The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Chapter 395 Blood Addiction


Sigmund was not surprised to hear this answer.

When Bogula mentioned the blood characteristics of the bloodthirsty people and the process of their being imprisoned and drained of their blood, he had some guesses, and he finally understood why, in the past 20 years, the Kingdom of Elam had been firmly The aristocratic class who resisted the Oracle Church suddenly changed their attitude.

Most of them have become fans of the Oracle Church.

There is of course Elam's own class contradictions.

After all, 20 years ago, the church that was above the royal power was equivalent to putting new shackles on the heads of all nobles. Considering their own interests, most nobles naturally opposed it.

Twenty years later, with the development of industry and the rise of the emerging bourgeoisie, the wealth and power of the aristocrats have shrunk significantly. Compared with the lesser of the two, they naturally become more inclined to the oracle church.

But Sigmund now knows that this is only part of the reason on the surface. In fact, the church may have already completed the control of some nobles through this special blood.

After all, for most nobles, becoming an extraordinary person is not a good choice. The rights and wealth that should be enjoyed will not suddenly increase because of becoming an extraordinary person. side effect.

But at the same time, they are also eager to get something for nothing, hoping to use a more gentle method to enjoy some of the convenience brought by the extraordinary.

There is nothing better than drinking the blood of those who thirst for blood.

In 20 years, the powerful addiction is enough to completely change a person. He can't imagine how many nobles in the entire Kingdom of Elam have become the most loyal addicts.

"Although they will do this in an extremely secretive way, haven't the investigation bureau and the demon hunters found any clues?" Sigmund wondered secretly.

"Is there any way to differentiate these addicts?" Sigmund asked.

Bogula shook his head, "Unless they don't get blood supply for a long time, they usually look no different from ordinary people, perhaps younger, with better physical strength, more energy, and slightly improved charm, but other Some obvious changes can also be achieved by many extraordinary means.”

"And when they don't get blood supply for a long time, they will become irritable and irritable, but this state will not become more intense with the passage of time, but will gradually decline after reaching a peak and then recover normal."

"It's too hidden." Sigmund said with emotion, the extraction of blood is absolutely impossible in the territory of Elan, and the whole process does not involve extraordinary events, which can avoid the eyes of most demon hunters.

The results of the strengthening are difficult to investigate, and the side effects can easily be attributed to other things. If the church intends to do it, they even have the ability to prevent any nobles under their control from being found abnormal.

In the peace treaty, the church has the right to build churches in various places, but at the same time, nobles and major officials in various places also have the obligation to go to the church to pray regularly.

Now it seems that there has become the best place for cover.

There are a huge number of nobles who are completely controlled, and the princes who are brought to the stage as puppet. The Oracle Church has secretly mastered many powers in this country through its own means.

"You must notify the teacher immediately after you go back." Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Sigmund continued to ask for a lot of information, but Bogula didn't know much. After all, he was just a higher-level creature weapon.

But after the conversation ended, Sigmund hesitated about how to deal with Bogula.

This guy knows a lot of secret information. It would be a pity to kill him directly, but he can continue to be placed in the abyss. When Sigmund leaves, the evil power released by that indescribable thing will completely erode his spirit.

It won't be long before he will be corroded by darkness, absorbed and eaten.

There was no way to do this, after all, it was impossible for Sigmon to maintain control over the lump of meat all the time.

"Let me be reborn from death." Bogula repeated repeatedly.

Seeing the imprint on his forehead and remembering the characteristics of the filthy contract, Sigmund suddenly moved in his heart and took out the roster of blood clans obtained from the carriage last time.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, he took a little blood from Bogula's body, and then wrote his full name on the roster.

A wonderful thing happened.

The blood on Bogula's body was stripped little by little, and then slowly poured into the names on the blood roster. During this process, Bogula instinctively wanted to resist, but the darkness invaded and disturbed his spirit. He could only He looked helplessly at the whole body's blood pouring into the blood clan roster.

until it disappears completely.

At this time, the cover of the blood clan roster was bright red, and there were many patterns on the page belonging to Bogula's name, and a clear figure appeared on the page.

"What did you do to me? What is this place?"

Sigmund didn't answer, he slammed the book shut, then turned his head and walked into the darkness.

Terrible ravings came, and the indescribable mass of flesh squirmed and slowly approached Sigmund, then wrapped his body, closed his eyes, his consciousness merged with the mass of flesh, and then he "saw" , a blue figure wrapped in the core position.

Pope Baishan.

It wasn't that Sigmund didn't want to kill him, but that Pope Baishan's body was in a strange state, as if it had annihilated its vitality and became a dead thing, no different from a stone at the bottom of the abyss.

His overall color is light blue, and the surface of his skin seems to be covered with a thin layer of solid ice. He doesn't understand the acceptance contract of level 7. He is worried that the other party has some weird means of escape. Sigmund refrained from crushing the other party violently. body of.

After dealing with everything at this time, he fused his consciousness with the instinct of the superior, and then found something abnormal in the body of Pope Baishan.

The crown on the head.

The flesh wriggled and transformed into the palm of an adult, and indescribable power gathered on the palm. It looked like a slight touch, but it had already driven all the power of this indescribable mass.


The blue ice layer on the surface was densely cracked, and was easily pierced by Sigmund.

He stretched out his fingers, pinched the edge of the crown, and pulled it hard!



On the back of the blue jewel of the crown, two slender, finger-thick tentacles crazily resisted Sigmund's power. The tentacles were pink, with fine wrinkles on the surface, and the ends pierced through the forehead of Pope Baishan!

Sigmund raised his arms, and the crown he took off was more than one meter away from the Pope Baishan, but even so, Sigmund did not pull all the wriggling tentacles from the head of the Pope Baishan!

"What is this?!"

After being ripped out of his whiskers, the Pope's body shriveled and crumbled instantly, like a container that lost its meaning of existence.

Sigmund spread out the crown in his hand, and there seemed to be an independent space inside the blue gemstone, pinched by him, his fleshy whiskers swayed wildly, as if he wanted to retract into the gemstone.

And at this moment, a tyrannical consciousness suddenly broke into Sigmund's mind, "A body with only instinct left?"

There was an irrepressible surprise in the voice, "This is mine!"

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