Chapter 15

If we were to rank the things necessary for human survival, fire and water would take the first and second places.

The biggest topic when climbing the Tower of Infinity is ‘survival.’

The Tower of Infinity is a place full of monsters and supernatural phenomena that humanity has never experienced before.

It means that it is difficult to predict when and where danger will lurk.

Therefore, the Awakened thoroughly prepare to increase their chances of survival before entering the Tower of Infinity.

The profession of porter was created because of the survival of the Awakened.

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The more supplies needed to attack the Tower of Infinity that can be carried, the longer one can stay in the tower and attack it.

Familiar electronic devices and machinery cannot be taken into the Tower of Infinity.

Cold weapons, food, and some primary processed goods can be taken. Some things are allowed, and some are not. The criteria for what is allowed and what is not have not yet been revealed.

Therefore, the Awakened refer to it as ‘what the Tower of Infinity permits.’

Unfortunately, the Tower of Infinity has not permitted ‘fire’ to humanity.

The Awakened still have to light fires with flint in the Tower of Infinity. If there is a wizard among the companions, it can be a little easier to light a fire.

Thus, the value of Enchanters’ artifacts has skyrocketed.

Artifacts that create fire and water have become essential for the Awakened attacking the Tower of Infinity.

“The performance is terrible.”

I once saw a video on YouTube of an awakened one using an artifact enchanted with ‘Fire’.

A flame, slightly larger than a lighter’s, rose from a chunk of metal large enough to be used as a weapon. Even then, it could only be used three times a day.

The same was true for artifacts enchanted with water mana. They could fill a 500mL beer glass at most, and only three times a day.

Despite such poor performance, these artifacts had become essential items for the awakened ones climbing the Tower of Infinity.

“Shall we begin?”

I take out the metal plate and carving knife I bought at Cheonggyecheon.

A small circle and a slightly larger circle.

Four runes are needed for a 2-circle spell, but I will use only two.

“Fire, and Amplify.”

I engrave the two runes inside the 1-circle, and then again on the outer circle.

The purpose is to maximize the fire produced by the artifact.

Next, I create an artifact with water mana, Aqua, and Amplify.

Although I could create a 2-circle attack spell artifact, my choice is to maximize the effects of water and fire, essential for survival.

I make a few more identical artifacts.

Now, once the ordered crystal powder arrives, I can complete the artifacts.




Flames rise on the metal plate.

A fire as big as a child’s head.



The flames grow even larger.

The fire doubles in size.


I confirm the flames have disappeared and clench my fist.


The firepower is no joke.

“Oh ho. Did you use mana paint?”

The Twelfth Elder approaches and asks.

“Yes, Elder.”

“The firepower is unusual.”

The Twelfth Elder smiles as if proud.

“Do you intend to sell it in your world?”

“Yes, Elder.”

“There are many other spells, but why did you enchant the most basic one?”

As I explain the intention behind the artifact’s creation, the Twelfth Elder nods as if understanding.

“Your world is very different from this one. Follow me.”

The Twelfth Elder leads me to the innermost part of the workshop.

“Can you create a 3-circle artifact?”

“I haven’t tried, but I think it’s possible.”

“You completed a 2-circle artifact in a day, so a 3-circle artifact shouldn’t be too difficult. But from the 4-circle artifact onwards, even you won’t be able to create it easily.”

“Why is that?”

“The reason is simple. Up to the 3-circle, you only need to engrave eight runes, but the 4-circle requires sixteen runes. The reason high-circle artifacts are expensive is not only because of the power of the magic but also because they are difficult to create. You have to engrave more runes on the same-sized object. The circles increase, and the runes increase. So what else increases?”


The Twelfth Elder nods.

“From the 4-circle magic onwards, you also have to consider the relationships between the runes. Runes with similar properties, runes with opposite properties, runes that seem similar but have different properties. Connecting those runes with mana is not an easy task. And it’s not just about connecting them. Depending on how you connect the mana, the performance of the artifact can vary as much as heaven and earth. Even at this moment, the enchanters of the Magic Tower are devoting themselves to research to find the optimal mana connections.”

“I see.”

The place we arrived at with the Twelfth Elder was a vault.

After passing through several security devices, we were able to enter the vault.

“This is where artifacts below the 5-circle are stored.”

“A treasure vault.”

The Twelfth Elder chuckles.

“Yes, a treasure vault. If you convert the artifacts stored here into gold, you could buy a small country.”

“That’s amazing.”

It means there are at least trillions of won in this vault.

The Twelfth Elder leads me to the place where the 5-circle artifacts are stored.

“Choose one.”

“Do you mean-.”

“You’re right. The artifact you choose will be yours. Carry it with you and study the principles of its creation.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll be outside.”

The Twelfth Elder left, and he was alone in the vault.

“How much would this one be worth?”

In reality, 5-circle artifacts existed.

They were obtained by conquering the Tower of Infinity, and only three existed in the world.

One in the United States, one in China, and one in Korea.

The 5-circle artifact in Korea was owned by Baek Dong-wook, the master of the Chiu Guild, known as the best guild in Korea.

