The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 4 [4] Danger from the Darkness

[Target: Black Feathered Crow]

[Physique: 8.9]

[Spirit: 0.9]

[Status: Low-level supernatural creature. ]

[Abilities: Iron Claws, Steel Skin]

[Evaluation: Harak was once an ordinary bird, but now it has the sharpness to crush steel, the defense to withstand all ordinary sharp weapons, and the swift speed is also excellent among low-level supernatural creatures. ]

The black feathers are extremely hard, as if they were shaped by metal.

Wang Ya knocked with his hand, and the low "bang bang" sound proved the strong defense.

Putting aside the wingspan, the size is not much different from that of a calf.


Halak rubbed Wang Ya's hand with his head, and there was fear in his blood-red eyes.

The daily particle energy nourishment made Harak very close to Wang Ya.

When entering the supernatural realm, wisdom will be improved to a certain extent, and that kind of transformation is not simple. There is a certain probability that the transformation fails and leads to death.

"Little guy, don't be afraid. No, it should be the big guy now, relax a little."

Wang Ya stroked Halak's head, and his physique, which was stronger than that of a giant bear and wild bull, rubbed against your chest. If it was an ordinary person, he would have been knocked to the ground with that strength, and he might even have broken a few ribs.

And the particle energy of the wizard, from the moment it was born in the body, has been affecting the body all the time, guided and controlled by the spiritual power, and developed in an orderly and benign direction.

It is very easy for a wizard to catch a tiger with bare hands and shatter the gate of a mortal city with one punch.

Physical strength has never been a wizard's weakness.

Wang Ya can easily withstand Halak's great strength.

If the pet's coquetry, accepting caressing, turns into an attack and biting, then the situation is fundamentally different.

Halak was extremely comfortable when being stroked, and he almost trembled in Wang Ya's arms, but he didn't notice that the pair of eyes that had always been subtle froze instantly.

The needle-like piercing took root deep in the fragile mind and blossomed.

"Giggle" Halak's pupils rioted, and the struggle ended in just one second. The result was that Wang Ya's chest was scratched so deep that the bone could be seen.

From the clavicle to the end of the ribs, huge lacerations were accompanied by blood.

Fortunately, the internal organs were not injured. For him, it was just a skin injury and he could recover in ten days or half a month.

Slightly bad luck, Wang Ya raised his eyebrows. In the calculation of the Eye of Truth, there were eight kinds of judgment results for Halak's reaction. Most of the results were that he would not be injured, but at most embarrassed.

Wang Ya's subcutaneous flesh and blood tissue quickly stopped bleeding and scabbed. The extremely obvious scar on his chest made him look a bit hideous.

This is one of the benefits of particle energy affecting the body, which controls the body's metabolism to a certain extent.

"The consciousness seed has completely turned into a consciousness imprint, which can control Halak's actions and life and death at will, and share perspectives."

Wang Ya raised a faint arc at the corner of his mouth.

The probability of betrayal by cultivated creatures in wizard history is very small, but it does exist.

Wang Ya will not let any possible accident happen.

What you have must be completely controlled, and caution represents safety.

Chasing the truth is a long process, and many wizards who fall on the road regret small mistakes.

The room is a mess, and the desks and walls are full of traces of violent destruction.

Halak curled up in the corner, his blood-red pupils, fearfully reflecting the figure of Wang Ya walking over.

Wang Ya stretched out his hand and stroked it, and Halak, who had been vigilant, suddenly had an irresistible desire in his heart.

Being stroked by the master again, Halak gradually relaxed his body, and his blood-red pupils were happy. The concept of "master" was just born. The master in front of him was the best person in the world for him, and he must obey the master's orders at all times.

"Go, go out and find food for yourself."

Opening the window, a ray of sunlight broke through the gap in the clouds, bringing light to the dark world, and Halak's figure merged into it.

Extraordinary creatures are at the top of the food chain, and it is easy to hunt ordinary sea beasts.

The salty and humid sea breeze blew on Wang Ya's fair cheeks, "It's almost there, Lusen, I will try all three methods mentioned by Wizard Tuta."

Holding the wooden box, his eyes were deep.

The girl with long green hair appeared vaguely on the finger bones, and only the quiet face could be barely seen, and the green eyes were slightly dull.

At the bow, in the shadow, Wizard Tuta's figure quietly watched the ups and downs of the sea, and then looked at the extraordinary black-feathered crow soaring in the sky, and sighed: "Is it really being targeted?"

It took half a month to get rid of it. The other party's purpose was very clear, and it was coming for the wizard ship with absolute malice.

"I don't know how many of these little guys can stay."

He has released his own momentum, and the current result proves that the one who is targeting the wizard ship is a person of the same level.

Level 1 to 3 wizard apprentices, followed by extreme wizard apprentices, his strength level belongs to the last category.

As for higher... that is another level, the top of the pyramid, the high decision makers.

Wizard Tuta slowly took out a bottle of purple liquid with a watery sheen from the sleeves of his black robe, and a hint of coldness appeared on his old and wrinkled cheeks.

He is not so old that he can't walk!

"Freshmen, welcome to today's wizard exchange meeting. Rowena will be today's speaker and bring you the experience of understanding wizard meditation."

The freshmen of wizards surrounded the four freshmen with the best qualifications.

A young man with brown hair and freckles came out. He was Rowena.

"Let's applaud him." Arthur said loudly. It was Rowena's experience sharing, but the center of this alternative stage seemed to be his.

"Maybe I didn't say it well, please forgive me." Rowena said shyly.

"We believe in you, Rowena. You have top qualifications and you must understand wizard meditation more thoroughly than us."

"I look forward to your experience sharing. Rowena, feel free to speak boldly."

The freshmen of wizards praised and cheered.

Osen, with purple hair and a neutral appearance, patted Rowena on the shoulder when he saw this scene.

He said softly: "As one of the four of us, your qualifications can be recognized by us. These ordinary freshmen are destined to look up to you, so go up and speak boldly."

Rowena was pushed to the front of the stage. He had prepared several nights of speech, but he forgot everything and started to speak hesitantly.

The joy, expectation and kindness on the faces of each freshman gave Rowena more encouragement and confidence, and he spoke more smoothly.

Wang Ya glanced at it lightly and then concentrated on solving the food in front of him.

The metaphor of the kindergarten class teaching the students in the kindergarten class couldn't be more appropriate.

After breakfast, Wang Ya returned to the room with blue and fragmented light in his eyes.

This time, the Eye of Truth saw the information belonging to him.

: I was in mourning and funeral during the day these days, so the update was late.

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