
Demoro fell on the deck carrying anger and strength, his right hand shook, and a pitch-black trident appeared out of thin air. As soon as they fought, he activated his strongest strength.

A terrifying aura swept across, and other people around stepped back to avoid his sharp edge.

"Father..." Bo Luo pulled Vincent carefully, and turned his head stiffly, Vincent's pale face came into Bo Luo's eyes.

"I did something wrong." He was full of remorse, "I should have taken the initiative to stop the three of them just now." He sighed softly, "Maybe it is because the three of them understand my character, so That’s what makes that request.”

"They may have guessed that I would stand by."

The splashed sawdust rubbed scars on his face, but at this moment, Vincent's heart was cold, and he didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment at all.

"But why, what happened during the time when Henrik disappeared? Why did he come back with De Moluo, but De Moluo showed an extremely obedient attitude towards him?"

"Henrik's fighting strength is very strong, and his abilities are also very weird, but his spiritual power fluctuations are only at the fifth level at most, so he shouldn't be an opponent of Demoro alone." Vincent frowned, A heart is completely messed up.

But at this time, on the other ship, the expressions on the faces of the ghost captains, Victor, were not much better. There was a terrible collision sound, and De Molo vented his anger unscrupulously.

1 vs. 3, but firmly suppressed the three people on the opposite side.

"Captain, what should we do now? Are we just watching?" asked the first officer beside him.

"What if you don't watch? Are you going to fight? Which side are you going to help?" Victor asked angrily.

"What about the captives?"

Turning his head and looking at the many extraordinary beings imprisoned, Victor's face showed a trace of rejoicing. Who would have thought that after turning around, Demoro would become "one of his own".

Fortunately, he was a little more thoughtful just now and didn't kill the killer.

"Just wait and see, it should end soon."

Things were indeed as Victor had guessed. One-eyed Jack and the three had their own thoughts, but De Moro became more and more courageous, and even felt a little gratitude to Sigmund deep in his heart.

The failure of the previous battle was not his fault, but he also suffered some humiliation in the process, and at the same time indirectly caused the abyss lord he respected to be punished.

At this time, when he had the opportunity to eliminate the three people who insulted him the most, De Moluo suddenly felt extremely comfortable and excited, and his attacks became more violent, and soon the three of them were defeated.

Seizing the opportunity, One-Eyed Jack suddenly tore off the blindfold on his face, and there was a dark eyeball in the sunken eye socket.

【Eye of Darkness】

The black eyeballs burst, and then two identical Jacks appeared out of nowhere, "Fight him!" One-eyed Jack roared loudly.

The two Jacks created by extraordinary props actually had the same attack power as the main body, and the other two were shocked, but at this moment, Sigmund, who was standing at the bow of the ship, suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

"Cunning thing, still want to run?" He snorted coldly.


There was a scream in the air, and the one-eyed Jack appeared out of thin air. He had no time to make any moves. The blood vessels on his forehead exploded, clusters of bristles emerged on the surface of his skin, his body twisted and swelled, and he was on the verge of losing control.

"What did you do to me?!" he yelled at Sigmund.

"It's fair to just let you go back to your original form, isn't it?" Sigmund replied blankly.

"No! Please don't do this, help me, Mr. Henrik!"

He frantically scratched at himself, and large pieces of skin and flesh were torn off. At this moment, his only remaining eye suddenly swelled, eating away at the surrounding skin and bones as if it had life.

"I don't want to become a monster! Save me..."

Faced with Jack's cry, Sigmund was unmoved, and just like that, accompanied by a scalp-numbing scream, Jack's one-eyed eye ate his entire head, then his neck, and his body.

When everything subsided, there was only one floating eyeball with a diameter of more than one meter in midair.


In the distance, a large number of thunder guns passed by, and the one-eyed eye was punctured, gurgling, and a stream of mucus splashed out. The eyeball finally couldn't bear the internal and external impact and burst completely.

At this moment, he noticed what happened in the distance, the rock and Lightning Xiao En collapsed in the battle, and died under Demoro's trident without any accident.

After solving the three miscellaneous fish, Sigmund had time to deal with other things.

The God of War rose slowly, and then he opened his hands, and the other three legendary warships moved forward spontaneously to surround the God of War.

Their own legendary warships suddenly started, and both Bartoli and Victor's expressions changed slightly. They both realized that Henrik must have obtained the core secret of Chaos Sea and controlled all the legendary warships.

"From now on, these ships belong to me."

Sigmund was condescending, and he glanced at Victor, "Release all the captives on the Abyss and the Deep Diver."

Victor didn't hesitate at all. With De Moro standing on the side, coupled with the fate of the three rebels just now, this made him unable to give birth to any resistance.

The captives were released one after another and returned to their respective ships.

"Victor, I'll give you two choices." Sigmund fell to the deck.

"Captain Henryk, tell me."

"Serve me for 5 years, you can leave the Ghost as a normal person and get a lot of money at the same time, but at the same time you will lose all the power you got on the Ghost."

"Are there any other options?" Victor smiled wryly.

"Serve me for 10 years, retain the current strength, and leave as a normal person."

"I choose the second option!" Victor said without hesitation.

"Very good." Sigmund nodded in satisfaction.

"This is a little reward for you." As he spoke, he stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped on Victor's forehead.

A little ray of light bloomed, and when he came back to his senses, Victor found that the crown on his head had become as bright as new at some point, and he was mentally relaxed. Before he could continue to check, he heard the first officer Excited roar.

"Captain, do you feel the sea breeze! The sea breeze is full of moisture and smell!"

Victor was taken aback for a moment, he took a deep breath, moist breath poured into his nostrils, a coolness came from the corner of his eyes, and when he reached out his hand, he saw the transparent liquid condensed on his fingertips.

"Tears, these are my tears!!" Victor let out a howl of excitement, regaining the touch of his body made his scalp tingle and his whole body tremble.

"Captain Henryk, how did you do it?!" He threw himself on the ground excitedly.

"From today on, your will is my goal, and you are the sun in my heart!"

"You should go explore with Solal about the sun." Sigmund's eyes twitched, and then he came to another ship.

Bloody Earl.

When boarding the ship, he deliberately took Robert who was about to move.

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