Chapter 40

The monsters that appear on the 21st floor of the Tower of Infinity are ‘undead.’

You can think of the entire 21st floor as a giant cemetery.

I move away from the city of awakeners built at the entrance of the 21st floor to a deserted place.


The surrounding mana responds to my will.

The invisibility spell is something I haven’t neglected while training the warp magic circle. I judged it to be an essential spell for attacking the Tower of Infinity in the future.

Perhaps because I trained the runes needed for the 8th circle warp magic, I was able to master the 6th circle runes relatively quickly.

I float and move at high speed.

The destination is the 25th floor.

Of course, there was also a wizard’s path on the 21st floor. I sprint along that path at an incredible speed. I see awakened ones fighting undead around me.

If certain conditions are met, the 21st floor is actually easier to hunt than the 11th floor, so there are quite a few awakened ones.

Being active on the 21st floor means that the level of the awakened ones is above average. The awakened ones fighting the undead are recognized as strong even in their respective countries.

Years ago, the 21st floor was a place where countries known as the awakened powerhouses gathered and competed.

It was because of the mana stone mine on the 29th floor.

Many awakened ones lost their lives due to conflicts between countries.

The winner was the United States, and they took over the mana stone mine, but their damage was also considerable.

Even now, several countries, including China, are eyeing the mana stone mine occupied by the United States.

I pause near the entrance to the 22nd floor.

A few zombies are wandering around.

When I deactivate invisibility, the zombies react. They are not the slow, stupid zombies seen in movies. The zombies run towards me at high speed.

The undead, who have awakened after death, harbor a blind hatred for the living.

They try to bite me with their yellowed, almost blackened teeth.

I create distance from the zombies with ‘Acceleration’ and raise my hand, slashing downwards.

“Call Lightning.”

The spell that summons lightning, Call Lightning.

The lightning strikes the zombies rushing at me.

One of the weaknesses of the undead is that they are vulnerable to the energy of lightning. The most fatal thing to the undead is not the energy of lightning but holy power, but awakened ones who handle holy power are very rare.

Healers, and those who rarely awaken as paladins or monks.

Healers’ holy healing magic, as the name suggests, has the ability to heal, but it has the opposite effect on the undead. However, no healer uses holy healing magic to deal with the undead.

It is inefficient to use the holy power of healers, who are essential in battle, to eliminate the undead.


The zombies struck directly by the lightning fall to the ground, trembling, and soon become still.

“Too much.”

Using a 5-circle thunder magic to eliminate zombies is like using a flamethrower to kill a fly.

He easily dispatches the zombies wandering around with Lightning Bolt and Lightning Arrow.

Although it’s only 2-circle and 3-circle magic, its power is on a different level compared to the magic used by awakened mages.

Staying at the shelter on the 17th floor, he frequently goes out to subdue the villages and has reached level 19.

The intelligence stat of 164 and the magic stat of 184 have a significant impact on the power of the magic.

These are incredible stats that even the top-tier early awakeners couldn’t achieve.

After dealing with the zombies, he cloaks himself with Invisibility and sets off towards his destination.


25th floor.

After ascending to the 25th floor through the Mage’s Path, he moves towards a place to use as a shelter.

While moving quickly, he slows down.

Dozens of wagons pulled by beasts resembling yaks are moving in a line. Around them, awakeners are guarding, and the emblem engraved on their chest armor is unique.

‘Chiu Guild.’

The only guild in the world that uses goblins as its emblem is the Chiu Guild.

It is the number one official guild in Korea and one of the top guilds in the world.

Those moving are the expedition team led by Baek Dong-wook of the Chiu Guild.

Their destination would be the 32nd floor.

Korean guilds have not yet passed the 32nd floor.

The United States, which is attacking the 35th floor, and China, which is on the 33rd floor, would not reveal the strategy for the 32nd floor to their competitor, the Korean awakeners.

The wagons are loaded with supplies needed for the Infinite Tower attack. The Chiu Guild members are easily dealing with the zombies and skeletons that suddenly spring up from the surrounding ground.


A large undead, a ghoul, with a body completely blackened, appears, but four Chiu Guild members rush in and quickly deal with it.

‘They fight well.’

The title of Korea’s strongest guild was not given for nothing.

From noble mtl dot com

It seems that Baek Dong-wook is not present in the expedition team.

An interesting fact is that the route the Chiu Guild’s expedition team is taking is similar to the Mage’s Path. They must have found a safe route after traveling this path for years.

‘See you again.’

Since it’s a Korean guild, they will meet again inside the Infinite Tower someday.


The land of the dead, where countless undead wander aimlessly.

In the middle of it, there exists a strange structure.

The building, which looks like an old shrine, is not very large.

The building, which looks like it could collapse at any moment, is my destination.

The inside is a space of about four pyeong.

