The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 311 Dogs Are Better Than You

"Marek?!" Paka roared, and punched Marek on the shoulder.


The bones were dislocated, and there was a crisp sound, and Marek's thin body flew a distance of eight or nine meters, and landed on the deck.

"You..." Paka withdrew his fist, he didn't expect that Marek didn't make any defense in the face of his attack.

"Your strength has improved a lot." Marek gritted his teeth, "I remember when we performed missions together before, you just entered the fifth level, and you were not mentally stable at that time."

"This is the headquarters of the Navy. You can't do whatever you want like you did in the demon hunter team." Paka said with a gloomy face.

"There is one thing you got wrong." Marek sneered, "The team of demon hunters seems to be scattered, but each of us has our own rules, and you here really can do whatever you want."

He turned his head and spat blood-stained saliva on the deck, "Don't think I'm an idiot, would a noble young master be so proficient in becoming a pirate under duress?"

"Half a month ago, if I remember correctly, one of your lieutenants released a similar noble young master, but what happened?" Marek sneered.

"Seven days later, he was hacked to death on the deck by a pirate who looked exactly like that noble young master." He looked up at Paka.

"I'm more afraid of death, so since I know he won't be hanged, I can only do it myself." After speaking, he took out his pistol again.

bang bang bang.

One by one, he shot and killed all the pirates in front of him mercilessly.

"You bastard, I shouldn't have let you come here, hurry up, take off your clothes, and get away from me!" Lieutenant General Paka reprimanded sharply.

Seeing his attitude, Marek smiled. He knew that Paka was protecting him by letting him leave at this time. Killing a few pirate prisoners was not a problem, but if there were generals among them, then the problem nature is different.

"What's going on?!" At this time, a middle-aged fat man with a full face came to the deck at an extremely fast speed.

"Paca, Admiral Garcia asked you...huh?" The fat man suddenly closed his mouth in the middle of speaking, and he saw the corpses lying on the deck.

"Dead?! Who killed it?!" Fatty asked sharply.

"I don't know what's going on. The rope doesn't seem to be tied. These bad guys want to attack me, but they obviously forgot that I have a gun in my hand." Marek said with a smile.

The fat man stared wide-eyed, looking at the neatly bundled corpses on the ground, with an expression on his face that you were teasing me.

"Sorry, I was negligent." While speaking, Marek bent down, and quickly pulled away the ropes tied to all the corpses.

"Now there is no problem."

"Do you think there is something wrong with my eyes and I can't see what you are doing?" The fat man felt the blood vessels on his forehead beating wildly.

"Oh, so your eyes are fine!" Marek exaggeratedly screamed, "Then can't you see that they have problems?" When he said the last sentence, his face changed, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

He took off the hat on his head, pulled off the collar, leaving only the linen shirt and red shorts inside, "I'll give you the clothes, I'm done."

"As the kingdom's western navy, there is no way to take a group of pirates. It seems that pirates are a great profession. If this is the case, then I will give it a try. Maybe when I become the most powerful pirate king here, I can take the pirates by the way. The pirates on the opposite side have been wiped clean."

"Marek, what are you going to do?" The middle-aged fat man's eyes became vigilant.

"It's nothing. Since the navy on the opposite side can pretend to be a pirate, then of course I can too. I don't need your cooperation, but at least I can rush in and have a good time." He looked annoyed.

"Instead of just watching the pirates on the opposite side retreat into the defense of the Akkad Navy like now."

"Things are not that simple." The middle-aged fat man stepped onto the deck, "I won't allow you to do that. Do you know how much we have paid to maintain the balance with Akkad all these years?"

"Admiral Garcia has ordered that no one can take the initiative to provoke a conflict with Akkad officials. Do you want to provoke a war?" He asked.

"Then let them collude with pirates, and even go down to rob our merchant ships and slaughter our people?!"

"This is the price for maintaining peace, and no one can destroy it!" The voice of the middle-aged man became low, "You have already appeared here, and you will definitely be discovered by them disguised as a pirate. Impulsivity undermines the situation we've worked so hard to maintain."

"You can't leave here and go back with us. I will personally report this matter to the admiral. Admiral Garcia will contact Duke Dressel, and someone will pick you up in person."

"I can't let you leave like this!"

"What if I have to go?" Marek said nonchalantly.

"Paka and I are both rank 5, you can try it, don't forget, even if it is a temporary transfer, you still have the status of a naval officer, disobeying orders, even the Lord Duke can't stop the current sanctions imposed on you by the admiral! "

"Okay, okay." Marek shrugged, "I'll go with you, but even if I face Admiral Garcia, I'll tell him that his management of the western coast of Elam is like shit."

"If I were the marshal, I would lead a dog and sit in the position of General Garcia." Marek sneered, "At least a dog can bark twice when someone snatches its bones."

"But you, you can only lick shit."

"Damn peace, you are only defending the interests of the nobles, it really sucks."

"Take them down." Paka ordered.

Marek is not an ordinary demon hunter, so naturally he can't deal with it at will. They have also made many applications before, wanting to transfer this guy out.

Even Admiral Garcia personally communicated with Duke Dressel about this matter, but in the end... the Duke seemed to keep him here on purpose.

Not long after Marek and Juana were taken away by the law enforcement team of the Navy Headquarters, Duke Dressel received news about Marek in the ducal mansion of Abetus.

"Do you need to send someone to take him away?" Princess Charlotte asked.

"No, let him stay there for a few days, and I will let Sigmon take him away in person." The Duke said casually.

"Sigmon?!" Charlotte exclaimed, "He came out of the chaotic sea, when? How did it turn out, was he injured?"

"He was not injured, the task was should I put it?" The Duke looked confused, "He didn't talk about the specific process, he said he would tell me in person when he came back."

"Also, he mentioned one thing," the Duke emphasized.

"Sigmon told me that he wants to unify the southern seas and become the Pirate King."

Charlotte: (°Δ°`).

"Where is he now and when will he be back?" Charlotte asked curiously.

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