The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 335 Let’s Fight (3000)

After finishing the communication, Sigmund put away the conch, turned his head and saw Marek with a gossiping face.

"You and our princess of the kingdom..."

"We are pure, didn't you hear that just now?" Sigmund said angrily.

"Based on what I know about that princess, she can take the initiative to care about someone, tsk tsk, this is already a remarkable improvement. Over the years, you are definitely the one who has the most hope of capturing her body and mind."

"I don't want to do anything, don't talk nonsense."

"You haven't thought about it?" Marek snorted coldly, "Duplicity, your hypocritical face really makes me sick."

"But I'm really not joking. I've known Charlotte for some years. She is the princess of the Kingdom of Elam. You know, in the Kingdom of Elam, she is the noble girl with the least number of suitors."

"It can be said that there are almost none."

"No one pursued her? Or were they all driven away by her?" Sigmund joked.

"It's not." Marek shook his head with a serious face, "It's just that the vast majority of suitors think they are not good enough for her."

"She has publicly stated on many occasions that she will never get married, but will spend her entire life building Elan. I remember it was about four or five years ago, when she was only 16 years old. At the noble reception."

"She was asked this question again. The questioner was Norius, Bishop of Guanghui. He asked a very sharp question. A princess who does not want to marry wants to dedicate her life to this country. Norius Si asked half-jokingly, Princess Charlotte, are you planning to be the first queen of Elam?"

"What did she say?" Sigmund asked after being successfully aroused.

With the development of productivity in this world, the status of women has also been greatly improved, but the queen, especially the first queen of a country, is still a taboo issue.

What is especially important is that Charlotte is only the eldest daughter, not King Fred's only child, and his younger brother is the legitimate heir to the kingdom.

Asking this sentence in the identity of Norius is no longer a sharp or not sharp thing, but an obvious provocation.

"She didn't answer this question, but talked about the marriage that has been discussed all the time. At that time, 16-year-old Charlotte inevitably became the target of many people, but there was no one in Elland who could make her favor ’” Marek continued.

"After Charlotte rejected a large number of suitors in a row, some outsiders have begun to speculate about her sexual orientation and discuss her plan to become queen, so on the occasion at that time, after Norius raised that question, Xia Lott's answer attracted the attention of everyone present."

"I still remember that scene." Marek was lost in memory.

A 16-year-old girl, facing the sixth-level Guanghui Bishop, replied neither humble nor overbearing:

"I know what you want to ask, and now I can tell you why I rejected all suitors, because I have only one criterion for choosing a mate, that is, my man will help me establish the Oracle Church in Elam Destroy all the churches one by one, let you and those guys behind you get out of my country!"

"Besides, if I have to marry, I would only marry this country."

Marek sighed, "16 years old, when I said these words, those noble young masters who had pursued Charlotte quickly drew a clear line with her, for fear of being labeled as rebelling against the Oracle Church. hat of."

"A bunch of cowards," Sigmund said.

"But since then, there have been no suitors around Charlotte. Most people dare not, but a small number of people who want to rebel against the church think they are unworthy."

"Until now, Charlotte has become an exception among noble girls." Marek finally said, "So, you should know how special you are now, right?"

"It's really a grand ambition, and she is an admirable woman." Even as a princess, she needs to bear a lot of pressure to openly say that to a bishop.

"I don't have any thoughts about our princess. Don't talk nonsense. I really don't know why the Duke would do this all of a sudden. Could it be that he wants to match us?" While the two were chatting, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in, Demoro." These legendary warships are like a part of Sigmund's body.

"Mr. Henrik, the matter you asked me to pay attention to has come to an end." De Moro walked into the room respectfully, and then took out an ancient scroll.

Sigmund unfolded the scroll, mobilized the spiritual power in his body, stretched out his hand and pressed it, his eyes were in a trance, and then his perspective changed, "It seems that putting Thomas back was the right decision, he found Garcia right away Will."

"De Moluo, tell everyone to set sail and move forward as planned. Next, let's touch the main force of the Akkad Navy!"

"Of order, Mr. Henryk." De Moro said in a deep voice, and then left the room.

"How on earth did you manage to make a Tier 6 obey you? No, not only that, I can tell that this guy respects you very much..." Marek frowned and thought for a while .

"No, his respect is completely different from that of Solal. It hides more fear. He is very afraid of you!" Marek said with affirmation.

"Don't guess, you can't guess." Sigmund was unwilling to explain, and handed the scroll to Marek, "Look, our admiral is not really useless. It is still very experienced in making judgments and combat plans.”

