Chapter 17

The Bag of Infinity.

The Bag of Infinity that revealed itself was different from the imagined game inventory.

A space about 1 meter in width, height, and depth, with nothing inside.

“I had forgotten.”

The reason I had forgotten about the Bag of Infinity was probably because the status window obtained in Doomsday was reflected in reality as well.

Since I shared the same status window, I thought of Doomsday as another reality.

Since the awakened ones in reality didn’t have an inventory, I hadn’t thought of opening the Bag of Infinity either.

I put a book from the room into the Bag of Infinity. As I reached out and thought ‘put it in,’ the book disappeared. Inside the Bag of Infinity, which had nothing, a book was lying there.

“How do I take it out?”

I reached into the Bag of Infinity and thought of taking the book out.


The book was in my hand, which had been empty.

I started putting things from the room into the Bag of Infinity. After putting in more than thirty items, I closed the Bag of Infinity. When I thought of the Bag of Infinity in my mind, the items inside naturally came to mind.


Suddenly, a thought occurred to me.

Could I bring items from the world of Doomsday into reality through the Bag of Infinity?

If that were possible, I could earn an enormous amount of money, incomparable to making and selling artifacts.

Here, as long as you have gold, you can easily get high-grade potions. Especially in my case, being the disciple of the Tower Master, I could buy them at a very cheap price.

If I sold the potions and various items I bought in reality, I would become a billionaire in no time.

“There’s no way that’s possible.”

Still, with a faint hope, I put items that could be worth money into the Bag of Infinity.

Come to think of it, isn’t it impossible to share the status window between reality and the game in the first place?

I put in the 5-circle search magic ring enchanted by the Twelve Elders as a gift, and the 4-circle artifact I recently made myself.

“Oh, mana stones.”

I had quite a few mana stones in my room.

I had asked the Twelve Elders to bring them for artifact crafting practice.

Sitting on the bed, I thought about whether there was anything else I had forgotten, like the Bag of Infinity.

“Status Window.”

– Name: No-un

From noble mtl dot com

Level: 1

Class: Mage (Origin)

Title: Disciple of the Tower Master, Mage of the Origin

Strength: 20 Stamina: 20 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 50 Magic Power: 50

Achievement: One Who Has Touched the Origin

It was the same status window as when I awakened in the Sage’s Room.


Upon closer inspection, the titles ‘Disciple of the Tower Master’ and ‘Mage of the Origin’, as well as the achievement ‘One Who Has Touched the Origin’, were faintly glowing.

With a sense of curiosity, I touched the title ‘Disciple of the Tower Master’ with my fingertip.

– Disciple of the Tower Master (Inactive)

Disciple of the Tower Master, owner of the Tower of the Magic Kingdom of Kraksha.

Can purchase items at all shops in the Magic Kingdom of Kraksha at a 30% discount.

Intelligence: 10 Magic Power: 10

The first thing that caught my eye was ‘Inactive’.

When I pressed ‘Inactive’ with my finger, it soon changed to ‘Active’, and my intelligence and magic power each increased by 10 in the status window.

“This is crazy.”

I checked the other title, Mage of the Origin, and the achievement, One Who Has Touched the Origin, in turn. Both were also inactive like the Disciple of the Tower Master.

The Mage of the Origin increased intelligence and magic power by 20 each, and the One Who Has Touched the Origin increased all strength, agility, and stamina by 10 each, and intelligence and magic power by 20 each.

– Name: No-un

Level: 1

Class: Mage (Origin)

Title: Disciple of the Tower Master, Mage of the Origin

Strength: 30 Stamina: 30 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 100 Magic Power: 100

Achievement: One Who Has Touched the Origin

“This is insane.”

Even seeing it with my own eyes, I couldn’t believe it.

At level 1, the total stats were 290.

If it weren’t for the Twelve Elders, I wouldn’t have known for a long time.

“Will these stats apply to reality as well?”


“What do you think about this?”

Son Seok-hae, the vice guild master of the Cheonghae Guild, looks at the guild master Park Min-hyun, who is gently shaking the paper in his hand. He keeps his mouth shut, knowing that no answer is expected.

“An artifact that spews flames at least ten times, at most twenty times more powerful than the fire artifacts made by Dream Work, for 72 hours. An aqua artifact that can instantly provide 2,000 liters of drinkable water. Does this make any sense?”

Park Hyun-min places the official document from the Dark Merchant’s Korean branch on the desk.

It contained the specifications of the artifacts that would soon be on sale.

“Must be a joke, right?”

“The Dark Merchant wouldn’t joke about something like this.”

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I’m so confused right now. It’s unbelievable, but it’s the Dark Merchant saying it, so we can’t not believe it. If the artifacts they’re selling are real, we must secure them, right?”

“Even if not the fire artifact, I think we should secure the aqua artifact.”

