The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 331 You Are Unworthy (3000)

"Performance, what performance?" Thomas' face was stiff.

"You'll know in a while." Sigmund smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Henrik, can you let me go out of here, I promise, I won't say a word, please trust me." Thomas struggled, he just wanted to get out of here, away from this man, it was best Return to Abetus at once.

No! Abetus is not safe anymore. I will leave Elam and go north, to Baghtia or Dore.

"That can't be done, Mr. Thomas, a grand performance needs an audience." Sigmund shook his head, "Don't worry, I will guarantee your safety throughout the whole process, and to be honest, some people may never have such an opportunity in their lives, you are really a lucky boy!"

"Notify Bartoli, let her come here to pull on this ship, and you can continue with the mission." Sigmund ordered loudly in the direction of the Deep Diver.

The other side gave a response, and soon the ferocious shuttle-shaped battleship slowly sank and disappeared below the sea level. Not long after, another blood-red battleship sailed out of the mist.

Like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, Thomas watched helplessly as something like vascular tentacles protruded from the blood-red battleship, wrapped his Hurricane and hung it on the stern.

At this time, Sigmund had already come to other ships through the connection between the five battleships. This was the hidden ability he obtained after controlling all the legendary battleships.

You can use any ship to come to the other 4 legendary warships.

Seeing Sigmund leave, Thomas collapsed onto the deck.

"Sir, Mr. Thomas?" The voice of the captain of the Hurricane came in my ear, "I know these two ships, they are legendary warships wandering the sea, the Deep Diver and the Bloody Earl, look at the progress of this ship The direction seems to be exactly the same as our destination."

"What?!" After hearing what the captain said, Thomas jumped up from the deck.

"You mean that the place they are going to is the earl..."

"That's right." The captain nodded.

"It's over! I can't fully explain it!" Thomas could already imagine the terrible consequences. Before leaving, his uncle, Admiral Garcia, had contacted the earl through special channels.

He specifically emphasized that the Hurricane went to negotiate with friendship and sincerity, but now?

"No, I have to find a way to notify Uncle!" Turning around and shouting at the captain of the Hurricane: "Quick! Take me to the captain's cabin, I want to contact Admiral Garcia!"

But at this moment, the Hurricane suddenly shook violently, and then the dense fog in front of him dissipated, and the sound of explosions and fighting rushed into his ears. Thomas quickly climbed to a high place and looked around. A heart sank to the bottom.

He had visited this place not long ago. Although it was only a medium-sized naval base, it could also be described as impenetrable. Thomas was deeply impressed by the orderly warships docked at the port.

But now...he only saw a mess.

Boom boom boom!

There was a dull cannon sound from the sky. Looking up against the light, a blue sailboat was looming in the clouds. Every salvo of artillery fire was accompanied by the collapse of large areas of the naval base.

The strong fortress has become a fixed target, and the artillery hidden behind the wall has no way to take down the weird battleship in the sky.

"It's the Flyer! Another legendary battleship!" The captain of the Hurricane yelled strangely. "What the hell, why did these terrifying legendary pirates get together?"

In private communication, they used to refer to pirates with legendary warships as legendary pirates.

At this moment, at the place where the fortress of the naval base was, a figure stepped on the cyclone and rushed towards the Flyer in the sky.

But his body had only crossed less than half of the distance, and suddenly he put his hands on his hair and let out a scream, as if he had suffered an inexplicable mental shock.

The Akkad Vice Admiral's body lost his balance, and he fell down suddenly. At this moment, a stream of light flashed, and the black trident appeared like lightning, piercing the extraordinary man's chest. Then the momentum continued, and his body was nailed to the fortress of the naval base!

Just a few breaths, and with precise coordination, a level 5 transcendent died silently like this.


Looking around, Thomas was apprehensive for a while, and the rumble was heard endlessly. A medium-sized naval base was beaten and had no power to fight back. After a long time, when the gunpowder smoke cleared, only ruins were left in front of him.

Even with the support of the Oracle Church, the establishment of a naval base does not happen overnight. It is foreseeable that in a long period of time, this place will become a hotbed of chaos.

At this moment, Thomas heard a familiar voice from the big scarlet ship ahead, "Next!"

"Next?" Thomas quickly understood the meaning of this sentence. Only then did he realize that the man was not just talking casually, but really had the strength to face the Akkad Navy head-on.

He didn't stop after flattening a base, his goal was the second and third.

