The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 427 [427] Soul of White Mist, Bloody Flag

The colorful rays of light reflecting from the sky seem to dye the earth red with this colorful spectrum. In fact, there are too many types of particle energy and excessive energy pollution, which has led to permanent changes in the natural environment.

The trees have disappeared, the mountains have disappeared, and even the ground is rugged. The dark clouds have spots of various colors, which reflect the sun's rays from the upper layers of the sky, making them sparkling. Viewed from any angle, you can see See different strange sights.

It will probably take tens of thousands of years for the environment of this place to recover bit by bit in the natural balance cycle.

A large number of corpses entered the soil and piled up to replace the original mountain peak.

The smell of blood reaches the sky, and if the resentful souls of extraordinary creatures are not dealt with properly, some weird and strange evil spirits will be born.

The four majestic towers became the only existing buildings on the surrounding land. They were not completely undamaged. The tall tower in the north was almost cut off. After all, the Mecha Wizard was not the real Star Wizard, and the battle damage was also the most serious.

The defense situation of the towers in the other three directions was actually very good, and they achieved amazing results.

"We won, we won!"

"Victory belongs to our fighting spirit, and we are the only winners."

"The Nightmare Wizard is mighty, and his heart for war is mighty!!"

A wizard apprentice shouted excitedly.

The other wizard apprentices who were stained with blood and stagnated on the battlefield looked at the many extraordinary creatures escaping in panic, their eyes changed, they came back to their senses, and subconsciously shouted along.

The sound continued to pass until it completely penetrated the sky.

The atmosphere of joy spread quickly, diluting the blood and death.

The Battle Canyon has now finally become a territory under the complete control of the Heart of Battle.

And those who win will receive unprecedented and generous resource rewards.

The battle points obtained by hunting extraordinary creatures, the permission level increase rewards for successful defense, and more hidden rewards. The future is promising, and those who survive are the winners.

"It's different."

On the high tower in the south, Polaris held the Nether Sword, her hair and robes were blown by the strong wind, and she stared coldly at the many wizard apprentices below who were shouting with joy.

Wizard Yi Si standing aside was stunned for a moment.

Polaris said to himself: "Only wizards who have seen blood and experienced war can hone the heart of a true wizard. Everyone who survives will unleash their hidden potential."

A rare smile appeared on her face, "The fighting spirit will usher in an unprecedented peak of power development."

Wizard Yisi smiled faintly in hindsight, "It seems that a new official wizard will be born soon. In the words of the immortal world, he is a fellow wizard."

Wang Ya walked out of the laboratory with a thoughtful look on his face.

There was a black and white bubble suspended in his hand, and the picture reflected inside was of an extraordinary creature roaring up to the sky. Its power was so terrifying that the oceans and mountains were turned upside down because of its roar.

However, no matter how earth-shattering it is, it is still just a world in a bubble. A past dream created by Wang Ya himself allows Di Libo to relive the years he has experienced in the past.

Wang Ya really gained a lot.

The Ancient King Di Libo was a level three extraordinary creature born fifty thousand years ago.

The powerful strength, the territory and resources of conquering the canyon are no longer enough to allow it to improve again, and level four will never be possible.

I thought of leaving.

Go to the world beyond the white mist.

It has also explored the ice fields in the north and west. It has penetrated tens of millions of meters, but it has not seen a way out. It has another color, but is getting colder, as if it is about to enter the ruins, and gradually exerts a certain pressure on itself. and threats.

It finally chose to return to the Battle Canyon and prepared to take the southern and eastern areas, which were the parts shrouded in white mist.

It penetrated deep into the white mist, and the power of the third level allowed it to gain insight into the existence of many bone mountains, bone fields, and the vast number of soul bodies.

Each one is no weaker than the power of its soul consciousness.

Di Libo was shocked and frightened. The number of skeletons was so large. Could it be that every skeleton was a third-level existence during his lifetime.

Is this a war of annihilation between the big world and the big world?

Curiosity is a devil that prompts it to contact the mountain of bones and try to obtain the third-level soul body in it.

Being able to devour the soul bodies of beings of the same level is also of great benefit to it, and can even increase its soul consciousness power to a higher level.

It can even be directly promoted to the fourth level of rules it desires.

However, it was this choice that led to its death.

The moment it touched the bones, the extraordinary creature's supposedly powerful body was like a withered flower, instantly losing all flesh and blood, as well as its extraordinary bloodline. It was an unimaginable terrifying power, with withered glory and ashes. Dead silence, even following the connection, began to destroy its soul and consciousness.

Level three existences, under the erosion of that power, are no different from ants.

That is the real power of rules, and the level of rules is extremely high, perhaps beyond level four, reaching level five, or even level six.

It should have completely disappeared into the white mist area silently.

But at the last moment, its conscious soul was thrown into the mountain of bones and merged with the third-level soul body in one of the bones.

These third-level soul bodies seemed to be allowed to exist by the rule power.

Di Libo, who was in the process of fusion, survived, but was also fighting against the third-level soul body itself.

Choose to dominate the fused soul.

The strange thing is that the self-consciousness of the fused third-level soul body is filled with extreme madness and a large number of memory images.

That was the collapse of the world, the disintegration of the planet, the meteorite streaking through the galaxy, and finally a huge blood-red flag covering everything in the perspective.

The soul body itself is a wizard. All the soul bodies in the skeleton land in the white fog area were wizards when they were alive, and they were destroyed by that palm.

The extraordinary knowledge content in the consciousness is full of confusion, and it is impossible to determine whether it is correct.

And at the moment of seeing the flag, Di Libo's soul consciousness also gave birth to extreme fear, and he couldn't look at it. If he looked at it again, it would be destroyed by the blood-red flag.

The fusion process can be terminated, but the choices left for it are all dead ends.

Exit fusion and be dissolved by the power of the rule of annihilation.

If it continues to merge, it will be killed by the memory image of the bloody flag.

It chose the latter.

Only because the latter still has a glimmer of hope.

However, Di Libo eventually fell.

Only the remaining consciousness soul returned to its homeland. The remaining rationality allowed it to make some arrangements, but it was just a lingering breath.

The instinct for survival made it take over the body.

This is all the information obtained from Di Libo and the soul of the white mist.

There are also some extraordinary knowledge contents, but they are incomplete and fragmentary, and there are not many useful things at all.

Time and years will erase everything.

However, what is obtained from Di Libo is far more important and more valuable than extraordinary knowledge.

At least Wang Ya will not be so passive and know nothing when dealing with the white mist area.

The bloody lesson is in front of him. Without full grasp, he must not touch the skeleton mountain and the third-level soul body in the white mist area.

The residual consciousness soul of Di Libo also has precious value.

That is the adaptability to the so-called extinction rule in the white mist area.

Wang Ya came up with an idea, whether he could take advantage of this to seize the third-level soul body.

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