Chapter 42

Han River Park.

While drinking a can of coffee bought from a convenience store and looking at the surrounding scenery, someone sits next to me.

“Master of the Tower of Kraksha. It’s been a while.”

It’s Park Dong-hyuk, the head of the Dark Merchant Korea branch.

“I hope I didn’t call you out when you’re busy.”

“Of course, I had to come since it was the Master of the Tower of Kraksha who called.”

“Here, take this. It’s a promotional item, buy one get one free.”

“Hahaha. The great asset owner, Master of the Tower of Kraksha, is enjoying a buy one get one free deal.”

“I just bought what was at hand.”

I crumple the empty coffee can.

“Have you been busy lately?”

“Yes, quite busy. There are many people seeking the treatment center.”

“I feel sorry for leaving everything to you and living comfortably alone.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m thoroughly enjoying the fun of running the treatment center and exercising power. Do you know how much those arrogant people who acted like they owned the world grovel in front of me?”

“No one bothers you?”

“Of course, there are always some. After punishing a few as an example, it quieted down. But they’ll soon forget and come at me again. You must not have heard the news while you were in the Infinite Tower, but there have been many interesting events. The powerful people of our country and other nations are publicly confessing their crimes and paying for them.”

“Do you have someone in your family suffering from mana addiction?”

Park Dong-hyuk nods.

“Starting with the first person who made a conscience declaration, the number is increasing one by one. These days, we get a lot of inquiries asking if we can relax the conditions a bit. Of course, I firmly said no.”

“You did well.”

She takes out a mask from the bag she is carrying and hands it to Park Dong-hyuk.

“It’s a gift.”

“A gift?”

Park Dong-hyuk takes the mask and examines it, asking curiously.

“I wanted to see your face after a long time and give you a gift. It’s not just a mask, it’s an artifact. I made it myself.”


“When you wear it, it can’t be taken off by any external force. And there’s no inconvenience when eating or anything. It’s made with quite a high-grade mana stone, so it can be used semi-permanently. The activation words are ‘wear’ and ‘remove’.”

Park Dong-hyuk brings the mask to his face.

“Wear. Oh-! It doesn’t feel like I’m wearing a mask at all.”

He takes out his phone, turns on the camera function, and examines his face from various angles.

“Amazing. Remove.”

He hands over the bag he was carrying, puts the mask in the bag, and holds it tightly with both hands.

“I never thought I would receive such a wonderful gift. Thank you very much. Of course, enchanter awakeners can’t make artifacts like this, right?”

“Maybe in the future, but for now, no one can make it. There are only two of these, the one I use and the one I gave you.”

“It’s a very unique artifact.”

“Branch manager, can you get information on the Korean awakeners’ guild?”

“Are you talking about the awakeners’ guild?”

Park Dong-hyuk looks at me as if surprised.

After thinking for a moment, Park Dong-hyuk nods.

“Of course, I should give it to you. There’s no way the tower master of Kraksha would use that information for bad purposes.”

“Aren’t you trusting people too easily?”

“That’s what I want to say to you. Hahaha.”

Park Dong-hyuk and I look at each other and chuckle.

“But I’m still curious. Why would the tower master of Kraksha, who had no interest in awakeners, ask for their information?”

“I just have something to check.”

“I’ll send it to you as soon as I return to the branch.”

I get up from my seat.

“Oh, by the way, the awakener known as the tower master of Kraksha will start active operations soon.”

Leaving those words behind, he departs first.


A robe dyed black with the web of a steel spider, embroidered with the symbol of Kraksha’s Tower in gold thread.

It is also an artifact with three magic circles inscribed inside.

Holding the Infinity Staff in hand, wearing a golden mask on the face.

The gloves and shoes are also items I crafted myself in the world of Doomsday.

I take a moment to admire my reflection in the mirror.

All black with a golden mask.

“Quite impressive.”

This is the attire worn by the awakened one known as Kraksha’s Tower when acting publicly.

It took a whole week just to make these.


I disappear completely from the mirror.

Of course, I can still see my silhouette. To be precise, I can see the distorted mana. Since invisibility is also a magic that uses mana, it cannot escape my eyes that penetrate the flow of mana.

“Well then, shall we begin?”

The basement of the building purchased for magic research.

In the spacious area, I draw a large, round circle. Then, I draw four small circles inside it, and seven more circles on top of those.


Even though I’m just drawing circles, the mana around me trembles.

Inside one of the four circles, I draw another circle and begin the serious work of inscribing runes.

Holding a carving knife several times larger than the one I used to make artifacts, I engrave the runes. It’s an extremely delicate task, and sweat pours down my forehead without pause.

It took six hours to complete one magic circle. I complete the remaining three magic circles in turn.

It took a whole day to complete the four magic circles.

Thanks to the training in the world of Doomsday, the time was significantly reduced.

After a short break, I start working again.

It’s time to inscribe the central magic circle that encompasses the four magic circles. The runes must be inscribed without interfering with the intersecting circles. If the carving knife deviates even slightly, it will cause a tremendous explosion.