"No, I have to tell uncle everything that happened here!" Thinking of this, he climbed down from the height and rushed into the captain's cabin.

It didn't take long for what happened here to reach the ears of Admiral Garcia who was far away at the Navy Headquarters.


Admiral Garcia's beloved yew desk was kicked into pieces by him, "Madman! How did Duke Dressel send a lunatic here?!"

"How could he think of colluding with the legendary pirates in the southern seas?" Admiral Garcia was still puzzled, stomping his feet frantically, smashing the broken table into pieces.

"Those pirates are all greedy guys. After getting a little benefit, they will flee in all directions. No one will choose to go head-to-head with Akkad's main naval force."

"General, judging from the current situation, this should be a good thing, right?" Lieutenant General Paka asked from the side, "Akkad's naval base has been destroyed. In order not to affect the balance of the overall defense, they will definitely draw fire. Lost part of the strength to replenish."

"In this way, the part of the navy that pretended to be pirates must return to its original post. After a period of time, it will return to its previous normal state. Without the precise interception of the group of pretenders, the routes between the two countries will also be closed. It will return to normal." He offered his opinion.

"Things are not that simple. Those pirates are untrustworthy. Can Henrik stop everyone? Once the matter is revealed, it is very likely to provoke a war between the two countries!"

"More importantly, when the Akkad naval base was attacked, our Hurricane also appeared there and watched the whole process from beginning to end. How can I explain this to the Earl?!"

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps, and then the door was opened from the outside, "General, the communication from the west is the Earl. In addition, we also got news that we set off to Akkad's merchant ships all suffered losses to varying degrees."

"I think it won't be long before the nobles in Akkad will get the news. By then..."

"I'll deal with it now." Admiral Garcia waved his hand, then turned to look at Lieutenant General Paka, "The group of pirates attacked from south to north, you should go immediately to check the specific news, if possible Try to get Thomas back."

"Remember, if you find Thomas, you can only act secretly. Our warships are absolutely not allowed to enter the waters of Akkad." Garcia finally warned.

Lieutenant General Paka also understood the seriousness of the matter, and left the military port while driving a warship with superhuman capabilities. This supernatural warship encountered very little resistance when advancing in the water, but even so, when they came to the Elam sea area It has been a long time since the border line.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Paka discovered that several warships with Akkad decorations were heading towards him.

"Wave the flag!" Lieutenant General Paka issued an order, and the other side quickly responded.

"It's Akkad's navy. They have been attacked and hope to enter our waters to avoid the attack. Lieutenant General, what should we do?" asked a crew member.

"It's strange. They say they are Akkad's navy, but there is no obvious mark on the ship. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a pirate ship modified from a warship." Someone noticed something unusual.

Lieutenant General Paka picked up the binoculars, he observed carefully, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

Of the three warships coming from the opposite side, he was deeply impressed by the face standing on the bow of the leading one.

It was an Akkadian officer disguised as a pirate, and he was a nobleman himself. Not long ago, one of his navy captured this nobleman, but later because of the exchange request made by the earl, this man disguised as a The pirate nobles were set free.

He swaggered away from Elan and returned to Akkad.

The matter didn't end here. The nobleman felt ashamed because he was captured. In the following days, he wandered around, looking for the Elan navy who captured him.

Finally, he found the opportunity.

He personally killed the Elam Navy man, and hung his body on the bow of the ship for 10 days in the sun!

Because of the compromise of Lieutenant General Paka and others, a conscientious Elan navy died in the hands of "pirates" who were captured by him and released by his superiors.

That's why Marek didn't hesitate to shoot them when he knew that Lieutenant General Paka was about to release the pirates he had captured.

The compromise and retreat of Admiral Garcia and others have exceeded the limit of Marek's tolerance.

"General, they are here, and they are about to enter our waters!" Someone shouted.

Lieutenant General Paka clenched his fists, and faces appeared in front of his eyes, including the ravaged navy, the forbearing eyes of his soldiers, and Marek's angry roar.

"It sucks!"

"Even a dog is stronger than you!"

But in the end all the pictures disappeared, leaving only the cold eyes of Admiral Garcia.

"Be careful and let them come over."

After saying this, the distance between the two sides has been drawn very close, and he saw the excited face on the bow.

But at this moment, the clouds in the sky swirled, and the three Akkad warships were submerged by angry artillery fire. Marek stood at the bow of the ship, and his sarcasm glanced at Lieutenant General Paka.

"Just you, are you also worthy of being called the Elam Navy?"


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