The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 373 An Experiment About the Nightmare Carriage

Blue sea and blue sky, the sun is just right.

A ship leaves the naval port of Akkad's naval headquarters.

Sigmund took off his equipment, found a comfortable place on the deck, and basked in the sun comfortably.

He threatened Velen, and standing on the heights of the Navy headquarters, he saw Bishop Yvonne and her party coming down from the ship. The extraordinary people who followed Yvonne were all unfamiliar faces, and there was no Montana or Bell. Jia's figure.

Montana did not mention Yvonne's trip to Sigmund, and Sigmund would not doubt Montana because of this. After all, Yvonne is the bishop, so it is naturally impossible for her to change her itinerary. The plan is put together and dragged out.

Originally, Sigmund was thinking about how to break into the core of the team. Unexpectedly, not long after entering the Navy headquarters, Raphael took the initiative to find him.

From Raphael's mouth, Sigmund also learned the cause and effect, so he pretended to be greedy, and after asking for a lot of benefits, he "half pushed and half" agreed to Raphael to cooperate with them.

In return, Sigmund received several additional pieces of defensive equipment, including a helmet, a pendant, and several rings. That Velen even secretly promised that when they returned from the southern sea, he would take Sigmund to the most famous entertainment place in Akkad.

After boarding the ship, through Rafael's introduction, he also met Bishop Yvonne. This woman did not recognize him. Compared with Bishop Yvonne, what Sigmund cared more about was the mysterious Mysterious Adrian.

Facing Adrian, Sigmund remembered the feeling when he saw the Abyss Lord for the first time, and what made him feel even more strange was that he found an excuse to visit the whole ship, but he never saw the so-called saint.

At first he thought that the saint would join midway, but it wasn't until the whole ship left the western sea, passed through the area controlled by Knos, and entered the depths of the southern sea, that Sigmund realized that the saint Hidden on this ship.

After some careful probing, he was sure that the mysterious Adrian must have some connection with the saint.

After getting along for a period of time, most people have become familiar with Sigmund, but they are quite critical of his exposed eccentricities.

Every morning, noon, evening, and before going to bed at night, Sigmund sprayed perfume in every corner of the ship. At first, his behavior aroused the vigilance of many people, but after repeated verification, it was found that the perfume he sprayed In addition to the special taste, it seems to be mixed with a little medicine with a calming effect.

The sedative mixed in the perfume was very effective, with minimal negative effects, and the smell of the perfume surprisingly did not arouse anyone's disgust. After a day or two, no one paid attention to Sigmund's eccentricity.

As a transcendent, everyone has a little flaw, but most of them hide it deeply, and only a small part will be exposed.

To be honest, most people are quite satisfied with Sigmund as a companion. He is powerful and good at defense. With several exercises and cooperation, the survivability of the companion can be greatly enhanced.

Such a partner is simply the core of the team, but this guy has a weird personality and extremely ugly speech. He has had disputes with almost everyone in the team. In short, no one will really fight him.

It's just unavoidable, I can't vent my anger during the day, and occasionally vent my anger in my dreams at night.

In this regard, even if someone heard that his companion had also dreamed of that man, but after careful questioning, he found that, just like himself, he was beating each other in a dream, so he smiled at each other and remained silent.

Slowly, in the face of Sigmund's poisonous tongue, everyone also found a way to deal with it, not answering, talking, or objecting.

No one paid attention to himself, Sigmund gradually became a special existence on the ship, it seemed that no matter where he appeared or what he did, no one would doubt him, no one would pay attention to him anymore.

And that's exactly what Sigmund was aiming for.

After several days of voyage, he used perfume to open the way, and then provoked frequently, causing everyone's dissatisfaction with him. After nightfall, he successfully entered the shallow dreams of most people.

It's no wonder he was so careful, the weakest people on the ship were the fifth rank, and there were four sixth ranks, and a saint who didn't know where to hide.

With careful preparation, Sigmund ended up reaping the rewards.

He can use the shallow dream as a springboard to directly enter the edge of the opponent's nightmare without touching the body.

Of course, he would not kindly clean up the edge of the nightmare for these guys, but took this opportunity to earnestly start the research that he had imagined before but never tried.

After entering Velen's Nightmare Edge, Sigmund saw a semi-monstrous beast-like creature, which he then loaded into the Nightmare Carriage.

Sigmund wanted to make a similar attempt a long time ago, but his level was still low at that time, and it seemed that the ordinary items in the edge of the nightmare could not be loaded into the nightmare carriage, but after this promotion, the situation has changed a little .

He actually brought Velen's deformed part in the nightmare carriage onto the nightmare carriage!

The nightmare carriage is between reality and fiction. Sigmund believes that there is a possibility that there are extremely important secrets hidden in the carriage, and this attempt has inspired him.

Although the thing brought out from the edge of Velen's nightmare could not appear in reality, Sigmund managed to send it to the edge of another extraordinary person's nightmare!

After waiting patiently for a while, something wonderful happened.

In the real world, there is a wonderful chemical reaction between the two transcendental beings intertwined with nightmares.

One of them, who seemed to have developed an unnatural obsession with Velen, realized this, and Sigmund performed another trick, sending a part of the edge of the man's nightmare into Velen's nightmare.

Thus, the nightmare of two people was polluted at the same time.

In the next period of time, Sigmund completely devoted himself to his new experiments. Except for a few 6th-orders, he tested the remaining 5th-orders one by one.

During this process, everyone's chaos value increased to varying degrees, but Sigmund shuttled through their nightmares, and with reasonable repairs, he managed to maintain a normal level on the surface.

Coupled with the perfume that has been permeating the air, the sedative mixed in it paralyzed everyone, and no one noticed anything unusual during the entire trip.

But what they don't know is that everyone has been injected with the seeds of chaos by Sigmon, and it only takes one thought to completely detonate.

At this time, the ship finally approached the blue bay.

One evening, after the sun dipped below the sea level, a special visitor was boarded on board.

"I already have important information about the pirates. Besides, I also know where the evil god may be hiding." Bishop Yvonne said in the cabin.

Accompanied by her voice, a thin and old figure pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing the other person's face, Sigmund was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect to see Vincent again on this occasion and this place.

The former captain of the Aviator, Vincent.

"Interesting." With a smile in his eyes, Sigmund carefully hid his gaze.

This chapter was blocked and revised a bit.

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