Chapter 30

As the surrounding scenery changes, I pull up my hood.

The lobby of the Infinite Tower is similar yet different from what I saw in Doomsday.

Walking among the people, I put on the mask I had prepared in advance.

It is a white mask purchased from the event shop. The feeling of the mask touching my face is unfamiliar.

‘Not good.’

Wearing the mask creates a blind spot in my vision.

The mask given by my master was so comfortable that I forgot I was wearing it, and it had no blind spots in my vision. It’s a shame.

Well, comparing a magically crafted artifact to an ordinary mask is wrong in itself.

I weave through the noisy crowd.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to me wearing the mask.

It makes sense, as there are quite a few people who don’t look ordinary, like those wearing bizarre-shaped helmets or those with their robes’ hoods pulled down deeply.

There wasn’t a long line in front of the teleportation stone on the second floor like at the entrance of the tower. After sending mana into the teleportation stone, I move to the second floor.


The wide-open field makes all my frustration disappear.

I see a city in the distance. While the awakened ones who came up to the second floor walk towards the city, I slip away to the side.

“Infinite Bag.”

The Infinite Bag opens.

“Really, it’s here.”

The staff stood there, firmly in place.

A staff adorned with four differently colored jewels and a large diamond, emitting a mysterious black light.

It was undoubtedly the Infinity Staff, a gift from my master to commemorate my entry into the tower.

I took the Infinity Staff in my hand.

The weight and grip were exactly the same as the Infinity Staff I had heard about in the world of Doomsday.

How did the Infinity Staff end up here?


The answer was easy to find.

It was likely due to the blood imprint.

I extended the Infinity Staff forward and then retracted my arm. I wanted to use the 7-circle magic enchanted on the Infinity Staff, but doing so would undoubtedly cause a commotion.

I put the Infinity Staff into the infinite bag and smiled.

“Thank you, Master.”

I moved towards the city built by the awakened ones.

Passing through the palisade, I was once again reminded of how amazing humans are. According to the Sixth Elder, the distance to the forest was quite far. The palisade surrounding the city was made from trees cut down in that forest and transported here.

Unlike the first-floor lobby, I definitely stood out on the second floor compared to others.

A black hoodie and baggy training pants.

The attire of an awakened one who set out to conquer the Infinite Tower, or rather, it was too shabby to be called armor.

“Fresh fruits from the forest. I’ll sell them cheap, so please buy some.”

A boy in his mid-teens, somewhere between a young man and a boy, approached with a basket. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be from a Southeast Asian country.

One of the powers of the Infinite Tower was the breaking down of language barriers, so there was no problem in conversing.

“How much?”

“Regardless of the type, one for 10 dollars, two for 15 dollars.”

The price of one fruit exceeded ten thousand won. I had heard that the prices inside the Infinite Tower were beyond imagination, but I didn’t expect the price of a fruit smaller than a fist to be this high.

“Sorry, I don’t have much money with me.”

I passed by the boy.

I actually had quite a bit of money.

Since the currency used inside the Infinite Tower was dollars, I had exchanged five thousand dollars.

As I wandered around, I arrived at the exit on the opposite side of the city’s entrance where I had entered.

The exit was bustling with people.

The awakened ones preparing for the hunt, the wagons carrying the loads.

A beast with a large build and six legs is tied to the wagon. The beast, resembling an Earth yak, inhabits the forest and field terrains of the Infinite Tower.

Despite its large build, it is very docile and is used as a substitute for pack animals.

“Hey, friend. Going up to the third floor? For a thousand dollars, you can comfortably get to the third floor.”

A large white man approaches with a smile. He points to the wagon behind him. It seems the wagon’s role is not just to carry loads.

I don’t know how far it is to the third floor, but I have no intention of paying over a million won just for transportation.

‘It’s not even first class on an airplane.’

No matter how expensive the prices in the Infinite Tower are, a thousand dollars seems too much.

“No, thank you.”

Several people approached and solicited, but I shook them off and stepped out of the palisade.

Just stepping out of the palisade makes me feel strange.

It feels like the palisade is the boundary between civilization and barbarism.

“This is the real beginning.”

I finally feel like a true awakened one.

I walk along the road for about ten minutes and then turn aside. Although it’s my first time here, my steps are without hesitation. The Magic Tower had detailed information on all the floors they had conquered.

They had even made maps, and those maps were fully stored in my mind.

“Awakening is the best.”

Although I had good memory, it wasn’t to this extent. Despite having vast information about the Infinite Tower in my head, I don’t forget even the trivial things.

For reference, among the fruits the boy was selling earlier, there were some that would cause stomach aches if eaten.

– Before reaching the forest, you occasionally encounter goblins. These goblins are mostly old or severely injured, likely having been expelled from their groups.

Recalling the information about the second floor, I cross the field.

The grass growing in the field is not tall enough to reach my knees, so there is no problem with visibility.

The mountain range visible in the distance, and the forest that seems closer but still uncertain how long it will take to reach.

That was my destination.


