Vincent considered himself lucky.

When he was taken away by Marek's men and sent to the Flyer forcibly, knowing that Bishop Yvonne and others would attack the island fishing village on the day of the pirate meeting, Vincent thought he was doomed.

Therefore, when the pirate conference officially started the next day, there was never a smile on his face, and what happened later was as he expected.

In the past, with the strength of Tier 5 and a passable ship, you could pull up a good pirate group casually and roam the southern seas, even if it was not as good as those legendary pirates with legendary battleships, but as long as you don’t actively provoke them Official transcendents can also live a good life.

But now?

Batch after batch of level 5 extraordinary people appeared, and the extraordinary power of the entire southern sea area was gathered here. There are six or seven level 6 extraordinary people alone!

Chaos, battle.

Vincent found an opportunity to slip off the ship, quietly away from the center of the battle, and then boarded a pirate ship that was about to escape.

Facing the sudden outbreak of battle, not all pirates were curious enough to risk their lives to stay nearby. Some pirates with ordinary strength chose to flee in all directions not long after the battle started.

After safely leaving the fishing village on the island, Vincent finally felt relieved. For the first time, he felt that his luck was not bad. Next, as long as he stayed away from the southern waters, he would be able to find them when the Church of the Oracle completely destroyed these legendary warships. The bishop then obtained a legal status in Akkad or Elam and a sum of money enough to spend the rest of his life.

But Vincent's good luck did not last long. After walking a certain distance, the hull was damaged in the aftermath of the previous explosion. The captain had to temporarily stop the ship and start repairing the damaged parts. The sound seemed to become more intense.

"I don't know how many people will die after hearing this sound." Someone said with emotion, and at this moment, in the direction of the fishing village on the island in the distance, a blue sailboat leaped into the air and headed towards the direction of everyone at a very fast speed. coming.

"Look, it's the Aviator!" Everyone yelled, and Vincent curled his lips contemptuously in his eyes, "That used to be my ship." He thought sourly, but soon, the only thing left was A little pride turned to horror.

"Could it be that they found something and sent someone to arrest me?"

While Vincent waited anxiously, the Flyer gradually approached, then changed direction, and gradually drifted away.

"It's over..." Vincent let out a long breath, his eyes widened, and he looked at the Flyer who disappeared into the distance, "Everything is over."

Vincent is ready for a new future.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, on this fleeing pirate ship, what he was breathing was the only free air left for the rest of his life.

At the same time, on the bow of the Flyer, Marek silently put away the binoculars, "Everyone search carefully, Captain Henrik told me that that Raphael will definitely lose control, the relationship between him and Dominic There will definitely be a fight."

"The hiding place he gave us is just a preliminary reference. If the target is not found, expand the search radius!"

"Look, what's that?" Solal suddenly shouted, pointing to a scorched deserted island, at the edge of the deserted island, a twisted and weird star tree stretched upwards.

"It's the starry sky tree... No, it seems to be a person!" Juana's eyes converged. At this time, she had already been promoted to the fifth level with the help of the power of the Aviator. Although it was temporary, her perception of power was engraved in the in body and mind.

So with just a quick glance, she noticed the anomaly.

"I'll go and have a look." From Solar's body, a silver soul shining with pale golden light jumped out, and then fell to the island at an extremely fast speed.

"Continue to look for possible clues. Henrik is right. Raphael is really out of control. Dominique needs to protect Yvonne's body. In this case, facing an out-of-control sixth-order, it is impossible for him not to be injured. "

After thinking about it seriously, Marek remembered the seventh-ranked person who returned just now, "Gintama can keep in touch with the main body, and when a pope arrives, they will most likely rush towards the fishing village... change direction, we Look back!" Marek ordered loudly.

Although he seemed unreliable, after all, he had performed many missions as the captain of the demon hunter, so he was not lacking in judgment at all, and quickly found the key point from the only clues.


At this time, Solal's silver soul returned to the Flyer, "It's that Raphael, I saw his face on the tree trunk, that guy was dead, but under his influence, abnormalities began to appear on the deserted island , maybe it won’t be long before a special area will be formed.”

After Solal finished speaking, the Flyer also changed direction, and the Transcendents with the ability to fly jumped off the ship one after another. Everyone spread out evenly, and searched for the distance in a carpet-like way.

At the same time, in a certain piece of sea water in the distance, Dominic surfaced with an ugly expression.

"What's going on? How did the pirates on the Flyer come here?" Dominique looked puzzled. Not long ago, Yvonne told him that the Pope of Baishan had arrived.

There is no doubt about the power of the seventh-rank Pope, those pirates and so-called evil gods can be easily defeated, but for some reason, Yvonne suddenly fainted, and seemed to have been cut off from the main body and Gintama for unknown reasons.

In desperation, he could only continue to move forward with Yvonne's body supported, but the sudden appearance of the legendary battleship alerted Dominic.

Seeing the ships approaching in the distance, Dominic hesitated for a moment, took out a bottle of reagent and poured it into Yvonne's mouth. After a few seconds, Yvonne's body changed, her wide tail fin protruded from her skirt, her neck Gill-like structures resembling marine organisms also grew out of the edges.

Afterwards, he used another extraordinary item to put a layer of defense on Yvonne's body. After doing all this, he sank the unconscious Yvonne into the sea.

The appearance of the body has been changed, and there is no danger of suffocation even in the bottom of the sea. The activated props have the function of concealment and protection. The body is injured, and the strength level of the pursuer is unknown. Dominique decided to avoid the edge and wait for the opportunity.

Watching Yvonne's body disappear, he first poured down a bottle of brown-red reagent, which healed most of the injuries on his body, and then activated a ring on the ring finger of his left hand, sank down, and galloped towards the depths of the ocean .

As an admiral, he certainly possesses many means of navigating the deep sea.

Hiding in the sea, seeing the Aviator flying over his head, Dominic felt relieved, and he was secretly glad that he didn't choose to face it head-on in a moment of brain fever.

Because from the side of the ship after flying, he saw an impressive face.

"Terrible guy, even Steve's shield can't stop his attack."

But just when Dominic thought he was about to be out of danger, in the depths of the sea, a thick arm and foot rolled up without warning. It felt like a sea monster turning over at will, but unexpectedly It was shot on him.


Water splashes.

Domic's body was shot out of the sea, and under the sunlight, he saw a huge octopus emerging from the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, the loud noise also alarmed everyone on the Flyer, Marek lowered his head, with a kind smile on his face.

"So you're hiding in the water."

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