturally get corresponding benefits through Duke Dressel.

But what he didn't expect was that Newcomen would take the initiative to disclose all this in this special environment.

"Listen to me, kid." Newcomen seemed to know what Sigmund was going to say, and he interrupted Sigmund sincerely.

"I am eager to succeed, and I also like everyone's praise and applause, but this does not mean that I want to take your honor and credit, even if I announce all this today, I will lose my current victory and honor."

"But I should let everyone know you, let them know your talent, and let them know your exploration in the mechanical field."

"In fact, there shouldn't be so-called mechanical schools and psionic schools. I used to be narrow-minded. It was your talent that made me realize my mistakes."

"Mechanical and spiritual energy complement each other and develop together."

"And today, on this most important occasion, under the witness of the most powerful creation contractors in the Kingdom of Elam, you use your exploration in the mechanical field and use three great creations to show everyone Proof of the importance of mechanical research!"

"This is more important than anything else!"

"This is your applause, this is your glory, and what I have done in this process is insignificant."

Newcomen raised his head, and his eyes were calmly facing everyone in the field. The entire conference hall was silent, and people seriously looked at the young man beside Newcomen.

The steam engine, the telephone, the internal combustion engine...

All of this turned out to be created by this young man.

"You probably don't know clearly." Newcomen continued, "Although Henryk is my student, he is not a creator of the contract, he is a hunter."

"Also a student of Duke Dressel!"

"What? He's not the creator of the contract?!"

"Demon hunter, is the Duke's student?!"

This news was far more explosive than the one just now, and all the creation contractors present felt absurd. The three great creations came from the design of a hunter.

A hunter's exploration in the mechanical field can open up a new way to create contractors. What else can demonstrate the importance of mechanical theory more than this?

From today onwards, no one dares to underestimate the School of Mechanics. This is not a disagreement between theory and path, and saying similar things will only make people feel ignorant.

Clap clap!

Crisp applause sounded.

Appleyard walked to the stage, "It is indeed time for a change. In the past, I also realized the importance of mechanical theory, but in the choice of the road, I dare not take a wrong step, because my words and deeds will affect me." It affects a lot of people."

"But today, Newcomen and his student Henrik have demonstrated that mechanistic theory is as important as the study of psionics and is an integral part of our creation of the Contractor."

"From today onwards, there is no longer a school of mechanical and spiritual power."

"Gentlemen, many years from now, if you have the opportunity to look back on this day, you will be honored, because we are here to witness history."

"Witness the arrival of a new era!"

He turned around, smiled and stretched out his right hand to Newcomen, "You are welcome to join, Commissioner Newcomen!"

Slightly taken aback, after understanding the meaning of Apulia's words, Newcomen looked excited, "This is my honor."

Appleyard smiled and looked to the other side, "Henrik, are you interested in studying with me for a while?"

"If I had known you had such a talent, even if I had risked getting troubled by Dressel, I would have pulled you into the camp of the creators of the contract."

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