The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 389 [389] Advance to Level 2 Wizard Heart of Legend

Time is precious to wizards, but many times, they cannot experience the small and tedious things that happen every day like mortals. Often, an experiment takes several years or even more than ten years.

Five years have passed since the Battle Fortress invaded the Warrior World. At the moment when the dream world anchor was connected, the time of the bubble world and the time of the Warrior Dream World have become equal.

With the real anchor named "Battle Canyon", the time of the Warrior World has been balanced with the reality of the Wizard World.

Time, space and dimension are always mysterious. Few wizards can master and explain the truth.

Five years have changed a lot. The Warrior World has been completely invaded and occupied by the Battle Fortress. The powerful local extraordinary forces were killed cleanly by the battles of many wizard members of the Battle Heart. The rest are grassroots, the most ordinary warriors, who have not exceeded the Earth Gate, and even the existence of the third level of the Human Gate is rare.

Various resources belonging to the extraordinary level have been visited and investigated by wizards, listed in the corresponding world resource distribution map, and organized to harvest.

After the Battle Fortress devours the world, it can also take everything into its pocket, but it always has to give some soup to the people below.

How much they can take depends on their own abilities. Compared with the entire warrior world, the members of the Heart of Conquest are like a drop in the ocean.

After the selection of the Nightmare Disaster is completed, the number of wizards who will help Wang Ya invade the world will be controlled at a stable level.

Land of Frost and Snow.

Wang Ya stood on the top of his Battle Tower, without any space folding wizard formation, and was built according to the format of the tower fortress in the mortal world.

The bubble world can be unfolded in the real world at any time, and the Fantasy Dream Tower is also in it, including some important resources of the Heart of Conquest, and the inheritance land is not exposed to the outside world.

If there are enemies who want to pay attention to this aspect, it will be in vain. If you really enter the bubble world, it will be Wang Ya who laughs. In the bubble world, Wang Ya is the existence that controls everything, and any outsider, whether material or soul, cannot escape.

The Nightmare Mark is a certificate that can enter and exit the bubble world.

He looked down at the entire landscape of the Heart of War. Buildings were lined up or far apart. The energy fluctuations were injected into the core of the building's magic array system along the channels under the earth veins, maintaining the operation of various functions.

Of course, compared with the buildings in the Dark Land, the scale of the buildings in the Conquest Canyon is still relatively small, and the number of people limits development, but Wang Ya does not intend to increase the number of wizards in the Heart of War too much.

It is enough to maintain the number of 3,000. At present, the official wizards, apprentice wizards, and the population born in the Heart of War do not exceed 1,000 people in total.

The number of people cannot control anything, especially when facing the existence of powerful wizards, it is even more fragile and pitiful.

The previous experience of the Dark Land made Wang Ya understand that everything can only rely on himself. As long as his strength is strong enough to deal with all enemies, there will be no problem.

Low-level wizards can rely on numbers to maintain their strength. When they are strong to a certain extent, the number of people has no effect. They are just delicious lambs to be slaughtered and blood food.

Recalling the headquarters of the Dark Land in his mind, Andersen killed the familiar wizards one by one, so easily and unmatched. Wang Ya's eyes were deep, and he sighed in his heart. He had to play a crushing game. The Dark War was like dancing on a tightrope. He didn't want to experience the repeated feelings of despair and hope again.

"Mr. Nightmare Wizard, the mortals without wizard qualifications have been placed in the safe zone of the Battle Canyon. After cleaning, the safe zone can accommodate at least millions of mortals. The only thing to consider now is the extraordinary creatures in the danger zone, which will affect the safety of mortals."

The voice of the Qiudong Wizard slowly sounded from the voice, and Wang Ya turned around. The Qiudong Wizard, who bowed slightly, had a look of reverence on his face. The existence in front of them gave them the hope of survival and the hope of a better future, and it was the absolute core of their fighting spirit.

"How many mortals are there now?"

After so many years of development, wizards have given birth to each other, including some wizards who have no hope in the wizard path and have turned to continuing their bloodline. There are also some wizards who give birth to each other. It does not mean that there will be a wizard with qualifications, but it can only be said that the probability will increase greatly.