It would be fortunate if only the building explodes.

One of the four magic circles is a space magic circle, so if I’m not careful, the dimension might tear and a rift could open.

Another day passes.

The work of inscribing the mana paths continued for a week. Since there are magic circles within magic circles, and they are interconnected, the mana paths look more like a maze than anything else.

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It’s time to engrave the coordinates of the magic circle.

The reference point for the coordinates is, of course, the Tower of Infinity. My master said that the coordinates of the Tower of Infinity never change.

I have memorized all the coordinates inside the Tower of Infinity from my master.


I take out the highest-grade mana stone from the infinite bag, put it in the mortar, and grind it with a pestle. I fill the gaps in the magic circle carved with a chisel with the finely ground mana stone powder.

Wooong- Wooong-

The magic circle shakes violently.

I place the highest-grade mana stones in the pre-dug grooves. More than twenty highest-grade mana stones were used to create one magic circle.

My master said that one costs a trillion won, so more than 2 trillion won was poured into it.

“It’s worth that much.”

I once heard that the price of an expensive fighter jet is close to 2 billion dollars. Considering that, spending 2 trillion won to create a semi-permanent warp magic circle is not an excessive amount.

As soon as all the mana stones are placed, the mana that was shaking calms down. The magic circle is complete, and the mana is stabilized.

Finally, the warp magic circle is complete.

Now, if I just install the corresponding warp magic circle inside the Tower of Infinity, I can move directly without having to walk.


I was planning to go to the Tower of Infinity right away, but I had to postpone it a bit because of a phone call.


Park Eun-jung, who will manage the childcare facility established by the foundation, greets me with a bright smile.

“It’s been a while. You’ve been through a lot, haven’t you?”

“I’m doing what I love.”

“Is it… not uncomfortable for you?”

“It’s fine.”

Park Eun-jung joined the Dark Merchant.

Without much thought, I prepared the childcare facility to use my money meaningfully and met Park Eun-jung.

When the work was in full swing, Park Dong-hyuk said this.

– I think we need to get her to join the Dark Merchant.

The reason was that Park Eun-jung knew my identity.

Once she joined the Dark Merchant, she would be controlled by the master’s skill and would not be able to reveal my identity to others.

I explained the situation to Park Eun-jung, and she readily agreed.

The only people who know my identity within the foundation ‘Kraksha’s Tower of Magic’ are Park Dong-hyuk and Park Eun-jung.

In the future, a representative appointed by Park Dong-hyuk will act on my behalf. Naturally, he too will be a member of the Dark Merchant organization.

As I was preparing to leave to install the warp magic circle in the Tower of Infinity, I received a message from Park Eun-jung asking me to visit her once.

“I didn’t expect the children to have arrived already.”

“You’re a busy person.”

“How do you know I’m busy?”

“I looked into the chairman of the foundation a bit. The Tower of Kraksha. You’re quite famous. Is that why you named this place Kraksha’s Haven?”

The name of the childcare facility was Kraksha’s Haven.

It was Park Dong-hyuk’s idea, believing that under the name Kraksha, the children would face less discrimination from others.

It means that the name of the Tower of Kraksha is already exerting such a great influence.

The school that the children of Kraksha’s Haven will attend will be called Kraksha’s Dreamland. The procedures for establishing the private school foundation have already been approved.

“Don’t spare any money for the children. Since you looked into me, you must know that I make a lot of money, right?”

“Of course. We’re using only the best. Hohoho.”

“Well done.”

The school will also be equipped with top-notch facilities and the best teachers.

“Shouldn’t you see the children?”

“Is that okay?”

“I’ll introduce you as a volunteer.”

I toured the inside of the haven with Park Eun-jung. Each room was used by two children, and their expressions were very bright.

Each room was equipped with computers, desks, and beds according to the number of children.

“Minji, come here. This is the brother who came to volunteer today. Say hello.”

“Hello. I’m Kim Minji.”

A girl who looked about six or seven years old clasped her hands together on her belly and bowed. Her expression was very bright and didn’t seem forced.

We toured the entire interior of the building.

“The children don’t have a place to play.”

“There’s the rooftop, and they can play at the school you bought. It’s not that far, and there’s a bus here, so they can take it to move around.”

“It’s inconvenient. Look into whether there are any buildings or land for sale nearby.”


“I told you, I have a lot of money.”

As Park Dong-hyuk said, money was being copied into the account in real-time. I would be spending most of my time in the Tower of Infinity, and naturally, I wouldn’t have time to spend money.

If they spend money on meaningful things on my behalf, I should be grateful instead.

“The children’s faces are so bright that it lifts my spirits as well. Director Park, please help me visit occasionally for some healing.”

After encouraging Eun-jung Park, I leave the shelter of Kraksha.

I call a taxi through the app and get in.

“Where to?”

“The Tower of Infinity.”

It’s time to go to the Tower of Infinity.

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