“No, the fire artifact too. I’m tired of cooking with campfires while raiding the Tower of Infinity. If what the Dark Merchant says is true, it’s enough firepower for cooking. It lasts for 72 hours, so if we turn it on and off, we can use it for quite a long time.”

Son Seok-hae nods.

“Contact the Dark Merchant. Tell them we want an exclusive contract.”

“That will be impossible.”

The Dark Merchant raises prices through competition, not by partnering with one side.

“I know. But we have to try, don’t we? This could be our chance to shed the ‘second place’ label.”

The Cheonghae Guild, backed by the top-ranked Cheonghae Group, had the label of ‘second place guild.’

The guild ranked first, despite the enormous support from the parent company Cheonghae Group, was the Chiu Guild led by Baek Dong-wook, known as the ‘whole body.’

“We need to give that Dong-wook guy a big blow.”

Park Hyun-min, like Baek Dong-wook, was also an early awakener.

While Baek Dong-wook’s five bonus stats were all concentrated in strength, Park Hyun-min’s five bonus stats were concentrated in agility.

Park Hyun-min, with the best initial stats, was a renowned awakener not only in Korea but also worldwide.

But his fame never surpassed Baek Dong-wook’s, and his guild never surpassed the Chiu Guild.

“My father has high expectations.”

Park Jung-bae, the chairman of Cheonghae Group, was Park Hyun-min’s father.

“I’m sorry that we are still only second place despite all the support.”

Son Seok-hae slightly bows his head.

“Secure as many of these artifacts as possible. The lighter the load, the more other items we can bring.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“It can’t be done with effort. Make it happen no matter what.”

“Yes, I will make it happen no matter what.”

He picks up the document sent by Dark Merchant from the desk and waves it gently, creating a soft breeze.

“Make sure to secure more than the Chiwoo Guild, no matter what. And… no, never mind. You can go.”

As Son Seokhae leaves, Park Hyunmin leans back in his chair.

“Hmm, if only we could recruit them, it would be the best.”

Park Hyunmin smacks his lips.

He is tempted, but if they cross Dark Merchant, the Cheonghae Guild could collapse in an instant.

“Still, it’s a shame.”


“This works.”

Having emerged from the capsule, I am staring at the status window floating in the air.


The stats increased by titles and achievements have also applied to reality.

Seolgi is struggling to come to me. When I lift her onto my stomach, she rubs her head against me. I gently scratch Seolgi’s chin. She closes her eyes and lifts her chin, seemingly enjoying it.

“Shall we feed our Seolgi some formula?”

When I mix the formula and give her the nipple, she sucks vigorously.

She has become much healthier compared to when I first brought her.

The item in the infinite bag.

The item that was too small to notice was the 4-circle artifact I had created. It was an artifact I had made as practice on a metal plate about 3 centimeters in diameter.

It is enchanted with the auxiliary magic Strength, which slightly increases power.

I take the artifact out of the infinite bag.

The complex mana patterns drawn on it are definitely the artifact I made.

Since it was my first time creating a 4-circle artifact, I couldn’t optimize the circles, runes, mana stones, and mana paths connected to the circles.

“The performance is terrible too.”

I compared the performance with a Strength artifact made by a wizard from the enchantment school, and the efficiency is abysmal.

But that wasn’t the important thing right now.

“Why was this transferred?”

There is only one conclusion at the end of my thoughts.

“Because I made it myself?”

If not, there is no other reason why only this was transferred to reality through the infinite bag.



A crimson light flows out from the artifact and permeates my body.

“Oh-. It works.”

The artifact worked well.

I put the artifact down beside me and fall into thought.

“If my assumption is correct?”

I don’t have to make the artifact in reality.

And then…

“If I learn alchemy?”

It means I can make potions in the world of Doomsday and bring them to reality.



When I lift Seolgi, he licks my fingers with his tongue.

“I think your brother hit the jackpot?”


“Let’s move. We’re moving to a bigger house. I’ll make a room for you too.”


“How much did you say?”

“3.4 billion won.”

“3, 3.4 billion won?”

The real estate agent nods.

“The price of a two-story house with a yard around here is usually about that much. Actually, at that price, it’s considered quite cheap.”

“A house worth 3.4 billion won is cheap?”

“Yes, indeed. There are many houses that are much more expensive.”

I thought that with about 1 billion won, I could buy a house that meets my needs, even if it wasn’t very big.

But the price of the house was far above what I had imagined.

“If you’re not insisting on this area, there are cheaper houses available. Of course, even those houses cost at least 1.5 billion won. As you know, houses around here are very expensive.”

“I see. I’ll look into it a bit more and get back to you.”

I leave the real estate office and take a taxi home.

The price is jaw-dropping, but I feel that if I set my mind to it, I could manage to buy it.

The answer is clear.

I need to make a lot of artifacts and send them to the Dark Merchant.

“Or maybe not?”


There might be a way to earn the house price in one go.

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