The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 378 Get out of the way, let me do it!

In the previous drills, Sigmund was the absolute core of defense. This time, he immediately raised the shield in his hand as soon as he fell on the deck.

Boom boom boom!

The surface shields knocked against each other, making a huge collision sound, and then he let out a low growl, his body sank slightly, and he brought the two shields together, his legs exerted strength like a galloping steam train, and rushed straight towards the crowd on the opposite side .

Seeing his attack, the other transcendents who followed him also started to act.

"Let me do it." Bartoli's body was floating in the air, and a series of fireballs shot at the running Sigmund, but Sigmund didn't even look at similar attacks, letting the fireballs explode on the shield. He drove away, and then knocked away the few people who were blocking him, and rushed into the crowd.

His sudden intrusion immediately attracted everyone's attention, and attacks from all directions landed on him. At this moment, the face on the shield emerged, and strange groans resounded throughout the audience.

Then Sigmund put the shield on the ground.

【Shield Wall】

The illusory shield wrapped his body, and the surrounding attacks fell on the shield but could not shake him at all. On the contrary, he continued to move under the protection of the shield, smashing away the transcendents who were blocking the way.

"Who is he?" The ghost captain Victor's face changed wildly, his body became illusory, and he wanted to break through the shield's defense, but as soon as he got close, he was forced to reveal his body by the groaning sound from the face on the shield.

Seeing that Sigmund alone contained most of the enemies, the remaining Akkad admirals and clergy were in high spirits.

But at this moment, Marek, who had been disguised into another appearance, suddenly jumped out. His body suddenly swelled, filling up his loose clothes, and he left his companions and said nonchalantly, "Did you flash?" Come on, let me come!"

The top hat on his head was tilted, half a cigarette was dangling from his mouth, and the spiritual power on his body was obscure, making it hard for people to see his true strength.

"Who is he?" Vido and the others looked curious. They had seen Sigmund's defense before, and even Admiral Dominique, who was known for his violent attacks, had nothing to do with that shield.

"What the hell are you?" Sigmund roared, his body suddenly exerted strength, and after interlacing eyes with Marek, he rushed up.

Den den den!

The floor under his feet was cracked by him, and he held the shield in front of him. Like a berserk rhinoceros, he came to Marek in an instant.


Marek took a deep breath, his body swelled a second time, and the cigarette in his mouth was sucked clean by him. The next moment, he was surrounded by lightning, and he took a step forward, clapping his hands on Sigmund's shield. superior!



The huge impact mixed with the groan of the shield spread throughout the audience.


Sigmund's shield in front of him was slammed away, his hands trembled, his palms were soaked in blood, and then he was thrown flying like a cannonball!

He was in the air, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, "It's amazing, everyone be careful, he's a Tier 6!"


Sigmund's sudden defeat also attracted the attention of Dominique and the others. During the days when they were sailing on the ship, everyone had a basic understanding of Sigmund's defensive power. There was no need to consider the level 5 normal attack at all, almost can be ignored.

Level 6 and above can defeat the illusory shield wall from the side and rear, but in the front, ordinary level 6 can't do anything about that shield.

As for the explosive attack with stronger lethality, no one has tried too much because they are worried that it will damage the shield or cause damage to Sigmund.

But even so, the approximate defensive power is clear to everyone.

But just now, an ordinary transcendent mixed in with the crew actually defeated their strongest shield in a frontal battle!

Such destructive power falls on other extraordinary people, except for the hunter contract, it will cause great trauma.

"Why is there such a powerful sixth-order?!" Bishop Yvonne's face changed slightly under the mask. At this moment, Sigmund, who was thrown into the air, shouted:

"Don't worry about me, I can hold on!" He fell heavily to the ground, and soon got up vomiting blood, "Everyone, be careful, come behind me, don't fight him head-on!"

"Everyone follow Steve's command!" Bishop Yvonne shouted from a distance, "Quick battle, let's go together and finish them both!" Her eyes flashed with silver, and she led the remaining three Transcendents Together they attacked Demoro and Solar.

Four hits two, it is impossible for the two of De Moro to persist for too long.

The battle in the sky has already attracted everyone's attention, and Alec and Ruben also have serious expressions on a certain roof in the fishing village on the island.

"If I remember correctly... that guy is Marek, right? Didn't he just enter the fourth level not long ago, even if he fully recovers his strength, he is only a fifth level?" Alec was speechless.

"It's so shameless, acting aboveboard, but people can't see it." Alec felt that he had really opened his eyes, "But it doesn't make any sense?" He still felt that he didn't understand.

"Where is Uludia?" Alec looked around with his eyes widened.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't take the initiative to expose it, it will be difficult for us to find a sixth-level shadow master. She should be waiting for an opportunity, waiting to give someone a fatal blow."

The battle has entered a fierce state from the very beginning. After the appearance of the Akkadian army and the Oracle Church, a big melee broke out directly.

And when Bishop Yvonne led the other three to besiege De Moro and Solal, the other side changed in vain!

Sigmund set up the shield wall again, protected his companions, and carefully faced Marek, who was disguised as a sixth-level man. At this moment, Marek raised his right hand, and blue lightning exploded from his palm. , Sigmund raised his shield, and quietly released his ability amidst the huge roar.


Wei Duo, who was standing behind him, was stunned for a moment, and in an instant, he felt as if some evil seed had germinated deep in his heart, breaking through the ground, and then blooming unscrupulously!

But that's just the beginning.

During those days on the ship, Sigmund regarded spraying perfume as his special hobby, sprayed a large amount of perfume on the ship, and then successfully sneaked into everyone's dreams, and used it as a springboard to enter the edge of their nightmares .

Not only that, but through repeated experiments, he brought items from a transcendent's nightmare into the edge of other transcendental's nightmares through the nightmare carriage.

With his continuous efforts, although the nine transcendents behind him looked normal on the surface, their real chaos value had already reached an extremely dangerous point.

Not only that, but a huge network structure was formed on the edge of each other's nightmares, and a single hair could affect the whole body.

As long as one of them is detonated, the remaining changes will be logical, and Sigmund has planted the seeds of chaos in everyone's nightmare.

So in an instant, the nightmare came!


With a howl like a beast, someone instantly transformed into a beast, with a tall body covered in thick animal hair, and with sharp claws waving at will, they threw their companions to the ground.

"what happened?!"

In the eyes of outsiders, it seemed that Marek's attack just now had such terrible consequences. At this moment, Marek raised his head just right, with an inscrutable smile on his face, and waved his hands casually.

"Rush up and deal with them!"

But who would have known that he was cold and profound on the surface, but he was almost unable to hold back deep in his heart. It was the first time he understood

It turns out that I don't like the feeling of being strong, but I just like to pretend to be aggressive.

With a flick of the finger, the enemy was wiped out.

You may be a little confused in the second half, because in the missing chapter, the protagonist used a carriage to experiment, taking out the things in the edge of nightmares of different extraordinary people through the carriage, and then putting them into the edge of other people's nightmares among. I wrote a nightmare crossover there, and then spoofed real people... Then the whole chapter was gone, without any detailed description, just a simple mention.

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