It was only known that it was a 5-circle artifact, but no one knew what magic was enchanted on it. After all, there was no reason to share one’s trump card with others.

After pondering what to choose, he finally made a decision.


He chose an artifact enchanted with the 5-circle search magic.

The search magic, as the name suggests, is a search magic. It can scan a certain range to identify any potential dangers. If it could be implemented in reality, it would undoubtedly be purchased by all the awakened ones who were conquering the Tower of Infinity.

The most important thing for the awakened ones when conquering the Tower of Infinity was to establish a base camp. Securing safety by building a base camp was the beginning of the conquest of the Tower of Infinity.

With the search magic, it would be easier to find a place to build a base camp or to prepare for dangers after construction.

It was common for monsters to invade the base camp and for the awakened ones to lose their lives.

He smiled as he slipped the chosen ring onto his finger.

“This is what you call a must-have item.”


There are a few things that foreigners find amazing about Korea.

One of them is the delivery service.

Isn’t Korea the country where you can order something in the morning and receive it in the evening?

The small size of the country might be a factor, but the delivery system is exceptionally well-organized.

When he came out of the capsule, the ordered crystal powder and paint were waiting at the door.

“Seolgi, do you know what this is?”

Seolgi wriggled out and met his eyes. He gently scratched Seolgi’s chin with his finger.

“This is going to make us rich. I’ll make a lot of money and buy you lots of delicious food and toys.”

He took out a bowl and put the crystal powder and paint in it.

He dipped his index finger into the bowl and slowly mixed them. The mana flowing from his fingertips stayed in the bowl without dispersing, as if by magic.


The crystal powder is absorbing mana.

“Eat a lot. Eat twice, no, eat three times.”

He continuously channels mana.

The elder warned that creating mana paint could lead to severe mana depletion and exhaustion, so he should be careful.

Fortunately, that didn’t happen. Despite continuously channeling mana, there were no abnormal symptoms.

This is the dignity of a primordial mage, a mage with a vessel.

The mana that stayed within the vessel flows out and disperses. It means the crystal powder has absorbed mana to its maximum capacity.

A subtle red light flows from the completed mana paint. This is because he infused it with the mana of flames during the combination.

He applies the mana paint to the metal plate where he had pre-engraved the fire magic circle. After evenly applying the mana paint to the grooves of the magic circle and cleaning off the excess paint, he finishes the work.


He feels the same energy as the artifacts made using mana stones in the magic tower.



Flames rise.

The fire is larger than the artifact he had made as a test in the magic tower.



The flames soar.


Finally, the moment of completing an artifact in reality has come.

He creates another fire artifact and manifests the magic.

He gazes at the artifact spewing flames with enchanted eyes. He might be crazy, but those flames look like ‘money’ to him.

“Hahaha! It’s okay to go crazy.”

He creates an aqua artifact and goes to the bathroom. He puts the artifact into a large prepared container.


Water flows from the artifact.

“Fill it up!”

He moves the artifact spewing flames to a safe place. He doesn’t deactivate the magic. The final check remains. He needs to see how long the magic lasts.

The longer it lasts, the more valuable the artifact will be.

“Seolgi, let’s eat.”

Now, all that remains is to wait.


After the Great Cataclysm, numerous Awakener guilds emerged.

The Dark Merchant is also a group that emerged after the Great Cataclysm.

Dark Merchants.

There is nothing they do not trade.

If it makes money, they trade it. They even trade human organs, drugs, and weapons.

Among the items traded by the Dark Merchant, the ones with the highest value are, of course, the by-products obtained from the Tower of Infinity.

Monster corpses, weapons, artifacts—they secure them by any means necessary and sell them secretly.

The Dark Merchant has branches in every country around the world.

Park Donghyuk, the head of the Korean branch of the Dark Merchant, is staring intently at the item in his hand.

“It can use fire magic for 72 hours?”

In his other hand, he holds a similar item.

“It can create 2,000 liters of water?”

Park Donghyuk chuckles as if he finds it absurd.

The reason he laughs is not because he thinks it’s ridiculous. Before it even reached his hands, a member of the Dark Merchant had already tested it.

Just as the sender’s description stated, the fire magic lasted for 72 hours, and the aqua magic continuously spewed water.

The reason he laughs.

“What kind of confidence is this?”

The metal plate in his hand is engraved with a circular pattern and strange symbols.


An item imbued with magic.

Among the items traded by the Dark Merchant, artifacts are considered important. They maintain relationships with globally renowned Enchanter guilds and distribute artifacts.

Of course, the Enchanter guilds keep the methods of artifact creation a secret.

However, the artifact in his hand has no such safety measures.

It is an artifact of immense value.

It is an extraordinary item whose performance cannot be compared to existing artifacts with the same enchantment. If this spreads among the Awakeners, no one will seek the existing artifacts.

How can a candle and a torch, a drop of water and a downpour be treated the same?






Park Dong-hyuk murmured as he looked at the artifact with the flames gone.

“How much should I receive?”

He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. He thought of the unknown person who sent this.

“And how much should I give?”

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