The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 362 Different Space World Reincarnation

"That's about it."

Sigmund relayed the news he had received from Montana to Duke Dressel.

"Teacher, do you know where the place Montana mentioned is?"

"It should be a separate space of alienation. They put the entrance to that place in the Cathedral of Glory." The Duke replied, as if seeing Sigmund's confusion, he continued to explain:

"There are rumors that our world is not the original world. Before that, many other worlds were born. Just like the cycle of life, the world is also the same, but every old world is destroyed and a new world is born."

"There will always be some fragments left, and these fragments of the old world are hidden in the cracks of the new world, so after one after another reincarnation, in our current world, we will occasionally find the entrance to the old world."

"This kind of entrance is not fixed, you can understand it as a kind of permission, you can enter and exit it with a specific permission, but generally speaking, the rules of the old world and the new world will conflict, many times, even if we find It doesn’t make much practical sense to leave a similar space.”

"But there are always exceptions. There will be some special fragments, which come from the old world, but some of the internal rules are integrated with the new world. Using this difference, we can even easily make some fragments in the real world. Seems like an incredible thing!"

"Extraordinary items and forbidden items!" Sigmund blurted out suddenly.

"Some people also think so." Duke Dressel nodded, "In their ideas, the so-called supernatural items and taboo items are just small objects that have been broken from the fragments of the old world, and then they contain The collision of the extraordinary characteristics and reality finally formed the props and taboos we saw."

"Of course, some people think it's an invasion from the void."

"Both theories have supporters and some evidence can be found, but so far there is no conclusive evidence to overthrow the other guess."

"The world of reincarnation, fragments of the old world, use the fragments of the old world in reality to do some unimaginable things!" Sigmund thoughtfully.

He suddenly remembered the scene he saw when he entered the fishing village on the island. The huge body cracked and sank into the sea. Part of the head of the superior continued to transform, and finally landed on the island.

And that indescribable lump of flesh that was imprisoned at the bottom of the abyss, unable to expand its power outward.

For this world, is the so-called high-ranking person, the so-called god, also equivalent to the space of alienation?

No, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized another thing. Could it be that the body of a god does not belong to this era?

He is a god from the old world!

There is another more important thing.

Nightmare carriage.

The nightmare carriage has its own space. It seems that the space it can hold is very limited, but in fact it is between reality and illusion. Being able to bring Ashley to him means that it has the ability to travel through other worlds.

This completely fits what Duke Dressel described just now.

"Could it be that the nightmare carriage is also a fragment of the old world?"

"But why did he choose me?" Sigmund continued to think, he thought of Louis, and thought of other possible pioneers mentioned by Louis before.

From this point of view, not only the nightmare carriage, but all the successors, and all the rewards are connected in a series. What is hidden behind it, where it all started?

"What are you thinking?" The Duke noticed Sigmund's absence.

"I was wondering if there was any way to get Montana from the third level to the fifth level in a short period of time."

"Don't think about it, you can't do it with normal means." Speaking of this, the Duke gave Sigmund a deep look, which made Sigmund realize that his teacher obviously understood the hidden danger hidden in him. some kind of secret.

He knew it all along, but he didn't ask. Sigmund was very grateful for this inexplicable trust, and he couldn't do it if it were him.

"Only by breaking the rules can you break the rules. The place where the girl entered must be the different space I mentioned. They used the similarity of certain rules of the two spaces to distort some of the rules, so they completed the different space in a short period of time." possible things."

"But such places all follow the most basic principle of exchange, the only difference is the medium of exchange." The Duke continued.

"Equivalent exchange, energy conservation?" Sigmund tried to explain in a way he could understand.

"Probably." The Duke nodded, "That girl told you that she said that part of her spirit was left there, and her feeling is probably right, but she still doesn't know what she lost. "

Speaking of this, the expression on the Duke's face became serious, "I know she is a friend you met when you were in Liam City, but I must tell you that you can help her, but it's best not to trust her completely , because what she exchanged is very likely to be extremely important, and it can even affect the basis of trust between you two."

"For example, she lost her memory, lost her conscience, or completely dedicated her loyalty and became a puppet of the church. As far as I know, among the oracle church, there seems to be no betrayal above the sixth level among the superhumans who choose to accept the contract. Or, there must be an extremely important reason for this.”

"I understand." Sigmund wrote it down seriously.

"As for their provocation against Charlotte, I already knew about it, so I arranged for you to attend the dance last night. With you, I can help divert the conflict. From the effect point of view, you did a surprisingly good job."

"I'm afraid Philip hates you by now."

"Aren't you worried that he will take revenge on me?" Sigmund was speechless.

"Although he is a prince, are you afraid?" the Duke asked back.

"As for...the things they planned about His Majesty the King, I can more or less guess something." The Duke's face was a little dignified.

"Are they planning to assassinate the king?" Sigmund asked, "I remember that at the same time Pablo betrayed, there seemed to be a riot inside the palace, and before that, when the cross street explosion happened, Mare Ke told me that it appeared that someone had attacked the palace as well."

"They did cause some harassment within the palace. On the surface, it seemed that they really planned to assassinate the king, but in fact, they were testing and verifying one thing."

"What's the matter?" Sigmund felt that Duke Dressel was going to tell a big secret next.

"Can I trust you completely, Sigmund?"

"Huh?" Sigmund was taken aback for a moment, then pretended to think for a moment before nodding, "It should be fine."

"I'll show you something." While speaking, Duke Dressel opened a hidden compartment in the drawer, and took out a worn sheepskin diary from it.

"Look at it." The Duke pushed the notebook in front of Sigmund.

"Tell me what's written on it?"

Sorry, a bit of a Calvin, it'll be a little later.

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