Chapter 13

“Hmm, would this be good?”

While I was pondering what to choose, the store owner approached.

“Are you a cat butler?”

“Cat butler?”

“Is your pet a cat?”

“Oh-. Yes.”

“How old is it?”

“It’s only been a few days since it was born.”

The owner nodded as if understanding.

“Is this your first pet?”

“How did you know?”

“The items you’re looking at now are for somewhat grown pets. For a newborn, you should choose from over there.”

“Ha, haha. Is that so?”

Following the owner’s guidance, I headed to where the necessary items were.

“Did you adopt it?”

“No, it just happened by chance-.”

“A stray cat, then.”

“That’s right.”

“These days, quite a few people become cat butlers after being chosen by stray cats. Have you taken it to the vet? It needs a check-up and vaccinations.”

“I don’t have a carrier yet. I came to buy various things, including a carrier.”

The owner chuckled.

“Newborn kittens don’t need a carrier. You can wrap them well in a towel and take them.”

“Oh, I see. I’m a novice butler, so I didn’t know. Since we’re on the topic, could you recommend what I need?”

“Of course. What’s the gender?”


I checked before leaving the house.

“Have you named it?”

“Yes. It’s Seolgi.”

“Hmm-, it seems there are black spots on a white background.”

“Wow. How did you know?”

It seems the pet shop owner we’re talking to has some sort of sixth sense.

“You thought of Baekseolgi when you named it, right? Haha, most people name them like that. I know about three Seolgis. Two dogs and one cat. Ah, now it’s two cats.”

It means people’s thoughts are all quite similar.

“Now, shall we pick out the things our Seolgi needs?”

The owner was very kind.

I had researched the items needed to raise a cat on the internet, and the owner advised me to buy them later, saying that many of the things I had researched were not yet necessary.

Even though it would have been beneficial for him to sell more, the owner was not greedy.

After purchasing the items, I returned home.

Seolgi was still wriggling around.

“Now, Seolgi. Let’s go to the hospital.”


I visited the animal hospital recommended by the pet shop owner for Seolgi’s check-up and vaccinations. After leaving Seolgi there for a while, I went out to Cheonggyecheon.

There were things I needed to buy.

I entered a store I had searched for in advance.


A man in his mid-thirties sitting at the counter greeted me with a bright smile.

“What are you looking for?”

“I’m here to see some Enchanter items.”

“Enchanter… Are you looking for crafting tools or materials?”


The owner went to the display area and took out a few items.

“These three types of carving knives are the best sellers. The prices are one million won, seven hundred thousand won, and three hundred thousand won.”

“There’s a big price difference.”

“It can’t be helped. The one million won one is made from the corpse of a monster from the Tower of Infinity. The seven hundred thousand won one is also made from a monster corpse, but the quality is a bit lower.”

Anything with the Tower of Infinity premium attached to it sees a vertical price increase.

“I’ll take this one.”

I chose the three hundred thousand won carving knife.

If I feel it’s absolutely necessary later, I can exchange it for a better one then.

“I’ll also buy the 5 cm, 4 cm, 3 cm, and 2 cm metal plates.”

“We have the 5 cm ones, but nothing smaller.”


“What do you need such small metal plates for?”

Of course, I’m going to use them for enchanting. What else would I use them for?

I think to myself what a silly question that was.

“Even the 5 cm ones aren’t popular among enchanters, so we have a lot in stock.”

“If you have a lot in stock, you can give them to me at a discount. I don’t know how much you have, but I’ll buy them all.”


The man looks at me in surprise, then nods.

“Thank you, that would be great.”


After purchasing the items, I stopped by the veterinary clinic to pick up Seolgi and brought him home.

I mixed formula in a tiny bottle and brought it to Seolgi.

“Seolgi, let’s try this.”

The nipple on the bottle is very small, suitable for a kitten. Seolgi, who didn’t know what it was and didn’t take it in his mouth, sniffed the formula a few times and then started sucking on the nipple vigorously.

