"What do you want to do?" Velen looked rough, but that was just a superficial disguise. It was necessary to be a vice admiral, but he couldn't lack too much brains.

So when Sigmund said that he wanted to use one-to-many, Velen calmed down instantly and began to look at Sigmund carefully, urging him to test his true strength.

"Is he a Tier 6?" Raphael gave Admiral Dominique a wink.

"Impossible." Dominic shook his head. Although there has been no war between Elan and Akkad for a long time, the relationship between the two countries is delicate and far from friendly.

This time, he just proposed as a matter of routine, and wanted Garcia to provide a certain degree of assistance. In his opinion, Garcia can send a ship, and add three or two additional level 5 transcendents, which should be the limit. .

Garcia himself is only at the sixth level, and it is obviously impossible to command another sixth level to assist him. In addition, Elan may not be unprepared for Akkad, and Garcia still needs to consider the possibility of accidents.

So the guy in front of him who calls himself Steve should be a leader in Tier 5. Judging from the equipment on his body, there should be one or two Transcendent items in his hand.

This may be his real confidence.

"Could he do it on purpose?" Raphael proposed another possibility.

Admiral Dominique was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood what Raphael meant, "Yeah, this Steve has been acting provocative since he came in, and even offered to ask for a one-to-many."

Dominique's face darkened, "I see, he should have a powerful extraordinary item that can resist the attacks of everyone in a short period of time. Once his item fails, he should take the initiative to leave the battlefield, give up the fight, and admit that s failure."

"But for us... if we fight more or less, no matter whether we win or lose, we will not be honored. If this Steve plays up this battle again and publicizes it, it will greatly affect our external honor. .”

"He's using us!" Admiral Raphael continued, "You despicable Elamites! Velen must be reminded immediately."

"No!" Dominic waved his hand to stop Raphael, "Meet his request and send everyone on the field!"

"What?" Rafael looked surprised.

"Go to the arena, change your clothes, and enter the arena disguised as Paso. If that Steve really does what we guessed, you must not give him the opportunity to leave the battlefield and give up the duel." gloomy.

"He actually wants to fight, so stay here forever!"

"You want to kill him?" Raphael's expression changed.

"Isn't it possible?" Dominic sneered, "Because the last attack failed, all the surrounding countries are now watching our jokes, that guy Garcia is also making his own preparations, this Steve, maybe He throws stones to ask the way."

"If we can't fight back forcefully, it's useless. Tomorrow he may sail the warship into the public waters. Raphael, you have to understand that reputation is more important than strength in many cases. We can't let them think that we have declined!"

"Go and change!"

"I understand." Raphael nodded, exchanged glances with a certain vice admiral, and then left the conference hall.

At this time, facing Velen's doubts, Sigmund still explained unhurriedly: "There is no conspiracy, I just simply think that beating you is too boring, more people can make it more lively."

"Well, since you have such confidence in yourself, then I agree!" Admiral Dominique said suddenly on the other side.

"General..." Velen hesitated to speak, he obviously thought he could solve Sigmund.

"Go to the arena, I have already asked everyone to wait there, there are five rank 5s in total!"

"Although it's a little less, I'll try to accommodate you a bit. After all, so many people died not long ago, and now we can still make up five, which is already amazing." Sigmund said carelessly.

After hearing his words, the faces of the surrounding admirals sank.

"I'm going to smash his mouth in a moment!" Velen cursed in a low voice.


In the Navy Headquarters, in addition to normal maritime drills, there are often competitive fights between physical fitness and transcendence. The ground here is made of special stones, which can defuse energy shocks.

The sun was just right, Sigmund squinted his eyes while standing on the arena, and standing opposite him were five figures of different sizes, and the leader was the fifth-level hunter Velen who first provoked him.

In addition, there are two men and two women.

Among them, what attracted Sigmund's attention was a man and a woman standing behind. The woman was beautiful, wearing a tight-fitting white robe, and the wrists and ankles were treated to make them more suitable for mobile combat.

"A spiritual guide, a walker?"

The sea breeze was blowing head-on, and the smell of everyone was mixed in the moisture. An imperceptible doubt flashed in his eyes, and Sigmundo glanced at the man standing beside the spiritual teacher.

"I can't afford it anymore. I got a 6th rank by playing one more. This is the star sage who ran away last time... Yes, that Admiral Rafael." Silently thinking in his heart, Sigmund But he looked away, and glanced at Admiral Dominique who was standing on the high platform in the distance.

"The old man looks very kind, but his heart is very bad."

He decided that he must give that Raphael some special care in a while.

"Are you all ready?" Dominic shouted from the high platform.

"Let's get started, hurry up and finish the fight, and I'm going to find a few Akkadian girls to play with!" Sigmund imitated Marek's tone, successfully provoking everyone's anger.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance!" Velen, who was standing at the forefront, let out a grin and stretched his thick neck.

"I can defeat you by myself without the help of others!" While speaking, Velen put on a pair of hideous red gloves. A huge sea beast with 12 tentacles was carved on the surface of the gloves.

Immediately afterwards, his body hardened, and the skin on the surface of his body reflected some metallic luster under the sunlight. His fists danced, as if there was the sound of waves beating.


With his feet on the ground, with the sound of Admiral Dominique's start, Villen suddenly started, and slammed straight into Sigmund who was standing not far away like a cannonball.

Sigmund smiled, the center of gravity of his body sank slightly, he quietly opened the space on the wrist guard, and looked at the thick shield placed inside.

In the next second, just as Velen rushed forward with both fists and was about to hit Sigmund, a thick and simple stone shield suddenly appeared in Sigmund's hands.

"What's that?" someone from the crowd on the sidelines exclaimed.

"He made a wall!" someone yelled.

Before he could react in time, Velen, who was moving at a high speed, brought all the strength of his body, like a running rabbit, slammed into the shield in Sigmund's hand with a loud bang!


The terrifying impact spread from both arms to the whole body, Velen's body flew high uncontrollably, crossed the arena and hit the audience seats in the distance.

From the beginning to the end, Sigmund, including the shield in front of him, did not move at all.

After blowing a whistle briskly, he looked at the others with a relaxed expression.

"Come on, next."

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