After the initial exploration of the Conquest Heart wizards, the Conquest Canyon has cleared out a safe area of ​​about 2%. The safety here is that all kinds of particle energy radiation have been reduced to below the threshold, which will not have a great impact on mortals. For this reason, some special wizard formations have even been arranged.

Mortals also have their own role. In addition to the affection of the old batch of Conquest Heart wizards, they also shoulder the role of supplying fresh blood to the Conquest Heart. The possibility of wizards giving birth to wizards among mortals is small, but it is not impossible. As long as the number is large enough, more wizards will be born.

"The number is about 500. It is counted once every 15 years. The number of people counted next time should be doubled."

Wizard Qiudong thought for a while and answered.

Then, Wizard Qiudong reported to Wang Ya about some resource sites owned by the Heart of Conquest.

"There are 2 large resource areas for mass production of extraordinary plants and 8 small and medium-sized resource areas. There are 3 large-scale resource areas for the cultivation of extraordinary animals and a total of 3 small and medium-sized resource areas. There are ten. The rest are some special places, which are very dangerous for wizards, but some directions can also be judged as resource areas, such as the snow and ice land in the west of the canyon, which has extremely rare ice and snow cold air. It has extraordinary properties and has specific functions. The faults in the north can absorb a large amount of snow water, forming a snow river. The water of the snow river has extraordinary properties, and the animals and plants in the river can become stronger over time. "

Wizard Qiudong hesitated for a moment, "You should know the situation in the south. You are responsible for handling it there. In the eastern region, Kaze Antun, Wizard Kaze is considering whether to continue to advance the exploration and completely bring the entire Battle Canyon under control. ”

‘If the white fog in the south is not dealt with, the other half of the battle canyon cannot be brought under control. ’ Wizard Qiudong said in his heart.

"I understand, you go down first, I will handle the follow-up."

Wang Ya walked towards the balcony of the Conquest Tower and stepped into the void, but his body disappeared directly into the real world.

Inside the bubble world.

The landscape environment has not changed much, but there are a lot fewer buildings, including the Nightmare Wizard Academy, which has been moved to the Conquest Canyon.

Burdened with the process of devouring and invading the fortress, there is no possibility of accumulating the power of the dream-destroying force at all. They often gather together and devote themselves to maintaining the anchor connection in the dream world.

The huge scarlet portal stands next to the giant black and white tree, and the twisted ripples of time and space bloom from it. The door seems to lead to another world. Under the ground, there is a steady stream of nightmare-destroying power injected into it, maintaining the existence of this portal. .

Before Wang Ya could get close to the door, the voice belonging to the Hanged King echoed in his mind.

"Master, the real chain has reached the core layer of the world. You can peel off the core layer of the world at any time and refine the legendary series of potions."

Wang Ya had a smile on his face.

"However, the core of this world is still very weak. It seems that no world embryo has been developed, and only part of the afterbirth has been formed. It will take at least a long time before the embryo appears. If the extraordinary origin of the warrior world does not continue to advance, even the embryo generated There are no possibilities."

The smile on Wang Ya's face gradually faded, but he was not too disappointed, and he even had some expectations.

If it were truly an extraordinary civilized world that gave birth to the embryo of the world, it would be impossible for them to complete the feat of invading and devouring the world based on their current capabilities alone, especially since the condition of the fortress was not in good condition.

After all, it is a world, and the existence of the world embryo represents the strength of the corresponding world, the stability of the roots of the extraordinary system, and the road will develop to a stronger point.

The world's afterbirth can also be used to refine the legendary heart potion, which is the follow-up to the legendary blood potion. There is no problem in breaking through the second-level star wizard.

If there are enough afterbirths in the world, a large number of legendary heart potions can allow Wang Ya's strength to complete transformation and accumulate heritage in an extreme time.

At that time, he will become more powerful. As for whether he can compete with the Dark Wizard or even kill him like he did during the official wizard period, Wang Ya is not sure. The power of the Huiyue Wizard is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and everything must be truly touched. Only when you reach the corresponding level can you understand it clearly.

"Master, the core of the world cannot be completely peeled off. It can only be peeled off part of it first, otherwise it may lead to the collapse of the current martial arts world. After I completely swallow up the martial arts world and turn it into the world space layer inside the battle fortress, I can all The core of the world is stripped out.”