“Good job. Well done, Seolgi.”

It’s been less than a day since I brought Seolgi home, but I’ve been worried a lot. I have no experience raising pets, and he’s so young that I was afraid something might go wrong.

But seeing him suck the formula so energetically, I feel glad that I brought him home.

His black eyes are fixed on me as he sucks on the nipple with all his might. It’s so cute.

The formula runs out quickly, and Seolgi continues to suck on the empty nipple. I gently remove the nipple from his mouth and scratch his belly.

I am engraving a magic circle onto a metal plate with a carving knife.

The diameter is about 5 centimeters, similar in size to the metal plate I bought at Cheonggyecheon.

I draw a circle, and within it, I draw another circle. The distance from the center of the metal plate to the first circle, and from the first circle to the second circle, is the same.

The next step is to engrave the runes.

The enchantment for the magic has already been decided.

“Rune of Flame, Rune of Explosion.”

The runes drawn within the first circle are the runes of flame and explosion. With these two runes, a first-circle magic is completed. Between the first and second circles, I engrave the runes of cohesion and acceleration.

Flame, cohesion, acceleration, explosion.

When these four runes are combined, a second-circle magic is completed.

“Fire Arrow.”

Since it is an activation-type artifact, there is no need for a deactivation word, only the activation word is engraved. I carve the mana path that connects the mana stone slot, the runes, and the circles.

The performance and mana consumption of the artifact depend on how the mana path is engraved.

“Phew-. It’s done.”

I look at the hourglass on the work table.

The hourglass, which drops sand for 2 hours, is about halfway through. This means an hour has passed. I didn’t realize the time passing while working, but it took more time than I expected.

“It’s because I’m not used to it yet.”

I pick up the prepared mana stone with tweezers.

The mana stone has been pre-cut to a diameter of 2 centimeters and a thin thickness. When I insert the mana stone, the artifact vibrates slightly.

Now the preparation is complete.

I leave the workshop and enter the inner part of the workshop. There is a separate space prepared for testing the completed artifact. I go inside and close the door.

– Up to 7-circle magic can be used freely. A great magic defense magic circle is installed.

Since it was said by the Twelve Elders, a second-circle Fire Arrow won’t even scratch the wall.

I hold the artifact forward and take a deep breath.

Then, I clearly and precisely say the activation word, one character at a time.

“Fire Arrow.”

Sarak- Ping- Papang-!

A flaming arrow is created in front of me, flying at a speed hard to follow with the eyes, hitting the wall and exploding.


This is how it should be, but the emotion I feel is extraordinary because I made it myself.

“Fire Arrow.”


I use the Fire Arrow once again.

The artifact I created can fire the 2-circle magic Fire Arrow up to three times. After firing three times, I have to wait until the mana stone’s mana is recharged.

The laboratory door opens, and the Twelfth Elder enters.

“I heard quite an explosion outside.”

“Did you?”

The Twelfth Elder extends his hand.

“Let me see it.”

I hand over the artifact, and the Twelfth Elder examines it meticulously.

“Good. The spacing of the circles and the size of the runes are consistent. The size of the mana stone is appropriate, and the mana drawing is efficient. It’s a well-made artifact.”

“Is it good enough to sell?”

The Twelfth Elder looks at me intently.


“Yes, Elder.”

“Do you want to make money?”

“It would be nice if I could.”

“Didn’t the Tower Master give you an allowance?”

“He did.”

“Then why are you so obsessed with money? The Tower Master’s hands are not small; he must have given you a decent allowance.”

I think I understand what the Elder is trying to say.

“You’re right, Elder. Most of the allowance my master gave me is still there. But as you know, I’m a stranger here. In the world I come from, my situation isn’t very good.”

“Ah! I had forgotten for a moment. Are you starving?”