The forest was dense.

The small trees were at least 5 meters tall. There were many trees even taller than that. The thick foliage blocked the sunlight, making the forest a bit dark even during the day.

I lean against a thick tree to rest for a while.

I had walked non-stop for five hours to reach the forest.

From noble mtl dot com

“Goblins, wolves, venomous snakes.”

These are the typical monsters that appear in the second-floor forest.

The venomous snake is particularly dangerous. Most of the accidents that happen to those hunting in the forest are because of the venomous snake.

Silently, it descends from the trees and sinks its fangs into the body. It possesses a very strong venom, causing many early awakeners to lose their lives.

Nowadays, there is an antidote, so if treated immediately, one won’t lose their life, but the danger of the venomous snake remains unchanged.


Something stimulates my senses.

The surrounding mana informs me that something is approaching. Without turning my head, I move only my eyes. I can see a snake whose color perfectly matches the tree.

An assassin stealthily approaching, flicking its tongue incessantly.

I extend my index finger.

Mana gathers at the tip of my finger, drawing a line between me and the venomous snake.


The body of the snake, its head crushed, falls to the ground.


A faint red aura begins to rise from the snake’s corpse. The red aura soon rushes towards me. I step back with a sense of foreboding. But the red aura continues to follow me.


I envelop my body with the mana of flames.

I manifest several runes of flame simultaneously.

The red aura approaches without hesitation, passing through the flames and flowing into my body.


It’s a strange feeling.

Not entirely unpleasant.

“What is this?”

No matter how many times I check, there is nothing wrong with my body.

After pondering the unknown phenomenon for a moment, I shake my head and approach the snake’s corpse.

I extend my hand, and the mana of wind gathers, taking shape. A small but sharp blade, a Wind Blade, is formed.

Adding a rune of compression to the existing Wind Blade, I create a smaller blade that cuts through the snake’s body. The sight of the innards spilling out is not very pleasant, but it’s not unbearable.

Working at a monster corpse processing company helped at this moment.

Among the snake’s organs, I see a small black fragment. The mana of wind envelops it and lifts it up.


Only after cleaning it thoroughly do I grab it with my hand.

“Magic Stone.”

The highest value for humanity that can be obtained from the Tower of Infinity.

This small piece, the Magic Stone, has literally revolutionized humanity by perfectly replacing fossil fuels and possessing infinite possibilities.

“Feeling lucky?”

Hunting monsters doesn’t guarantee obtaining a Magic Stone. In fact, most monsters don’t carry Magic Stones.

I put the Magic Stone in the Infinite Bag and hesitate for a moment over the viper’s corpse. The viper’s corpse can also be traded. Although I don’t know exactly where the meat or organs are sold, the venom and skin are traded at quite high prices.

Venom is purchased by research institutes and companies, while skin is bought by merchants to make bags or clothes.

I only take the venom sac and turn around.

The reason I came to the Tower of Infinity today is not to obtain monster corpses, but to confirm something.

The reason I took the venom sac is that it is often used as a material in alchemy.


A dwarf with green skin, about the height of an elementary school child.

Its face is grotesquely twisted, and sharp teeth protrude from its wide, slit mouth.

The grotesque creature, with its vital parts covered in animal skin, holds a dagger in its hand.


A typical monster that appears from the 2nd to the 10th floor.

If you underestimate them because of their small stature, you’ll lose your life to their stealthily shot paralyzing venom.

There are three goblins walking around, scouting the surroundings.

I step out from behind the tree where I was hiding.


The goblins let out a bizarre scream, whether it’s a cry or a shout, I can’t tell.

“Hello. It’s our first meeting, right?”

I extend my right hand forward.

Mana gathers in my thumb, index finger, and middle finger.

“Nice to meet you.”

Three streaks of magic, named ‘Magic Bullet’, fly towards the goblins. The goblins, sensing danger, try to dodge, but eventually fall with holes pierced through the center of their heads.

Flame Bullet, Ice Bullet, and Thunder Bullet.

Burned, frozen, and electrocuted to death.

A red aura rises from the goblins’ corpses. It’s something I’ve experienced several times while killing vipers and wolves on my way here. I’ve tried to avoid it and push it away with mana, but the red aura eventually gets absorbed into my body.

As the red aura is absorbed, a message is conveyed.

– Level has increased.


Finally, the long-awaited message is heard.

I immediately open the status window.

– Name: Noon

Level: 2

Occupation: Mage (Origin)

Title: Disciple of the Tower Lord, Mage of the Source

Strength: 30 Stamina: 30 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 104(↑4) Magic Power: 104(↑4)

Achievement: One who has touched the Source

“As expected-.”

Intelligence and Magic Power each increased by 4, a total of 8 stats.

An overwhelming rate of stat increase compared to other awakeners.

“Shall we go back?”

The purpose of coming to the Tower of Infinity has been achieved.

There was only one reason for coming here.

Since it has been confirmed that Doomsday is connected to reality-.

It’s time to check if reality is also connected to Doomsday.

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