Vincent was in a great mood at this time, boarded the escaped pirate ship, and left the island fishing village. Although the repair of the ship was delayed for some time, he even encountered the Aviator flying across the sky.

But overall it's still pretty safe.

In addition, although the captain of this pirate ship is very poor, he is not a real idiot. After seeing the direction of the Flyer, he decisively changed the course and drove forward for a certain distance until the fishing village on the island was completely destroyed. Disappearing behind, everyone on the boat relaxed.

Then some pirates reported picking up a mermaid.

"Mermaids, there are indeed similar creatures living in the depths of the sea. They have beautiful faces, gentle singing voices, and upper bodies that are the same as human women. As for the fishtail fins on the lower body..." Vincent Special thought silently.

Many years ago, when he was still young, he also tried some new things crazily, as for the mermaid.

It's hard to say.

He didn't go forward to join in the fun. In his opinion, this is impossible, because according to Vincent's understanding, whether it is a real sea creature or a mutant produced under extraordinary power, it is not Accessible to ordinary pirates.

Maybe what these guys found were just deformed humans, or some other kind of gibberish.

Thinking of this, he stood up and decided to go back to the cabin to take a good rest. In the past few days, he was careful to inquire about the news, and he was exhausted physically and mentally.

Before he left, he saw the captain on the deck. He was a fat middle-aged man with a big belly, followed by a thin first mate and second mate.

"Give way, the captain is here!" Everyone yelled.

"Did you catch a dead body?" asked the captain.


"Still breathing, it's hot." Someone replied.

"Boring." He muttered softly, and Vincent returned to the cabin. He had already begun to look forward to his happy life after leaving the sea.

In a daze, Vincent fell asleep amidst the swaying of the ship. In his dream, he saw the bishop Yvonne. The bishop exuded pure white light, received him cordially, and then gave He arranged a new identity...

He became a glamorous gentleman and bought a large area of ​​plantation with the squandered money. Haha, he is simply a winner in life!

But suddenly, Vincent, who was indulging in a sweet dream, felt his cheeks tingle, as if someone was slapping him hard. He opened his eyes in a daze, and before he could get used to the dark cabin, he smelled a A pungent smell mixed with blood and strange smells.

"What's going on? Is dinner ready?"


There was a stabbing pain in his brain, Vincent opened his eyes wide suddenly, and instantly woke up from the drowsy state, and then he saw a figure standing in front of him.


"Bishop Yvonne? Am I still dreaming?" Vincent asked a little strangely, because in his impression, this beautiful woman was always solemn and elegant.

But now...she was standing on the ground with bare feet, and her clothes were torn to pieces. What is going on?

Why did Bishop Yvonne appear here, and what happened to her?

And that pungent smell mixed with blood?

Yvonne's face sank like water.

She was surprised that after figuring out what happened to her, she didn't go crazy.

All the memories are still in that terrifying abyss, and with the shattering of the silver soul, what greets her is darkness, and after an unknown period of time, she can vaguely perceive some things around her.

Was it Dominique who fled with her?

She was fed some potions, and then her body changed. She seemed to have turned into a fish, and was then sent into the bottom of the sea under the protection of a certain force.

As time goes by, more and more things can be perceived.

And when she finally regained control of her body and opened her eyes.

Yvonne felt as if she had been split in two.

She got up, and after figuring out what happened to her, she fell into a slump for tens of seconds.

Then he saw someone push open the door, and a slightly surprised voice shouted: "Everyone, come and see, the fish has woken up!"

"Go to hell!"

She released her mental power without any scruples, and before the voice of the pirate who entered the door fell, her eyes were bloodshot and she died suddenly.

Not even a single fish was spared, looking at her tail fin, this was Yvonne's only thought at this moment.

Before it was too late to clean up, Yvonne released all the stress she had experienced throughout the day. The pirates on the ship didn't even have time to scream. She didn't spare everyone she saw. After cleaning the deck, her legs returned to their original shape , entered the cabin and swept one after another.

Until he pushed open one of the doors and saw Vincent sleeping soundly.

At that moment, everything that he had experienced throughout the day, the plan he thought was seamless, and the warning from the Pope of Baishan flashed before his eyes.

Woke Vincent up casually, Yvonne's face sank like water.

"Who sent you here?!"

"What?" Vincent looked confused, "Didn't you come to find me?" He obviously didn't understand the situation in front of him.

"You mean I asked for all of this?" Thinking of the pain in her body, Yvonne felt her thighs trembling. She swung her arms, and the spiritual whip wrapped around Vincent tightly.

"Tell me, who sent you here?!"

"Did you reveal our hiding place, did you notify the ships to hunt us down?!" In the previous process, Yvonne still maintained a part of her sense of the outside world. Combined with some things, she could probably speculate out of the situation at that time.

If it hadn't been for special danger, Dominic would never have given up on her easily. Obviously, their hiding place had been exposed. At this moment, he couldn't care less about whether Vincent knew the hiding place. He was furious in his heart. Shengteng, Yvonne just wanted to vent all her negative emotions.

In her opinion, it was this man's wrong information that dragged them into the abyss, and if he hadn't leaked the news and there was no subsequent pursuit, how could she have fallen into such a miserable situation?

It's him, it's all him!

The spiritual whip gradually tightened, and Vincent screamed, but he didn't have any strength to resist. At this time, Vincent was only at the third level of strength, and even if Yvonne's strength retreated, she could almost be regarded as the most powerful fifth level. .

From a rational point of view, as an important internal agent, Vincent must be able to investigate some key information, but when she thought about what happened to her, Yvonne decisively changed her mind.

"No, what happened on this ship cannot be known by anyone!"

Although killing Vincent immediately was the best solution, but thinking of the tearing pain, Yvonne decided to let the man in front of her feel the tearing pain for herself!

Taking Vincent away, washing off the filth on his body and changing his clothes, Yvonne abandoned the boat and left.

Not long after leaving, the group found the hulk floating on the sea. After entering, they did some investigation, and soon the relevant information was reported layer by layer.

Not long after, Marek came to the boat. After a thorough investigation, someone handed a bead the size of a baby's fist to Marek's hand.

"It was found in the captain's cabin."

After injecting spiritual power, Marek couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the flashing picture.

"Yvonne performed in person, such important video data must be kept well, so that more people can learn from it!"

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