The gray color is like the silt in some kind of swamp. The sunlight evaporates the water and condenses into clods of soil.

This is the core fragment of the world of the warrior world, although it is different from the core fragment of the world that he saw last time. The world is different, with different extraordinary properties and extraordinary origin expressions. Wang Ya is not surprised by this, so What he cares about is not just the core fragment of the world that can be used to refine about ten copies of the legendary heart potion.

Inside the core fragment of the world, there are weed-like flocs that grow like fluff. The essence of existence is very strange. When Wang Ya tried to reach out and touch it, those gray flocs seemed to come alive. Come over and avoid Wang Ya's touch.

The energy of Nightmare's particles appeared in the palm of his hand, forming a black and white lotus, which proved that the power of Nightmare was involved.

This time, the flocs no longer resisted or escaped. Instead, they actively clung to Wang Ya's palm and detached themselves from the core fragments of the world.

Wang Ya could feel that this floc was absorbing his particle energy and even deeper things, including the illusory level.

"Do you want to parasitize me? It's really interesting. This is the world's afterbirth. Even if it doesn't form into a world embryo, it instinctively wants to swallow more nutrients to make the impossible world embryo take shape."

"It's more than enough to refine two or three doses of the Heart of the World potion."

The corner of Wang Ya's mouth curled up.

All kinds of hardships, just for today.

Three days later.

All the official wizards of the Heart of War have returned to their headquarters from the outside world, and they are guarding the war tower in the center. The reality anchor of the bubble world is also inside the war tower.

Wang Ya brought everything today, and it is also the existence they trace back. It concerns everyone, and every move makes everyone care and worry.

Breaking through the second level Starry Wizard, this is the news that many formal wizards and extreme wizard apprentices have received.

"This is too fast. It has only taken a long time for Lord Nightmare Wizard to break through the full list of official wizards. He has actually touched the threshold of the second-level Star Wizard. It is even more difficult to break through him." Freddy's wizard status is not lower than other official wizards, but His own strength is still at the extreme wizard apprentice stage.

The emotions on his face were the most complicated. After all, it could be said that Wang Ya was in his eyes all the way. He also watched the other party grow step by step, reaching where he is now in just a few hundred years.

Break through the second level Starry Wizard! !

"A second-level starry wizard who has been around for a hundred years or so. There may not have been such a being in the land of mountains and seas in ancient times. Even in the inner area, I believe it is impossible." The ghostly light wizard looked at the battle tower and felt The unchanging and rising aura in the tower, with a moved expression on his face, said with emotion: "I knew very early on that the Nightmare Wizard would become the Star Wizard and would catch up with you and me, but I didn't expect that this time would be so short. "

"He may want to create a new era of wizards."

The Netherworld Sword buzzed and trembled, and Polaris' hand squeezed hard. Her mood was equally complicated. Her eyes reflected the battle tower, and she seemed to see the mysterious and majestic figure in the tower.

Once upon a time, they were rivals, but now... this is inevitable. She gradually figured it out, and gradually gained a sense of identity and belonging to this new fighting spirit.

However, Polaris still had an idea in her heart, and she did not give up. Even if he was already ahead of her, she would try her best to catch up.

Wizard Yisi has completely given up. He sees things very broadly. When the gap reaches a certain level, all he can do is look up at the light and follow his back.

Losing to a former opponent is not shameful or disgraceful for the Nightmare Wizard. On the contrary, it is also an unforgettable experience in the path of a wizard and in life.

"Old fox, you have taken on an unprecedented disciple." The Mecha-Wizard's eyes were complicated.

The Deadwood Wizard was also filled with emotions and was shocked.

Extreme wizard apprentices such as the Antun family, the Stark family, the Dream lineage, and the Qiudong wizards have long been numb. The Nightmare Wizard has created too many miracles.

Breaking through the second level Starry Wizard can definitely be done.

They are happy in their hearts and firmly believe in this.

It is absolutely impossible for the Nightmare Wizard to fail, only to succeed. This is the sense of trust brought about by repeated experiences and events in the past.

The Dream Tree located in the bubble world was also trembling at this moment. The Kelan wizard under the tree also opened his eyes, with worry and expectation in his eyes.

ps: In this volume, try to be more grounded, realistic, and immersive. Improve the combat power and system, and there will be a high probability of fighting.

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