The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 586 Voldemort: There is only one theme for this meeting

On this day, not only Hogwarts was in a frenzy, but also the entire British magic world.

There was no way, because Voldemort was so famous, and the Ministry of Magic had been so lame recently.

The Ministry of Magic had been invaded twice!

Azkaban was escaped from time to time, and in the end, Voldemort even rescued all the prisoners, and even the Dementors rioted collectively.

So many people have lost confidence in the Ministry of Magic.

Even though Minister Bones repeatedly called on the public to resist Voldemort in newspapers, and even issued a policy of "using the Unforgivable Curse against Death Eaters", it was unable to restore the public's confidence.

But now, everything is different!

The battle last night was really important to the magic world.

Because that battle restored the confidence of many people and made them see that Voldemort was not invincible.

In the face of a more powerful force, Voldemort and his team of Death Eaters could only flee in embarrassment.

On this day, Andy received letters from people from all walks of life in the magic world. They praised Andy in the letters, and even Andy himself blushed.

How did you write those words?

Don't you feel sick?

Of course, Andy also received Helen's howler letter and Isabel's letter of admiration for her brother.

As for Kyle... after reading today's newspaper, he almost didn't dare to go to work, fearing that he would be assassinated by Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic.

But since my son is a good man, I can't be a coward.

Kyle still went to work, and he took the door key with him.

He even looked forward to the next promotion and salary increase - in advance to save his life.

On this day, the magic world was excited and the situation was very good.

But all this had nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic.

In order to show the bravery of the Aurors, they published the photos of the Aurors fighting Voldemort in the Daily Prophet, but this undoubtedly further hit the prestige of the Ministry of Magic.

The desperate fight of the Aurors can only prove the strength of Voldemort and Andy, and the even greater strength of Dumbledore - after all, Dumbledore scared Voldemort away as soon as he appeared.

At this moment, Hogwarts has become the focus of the entire magic world. They are eager to hope that Dumbledore and Andy can stand up against Voldemort and win the next greater victory.

As for the Ministry of Magic...

The only hope of the people for them is not to drag Hogwarts down.


In the carnival of the crowd, night falls again.

At night, outside a luxurious manor, Snape's figure appears out of thin air.

Voldemort has summoned him all day.

After tidying up his clothes, Snape walked into the manor expressionlessly - he must control himself, otherwise he will not be able to help laughing in front of Voldemort.

That is really looking for death!

In the meeting room of the manor, Voldemort sat in the main seat, and a dozen Death Eaters sat sparsely on both sides of the long table - these are the core forces of the Death Eaters.

Just one day ago, there were more than 20 people here.

But in just one night, six people were killed and one was captured.

This also includes Bellatrix Lestrange, the core leader of the Death Eaters.


Snape nodded gently to Voldemort, and then sat in his seat.

Voldemort looked around with a gloomy face, and there was a dangerous signal flashing in his scarlet eyes - except for the time when he went to kill Harry, he had never suffered such a big loss.

All those who touched Voldemort's eyes lowered their heads, not daring to look at Voldemort, and not daring to let Voldemort see their hearts at the moment.

Many people surrendered to Voldemort because they were afraid of his power.

But now, Voldemort's myth has been broken!

It was broken by a third-grade wizard!

"I must admit that the little wizard named Andy Collins is very good. I even see the shadow of my youth in him."

Voldemort's hoarse voice slowly sounded, "So I want to recruit him to join my camp and create great things with me."

"I really admire him, and I can't even bear to kill him."

"But he is obviously a little ungrateful..."

"Just when I was about to kill him completely, Dumbledore came... There were other people at the time. If I was entangled by Dumbledore, then the others would be in danger."

"If Collins had joined forces with the Aurors, you might not have seen Barty Crouch and the others here today."

Voldemort forcibly saved his dignity!

In a word, it's not that I can't beat Andy, but because I admire him, so I showed mercy to his men.

Didn't you see that I was a little serious at the end, and Andy couldn't resist at all?

This is strength!

I ran away not because I couldn't beat them, but because Barty Crouch and the others were dragging me down. I chose to retreat in order to save their lives.

Whether people believe it or not, there is some truth in this statement.

Because Voldemort did recruit Andy!

At the end of the battle, Voldemort did suppress Andy.

And judging from the situation at the time, once Voldemort was restrained by Dumbledore, Barty Crouch Jr. and his men would be in great danger.

Andy would not show mercy to them!

If we look at the situation at the time, there is nothing wrong with these words.

But who among these people here doesn't understand Voldemort's character?

Can you, Voldemort, show mercy to others?

Do you really appreciate Andy?

You appreciate it!

But... the boss has said so, what else can the Death Eaters below say?

Ah, yes, yes!

Everything you said is right!

Voldemort may not be able to kill Andy, but he can definitely kill them. They don't dare to go against Voldemort.

In the battle last night, Voldemort indeed showed overwhelming power - he suppressed more than twenty Aurors by himself.

This even includes strong Aurors such as Scrimgeour and Mad-Eye Moody.

If the battle with Andy hadn't been a bit awkward, Voldemort would definitely be even more famous today. Instead of becoming the laughing stock of the entire magical world like now.

Can't kill a baby.

He couldn't defeat a little wizard who had passed the third grade.

The most powerful Dark Lord of all time...that's it?


After forcibly explaining, Voldemort set his sights on Snape, "You never told me that there is such a... powerful little wizard in Hogwarts."

Voldemort was originally going to belittle Andy.

But if you belittle Andy, what will you become if you are tied with Andy?

Only by bragging about your opponent's strength can you show that you are even stronger.

After hearing this, Snape was unfazed.

"I remember Wormtail mentioned Collins to you..."

Snape lowered his head slightly and said in a humble tone: "That's why I didn't mention this again."

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