The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 393 Dirty Contract

"I am the Shepherd of the title saint." The shepherd was floating in mid-air, but his body had completely melted from the waist down, and the flowing blood was connected to the ground.

In addition, his hands were also transformed into blood mist.

At this time, he has been completely infected by the darkness of the abyss.

If you can't live, you can't die. Even going crazy is an extravagant hope.

They can only suffer in the boundless torment.

"Tell me your real name, origin, and the contract you signed." Under Sigmon's control, the erosion of the abyss became deeper, and the shepherd screamed in pain, and his eyes soon became empty.

"My name is Bogula, and I am a sixth-level filthy contractor." The shepherd, Bogula, replied.

"Do you know a man named Dracula?" Sigmund joked.

"How do you know?" Bogula was surprised.

"What's the deal with the filthy contract? An extremely rare contract that is only in your hands?" Sigmund asked without entangled in Dracula's question.

"Rare?" Bogula smiled wryly. "This is an extremely powerful contract. Dirty is what others call us. Generally speaking, we are used to calling ourselves reborn contractors."

Having said that, Bogula controlled the blood mist around him, forming a weird symbol in front of Sigmund.

It looked like a semi-circular tray, and under the tray was blood dripping continuously. Sigmund noticed that there was a similar mark on Bogula's forehead, but it lacked the blood dripping down.

"Self-contained and another name." Sigmund suddenly thought that Louis' moon contract seemed to have a similar situation.

"You should be able to guess that our strength comes from blood, and the promotion method is somewhat different from yours. There is no so-called extraordinary enlightenment, and all clan members will automatically be promoted to the first rank after they reach adulthood."

"Level 1, Blood Servant."

"We are naturally very sensitive to blood. We can judge a person's health status with just our eyes. Through the color, breath, and taste of blood, we can judge the possibility of taking medicine and disease. By tasting different types of blood, we can learn from it. Absorb strength and gradually improve yourself."

"This is just the most common first level. In fact, even a slightly stronger tribe can easily enter the second level. However, because of the special nature of the third level, ordinary people will not easily try it. But it is also for this reason that once they suffer After the side effects of the third level, you can quickly enter the fourth level."

"How are the second and third ranks specifically divided?" Sigmund asked curiously. He could feel the power of this race only through Bogula's simple telling, but such a powerful race, such an outstanding one He didn't know anything about the contract.

You must know that he is no longer a rookie who just crossed over. The information room of the demon hunter is open to him. What is not recorded there is either extremely important information or some kind of taboo.

"The second-level cold-blooded animals are strengthened on the original basis. Although there is no qualitative change, they have also mastered many useful abilities. But at the third level, because of our extreme desire and obsession with blood, we will have very strong offensive, but ironically..." Bogula gave a strange laugh.

"For us at this time, the blood in our bodies is the best treatment and sedative!"

"An ordinary person can cure most diseases and injuries by drinking our blood, but drinking it for a long time will be highly addictive."

"That's why I say that ordinary clansmen will choose to stay at the second level, and only those with outstanding talents will enter the third level with preparation, and then use the fastest speed to cross this stage."

"Become a fourth-order rose knight!"

"This is a qualitative change." Bogula said with emotion, "or in a sense, this is the true form of the race. It is elegant and powerful, and it does not rely on blood. In addition, it will With the bonus of charm, one's own appearance will reach the most perfect state at the current stage, aging will only bring changes in physical strength, and will not affect the appearance too much."

"Like a rose, bright and perfect, while retaining the sharp thorns!"

Then Bogula briefly introduced the Rose Knight's ability to Sigmon. Although there are some differences in details, it sounds like a high-level vampire that exists in movie games.

Sigmund didn't care about a fourth-order ability, the only thing that made him puzzled was the one thing Bogula just mentioned.

"You said that most of you will choose to stay at the second level, is this to avoid the madness that occurs in the bloodthirsty stage?"

"That's right." Bogula's eyes flickered and he nodded.

"But as far as I know, if you stay at one stage for a long time, as your strength grows, the chaos value will continue to increase. After a long time, the entire race may have major problems, right?"

"We're not going to get out of control... No, it's hard to get out of control."

"What?!" Bogula's answer greatly exceeded Sigmund's expectations.

"This is impossible! This is completely against the promotion rules. One or two is understandable. If everyone is like you said..."

"Of course it is possible!" Bogula raised his head proudly, interrupting Sigmund's words.

"For ordinary extraordinary people, the biggest disturbance is not from themselves, but from the infection in the void. It is this part of the power that amplifies the negative emotions in the heart. If this part of the disturbance is cut off, plus Some other means of restraint, loss of control is not inevitable at the low level."

"We can cut off this kind of interference." Bogula was a little proud.

"Because of our God, the Great Mother of Rebirth, she is with eternity!"

"Mother of Rebirth! A living god?" Sigmund broke out.

After coming to this world, although he had learned about the so-called evil gods and ancient gods from the side, the mother of rebirth was the second real god he heard besides the goddess of dawn.

"No!" At this time, Sigmund suddenly realized another thing. If everything Bogula said was true, the existence of gods would greatly reduce the chance of losing control when the contract was at a low level.

Then accepting the contract...shouldn't it also be under the protection of the Goddess of Dawn?

But why, the third-level Bennett suddenly lost control under his own stimulation?

Is this just a coincidence, or is it that the Goddess of Dawn is just a superficial figure, a fictional false god? But this doesn't make sense, the power of the Oracle Church is obvious to all, and the God Emperor of the church is said to be the only rank 9.

If the level of the evil god is equivalent to the seventh level, and the ancient god represents the eighth level, then the Goddess of Dawn and the Mother of Rebirth, are they considered to be the ninth level, or are there other divisions?

Sigmund had a vague feeling that the Church of the Oracle and the Goddess of Dawn must hide a shocking secret.

"Since your god is still alive, where is she?" After thinking for a while, he then asked.

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