“Not to that extent, but…”

The Twelfth Elder fires a Fire Arrow with the artifact in his hand. He nods as he watches the Fire Arrow explode against the wall.

“Let’s go outside for now.”

I follow the Twelfth Elder outside.

As we walk through the garden outside the Magic Tower building, the Twelfth Elder begins to speak.

“You asked if you could sell the Fire Arrow artifact you made, right?”

“Yes, Elder.”

“You can sell it. But not as it is.”

Artifact, he returns the metal plate to me.

“Do you know what is considered most important after the magic that enchants an artifact?”

“Is it portability?”

“Good answer. Artifacts that are too large or have too unique an appearance are not good artifacts.”

I think so too.

When I saw the artifacts made by Dream Work, the enchantment guild of England, I couldn’t tell if they were magical items or metal weapons.

“Portability is important, but artistry and secrecy cannot be ignored either.”

“Artistry and secrecy.”

“Do you know that the most commonly adopted form when making artifacts is accessories?”

“I see.”

The Elder himself has a pendant necklace.

“It’s convenient to carry and looks good. And it has secrecy too.”

“Secrecy? I can’t agree with that.”

The Elder laughs and shakes his head.

“You know my pendant is an artifact, don’t you?”


The Elder raises his hands. Each of his hands has two rings on them.

“Do you think any of these four rings are artifacts?”

“All four are artifacts.”

“Wow, you’re amazing. You recognized it at a glance. The future of the Magic Tower is bright. As you said, all four are artifacts. Accessories are something anyone can wear. They don’t distinguish between men and women. Because anyone can commonly wear them, they gain secrecy. Do you understand?”

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“Aha! I think I get it.”

Is it similar to why killers in movies disassemble sniper rifles and carry them in violin cases?

No one would think of common items as weapons.

Because they are ordinary, they are secret.

“It’s like hiding a tree in a forest.”

“Hiding a tree in a forest? Haha, that’s a wonderful metaphor. I’ll have to use it on young wizards later. Now, do you understand why I can’t sell it as it is?”

“Yes, Elder. The moment I take it out and reach out, the opponent will be prepared.”

“Exactly, correct. Such a form of artifact is like declaring ‘I will attack you now.’ Since you succeeded in the first task, I will give you the second task.”

The Elder hands over a gold ring.

“Enchant this ring with a 2-circle spell.”

“Is it a ring?”

It’s a gold ring weighing about two don.

The width is only about 3 to 4mm. Two circles are drawn on it, and mana stones are embedded, and it must also be drawn with mana.

“Enchanting it wasn’t easy, was it?”

“Hahaha. If it were easy, there would be no reason for artifacts to be expensive, right? And I can guess what kind of method you imagined, but don’t think that the method you thought of is the only one.”

“Does that mean there are other methods?”

The elder smiles mysteriously.

“Find that method yourself. For your information, I can enchant up to 6-circle magic on a ring of that size.”

The elder gives a difficult task and turns away.

“6-circle? Is that even possible?”

A 6-circle means drawing six circles. How on earth can six circles be drawn and 64 runes be engraved on this small ring?


I returned to the workshop.

I asked the elder and brought a few ring-shaped artifacts.

“This is 2-circle, and this is 3-circle.”

The ring-shaped artifacts are similar in size to the ring I have.

At first glance, they look like ordinary rings. There are no signs of magic circles engraved on the outside or inside. It is clear that they were hidden after the artifact was completed.

Each ring has two or three small mana stones embedded in it.

The mana stones, cut like jewels, looked like jewels themselves.

While staring intently at the artifacts, I felt something strange.

“Not just a part, but the whole?”

The entire ring evenly exudes the energy of mana.

If I were to make the artifact as I thought, only the parts where the magic circles are drawn would have different mana densities.

– Don’t think that the method you thought of is the only one.

I think I understand what the elder meant.

“It might not be as difficult as I thought.”

And I think I know how to make the artifact.

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