"They discussed and guessed the possible next course of action of the Akkad Navy, which is of great reference value. Those guys are much more difficult than we imagined. The only thing he misjudged us about was that he underestimated our cohesion. "

"Can they really mobilize two 6th-level?" Marek also got the conversation of Thomas and others from the scroll, and he asked worriedly.

"The person who knows you best will always be your enemy. Admiral Garcia has been guarding the western waters for more than ten years. If you can even get this information wrong, then Elan's defense line has been defeated by Akkad long ago." West Asia's judgment, Sigmund is quite acceptable.

"We don't have any chance." Marek's expression became serious, "Even if you gather all the pirates together, we have no chance against two 6th-level."

"Akkad's navy is good at cooperating, and the 5th tier who came with the two 6th tiers is not easy to deal with. This is completely different from the scattered one-on-one combat methods of pirates."

"I know." Sigmund also nodded.

Pirates are used to fighting on their own. Facing the chaotic battle of multiple enemies, they will only swarm up like chickens without their heads. Although they also pay attention to the cooperation between various extraordinary professions, compared with the well-trained naval generals, the gap is huge. It's so obvious.

"We still have a chance, we just need a little bit of luck, but we won't know the specific result until after the fight." Sigmund stood up, pushed the door and walked to the deck.

"Let's discuss it and try to highlight the important status of the God of War. In this case, they are likely to choose this non-legendary warship to start with. After all, without the special ability blessing of the legendary warship, it should be easier to deal with." Sig Meng made new adjustments to the plan.

"Are you sure, two 6th-level people will really die." Marek was still skeptical.

"Don't worry, I have a secret weapon from the Duke."

"Okay." Marek took a deep breath, "After all, this plan is just Garcia's guess, if Akkad adopts other combat methods..."

"Then let's fight head-to-head." Sigmund said without hesitation, "This battle is very critical, we must fight, and we must fight them very painfully! Only in this way can we completely solve the Western Conference. sea ​​issues."

"Then let's fight!" Marek also firmly believed.


Akkad Naval Headquarters.

There was silence in the meeting hall, and an old man with white beard and hair was sitting at the head. It was Admiral Akkad, Dominique, a Tier 6 hunter contractor known as the Shark of the East China Sea.


Dominique knocked on the table with his thick knuckles, "Three naval bases have been destroyed, tell me, what should we do next?"

"eye for eye!"

A middle-aged man sitting next to him opened his eyes. The man's face was pale, his eyes were slender, and his dark pupils were constantly splitting and changing, like stars in a state of destruction.

"Raphael, tell me about your plan." Admiral Dominique said.

"I have already found out that the five legendary warships that attacked us were led by Demoro of the Abyss. That guy has been engaged in some activities related to evil gods in the southern waters. There have always been rumors about what he wants to resurrect. thing."

"He is a Tier 6 Stormbringer, and the first officers and captains on the other four legendary battleships are all Tier 5, but these Tier 5s are different from us, and their own power seems to come from the Legendary battleships they control, so they can't leave us. The battleship is too far away."

"So my plan is to divide the battlefield and destroy them one by one!"

"Tell me carefully." Admiral Dominique nodded, and following Rafael's narration, other generals in the room also showed a hint of agreement.

"Whether it's an encounter at sea or a large-scale warship collision, those legendary warships with special abilities are very dangerous. The extraordinary warships we control are difficult to compete with them, so...we must intercept them in advance."

"Send most of the lieutenant generals to contain the opponent's strength, and then use the two sixth-level as the main force to break them one by one. After forming an advantage, finally kill that Demoro." Affier concluded.

"Admiral Rafael, there is another question. You and Admiral Dominique are the only two sixth ranks in the Navy Headquarters. If you act together, then here..." Someone raised some concerns.

"I have a solution to this problem!" At this moment, the wooden door of the conference hall was pushed open, and then a strong and fat old man appeared in front of everyone.

"Lord Bell?"

"I am willing to help!" As soon as the old man finished speaking, a figure shining with silver light appeared beside him.

"This is Bishop Chris from the Silver Light Church, a sixth-level silver soul messenger!"

There will be another chapter to be updated later, thank you, Mr. Yujing, for your reward! This is not the first time I have given a reward, thank you very much. In addition, let me tell you that the discomfort has been changed to the third shift, but sometimes the writing is smooth, and it happens to be stuck at the node of 3,000 words, but the overall number of words per day is still 8,000 words, which is equivalent to 4 chapters.

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