On three sides, except for the direction with the entrance, there are two coffins each, a total of six coffins leaning against the wall. All the coffins are open, and inside lie skeletons.

There is nothing else except for the coffins.

So why did I come here?

This is the reason.


Six streams of magic fly towards the coffins. Bullets made of pure mana simultaneously hit the skulls of the skeletons lying in the coffins.

The magic instantly dissipates, and a strange energy flows out from the coffins.

The energy flowing out from the six directions gathers in the center of the floor.


And a part of the floor pushes aside, revealing stairs leading downwards.

“The underground grand tomb.”

A place known only to the wizards of the magic tower on the continent of Azelium.

I descend the stairs. The stairs are quite long. A ‘thud’ sound is heard from above. It must be the sound of the entrance closing.


I light the torches hanging at regular intervals on both sides of the narrow passage.

The passage is just wide enough for two people to pass shoulder to shoulder. There are rooms on both sides of the passage, and the rooms are filled with coffins.

At the end of the passage, there is a wide circular space with a high platform in the center.

A stone chair placed on the platform.

Someone is sitting there.

Wearing a black robe deeply, their face is not visible.

I know who is sitting in the chair.

– The underground grand tomb has an owner. If you defeat the owner, it will be entirely yours.


An evil wizard who sought immortality and made a pact with demons.

As soon as I finish speaking, the lich sitting in the chair slowly raises its head. Two beams of red light pour out from inside the hood.

– Who dares to disturb my rest?

The master of the underground tomb, the Lich, rises.

A wand adorned with skulls is held in his hand. The Lich raises the wand above his head. And then, his figure disappears.


Black mana falls from above.

Having anticipated this, I easily step back to widen the distance.

The Lich stands where I was.

Using the dark magic Blink, he instantly closed the gap.

Crackle- Crackle-

The energy of lightning imbues my ten fingers.

I flick my fingers in succession as if playing a guitar. The bullets of lightning aim at the Lich’s entire body. The Lich uses Blink again. The Lich, who reappeared far away, swings the skull wand horizontally.


The sound of countless insects flapping their wings is heard.

“Death Swarm.”

It is dark magic that summons a swarm of poisonous insects imbued with dark mana. In terms of white magic, it corresponds to a 5th circle spell.

“Lightning Shield.”

I add the energy of lightning to the shield.

After lightening my body with acceleration magic, I dodge the approaching Death Swarm and continuously cast lightning spells.

The Lich is dodging all my attacks with Blink, but I don’t mind.

– For a Lich, he’s quite a pathetic one. At best, he’s at the level of a 6th circle. If I attack with magic, he uses Blink to escape, but after about thirty times, that’s it.

“Lightning Field.”


The energy of lightning spreads out in a circle around me.

I cast Lightning Field, a spell that creates a discharge zone in a certain area.


The Lich groans.

I have no intention of waiting until thirty times as my master said.

The Lich tried to escape with Blink, but the place where he reappeared was also within the range of the Lightning Field.

I continuously fire Lightning Arrows at the staggering Lich. The Lich deflects the lightning arrows with his wand. But he couldn’t block the bullets of lightning that stealthily penetrated in between.


I approach the Lich, who is trembling and screaming much louder than before.

“Thunder Blade.”

The mana of thunder gathers, forming the shape of a sword.

The sword of thunder slashes diagonally across the lich’s neck and chest. The lich lets out another long scream and collapses.

“This is not the end. I will return soon and kill you. I will make you my slave forever.”

“Got it. Make sure you do.”

After offering a word of encouragement to the lich, which turns into black powder and disappears, I turn to the back of the altar.

“Is it around here?”

I count the bricks that make up the stone chamber from the bottom. Then I move to the left, then up, and then down again.


When I press the brick with my hand, it pushes inward.


A red light flows out from the space created by the pushed brick.

– No!

A cry that shakes my mind is heard.

When I reach into the gap, I grab something.

A red gem the size of a fist.

– P-Please…

A desperate cry from the lich is heard from within the gem.

This gem is the lich’s life vessel.

The wizards of the magic tower who attacked this underground mausoleum had a hard time finding the lich’s life vessel for a while. When they killed it, it would come back to life, and when they killed it again, it would come back to life again.

It is said that the master of the tower himself came here and found the lich’s life vessel with a mana scan, and only then could it be permanently destroyed.



I send the mana of thunder into the gem in my hand. The lich’s screams and curses filled with hatred echo endlessly in my mind. It can be said to be the lich’s last desperate struggle, sensing its annihilation.

As I continue to send the mana of thunder, the lich’s energy gradually diminishes and eventually completely disappears.

I toss and catch the red gem that was the life vessel.

After the lich’s soul left, it became a complete gem.

“Thanks for the gift.”

This underground mausoleum, and the large gem.

“I’ll make good use of it.”

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