The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 299 Manipulating the Abyss Lord

"Instinct of a superior?"

Sigmund opened his eyes, and he retracted his open left hand. The big tree in front of him became corrupt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned into dust and collapsed.

Lowering his head, a swirl-like mark appeared on the palm of his hand, and the three instincts merged, but Sigmund didn't feel any increase in power. Just like Louis said, this thing is more like a brand and recognition of identity .

According to modern understanding, it represents some kind of authority.

And through Louis's explanation, he also connected everything in series.

The fall of the superior, the body cracked and cracked, and after consuming most of the strength, the flesh and blood fell into the sea, and the head landed on the island.

But even if the spirit is dead, the remaining instinct is not allowed by this world. In this case, the instinct is divided into three parts. Fortunately, the part obtained by Sigmund is the purest and most harmless.

The part left in the head was transferred under Barbro's gaze. After nearly 20 years of gestation, it was finally regained by Sigmund, completing the part that remained in the big tree. Sigmund It was only then that the three instincts were successfully collected.

At this time, he raised his head and saw an abnormal airflow somewhere above the island. With a move in his heart, Sigmund stepped on the cyclone to meet it.

After approaching, he was automatically drawn into the airflow, and his body relaxed. Squeezing and pushing, Sigmund's body broke through the invisible barrier, and then he found that he had left the island.

Below the body is the huge body of the giant whale, surrounded by pitch-black waters. The whale uttered a cry, as if it really had life and had recognized the specialness of Sigmund.

The imprint on the palm shimmered, and Sigmund floated in mid-air, the jet-black sea water rushed forward, and then went straight up at the end of his sight.

He knew that he was at the bottom of the abyss right now, so what existed here...

Turning around slowly, his eyes were obviously closed, but Sigmund felt that he seemed to "see" something. At this moment, he really understood what is indescribable.

In the darkness, a mass of things wrapped his whole body, and the thread-shaped imprint radiated light. Sigmund didn't feel any oppression, but instead had a special sense of familiarity.

"The instinct of thinking, so for me, this is my body..." Thinking in his heart, he felt that his thinking seemed to be separated from the current body, and then centered on this abyss, it continued to expand and expand.

Until it spreads throughout the sea of ​​chaos.

He saw five legendary warships and the battle of Vincent and others. The pride on De Moro's face turned over like a sea monster at this moment, and the entire chaotic sea seemed to have changed.

"What's going on?" Everyone in the battle noticed something unusual.

The divergent thoughts quickly recovered, and when all the thoughts returned to the body in the abyss, he found a trace of abnormality connected with this body.

It feels like someone is stealing the power of this body through some special means, and becomes a parasite attached to this body.

Following this connection, Sigmund restored all this through the instinct of the body.

Many years ago, the Sea of ​​Chaos was just a relatively dangerous sea area, but generally speaking, the more dangerous the place, the richer the resources, so there is no shortage of treasure hunters and adventurers here.

Until that day, the broken corpses fell in this sea area.

Most of the power from the corpse dissipated, and the interference of the two forces distorted the surrounding environment. Whether it was an extraordinary person, an ordinary person or a sea creature living here, all of them mutated in a short period of time.

At this time, the only remaining corpses penetrated the seabed, forming an abyss.

In the following period of time, the power in the corpse was recognized by the world, and a weak balance was formed between the two parties.

But whenever this force wants to condense its own will, it will be ruthlessly crushed.

Until one day, an extraordinary person discovered the secret in the abyss. With the help of the power in the abyss, he grew from an ordinary extraordinary person to the sixth level in a short period of time.

After spending some more time, he broke through a level that no one in the Deep Sea Contract had ever reached.

The seventh-level abyss lord, as the first seventh-level of the deep sea contract, he thinks he is qualified to be named for this.

But just when this man was about to leave here and wipe out the entire ocean, he found that he completely lost the qualification to leave here.

At this time, he was already part of the abyss.

After painful despair, he began to look for any way to get out of here, cultivate his agents, and collect all kinds of weird ritual secrets.

Until one day, he saw a power similar to his own on a blue ship that strayed into the chaotic sea by mistake. At this moment, he rekindled his hope, and thus the Abyss was born.

Slowly, more legendary battleships appeared on the sea, and those powerful captains were imprisoned on their own ships, which made him realize that maybe through these ships, he could leave the abyss.

Even if they can only roam the sea like them, it is enough to build a sea empire by themselves.


There was a flash of clarity in his eyes. Through this special connection, Sigmund understood what happened, concentrated and extended his thinking, and soon saw the figure hidden in the darkness near the bottom of the sea.

Abyss Lord.

The seventh rank, representing the top combat power of a country, is as powerful as the Kingdom of Elam, and there are only two seventh ranks in the two pillars of the empire.

With the help of the Abyss, a sixth-level Demoro can become the overlord of the southern sea area, and a seventh-level one can indeed sweep the entire ocean.

At this time, Sigmund suddenly had an idea.

For the seventh level in front of him, his power does not come from himself, but from the plundering of the bones of the gods over the long years. In order to survive, even the flesh and blood of his whole body began to alienate.

By virtue of their connection to each other...

Relying on the instinct of the superior, I can control this body under the abyss without hindrance, so does this mean...

Thinking of this, Sigmund immediately became excited. He concentrated his attention, tried his best to perceive, and constantly strengthened his control over this body.

Then, following the connection with each other, they suddenly invaded the body of the abyss lord!

In the next second, his eyelids trembled, and Sigmund opened his eyes violently.

There is no indescribable body, no black water like ink, he found himself in an open cave, the cave is full of all kinds of treasures.


"It turned out to be a success!"

He laughed out loud, and for a moment he couldn't control his strength, and the terrible spiritual power crushed the table beside him.

"A seventh level can do too many things." Sigmund stood up and got used to the perspective at this time after a little familiarization. Although he didn't compare, he could feel that the abyss lord was much taller than himself.

But just when Sigmund was about to find a mirror to take a good look, a low and frightened voice came from his mind.

"Who are you? What did you do to my body?!"

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