The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 432 [432] Recruiting a disciple, back-up plan, and Andersen's plan

[Tip: The preliminary scan results are as follows. 】

[Target: Solomon, Son of God. 】

[Identity: Descendant of the Solomon family wizards, the son of the family’s founding wizard ‘Gario Solomon’, currently affiliated with the Heart of War, the lower house of the War Wizard Academy. 】

[Strength: Level 2 Wizard Apprentice]

[Wizard System: Element Wizard, Dream Wizard]

[There is a unique point between the target's eyebrows, which is suspected to be the evolution of some kind of regular power. Under certain conditions, a trace of regular power can be used. The specific regular power is unknown. The target's regular power cannot affect Huiyue level wizards. 】

Wang Ya raised his eyebrows. He could not affect wizards at the Huiyue level, which meant that extraordinary beings below the Huiyue level could be affected.

The impact is unknown.

Looking at the blue-haired young man, his face was very calm, but he still couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

Coupled with the chosen wizard path,

Wang Ya most likely understood something.

A junior who knows his deeds and works hard for them.

Want to surpass him.

There are too many such little wizards in the battlefield.

Or, there is

Wizard Qiudong and Wizard Galio only reacted and quickly bowed to Wang Ya to express their respect.

An invisible force acted on them and forced them to sit on the sofa.

Wang Yajiang put down his raised hand, and then sat on the sofa opposite him under the optic nerve that no one could react to.

Directly in front of him was Solomon, the Son of God.

"Master Nightmare Wizard, I want to become your disciple."

Solomon, the son of God, was different from those little wizards who were lucky enough to meet him in the past.

Although there was nervous sweat on the young face, he still maintained the most basic calmness, clearly understood what he needed, and expressed it reasonably.

Those blue eyes have been staring at Wang Ya, with a kind of persistence that will not give up until the goal is achieved.

Wang Ya became interested. He was so familiar with such eyes and saw his own shadow in this little guy.

Behind persistence is confidence in oneself.

I believe that I will be able to become my disciple.

"Your name is Solomon, Son of God, right? Wizard Qiudong once mentioned you to me, so I am here today to judge whether you are qualified to become my disciple."

Seeing the excitement and a bit of anxiety on the little wizard's face, Wang Ya did not speak, but waited.

When the expression on the other party's face gradually calmed down, Wang Yacai continued to speak: "You are very outstanding. Among the new wizards currently in the Heart of War, you can be said to be the most outstanding one. If you can't even become me As a disciple, among all the young wizards with the heart of war, no wizard has such qualifications.”

Son of God Solomon seemed to have adapted to the rhythm of conversation with Wang Ya, and listened quietly without making any judgment.

His judgment means nothing.

The final result still depends on the other party.

One word can decide everything, no matter what is done, and what value it has, but it is all to the nightmare wizard in front of him.

Solomon, the son of God, became more and more enlightened, and his feelings towards others changed.

This is based on a change in mentality, and it is an awakening for young wizards.

Wizards need awe, but not excessive humility.

It is said to be useful, but it is also useful. This is based on the person involved, and not every wizard is suitable.

Whether the wizard's heart can be polished to a certain extent depends on the person concerned.

Some of Wang Ya’s own experiences and opinions, as a star wizard who rose from a mortal to the present day.

With a bit of surprise on his face, Wizard Qiudong glanced at Wang Ya and then at Solomon.

Her voice appeared in the mind of Galio Solomon with a face full of excitement.

"Your heir is very good. In my impression, no one can face the Nightmare Wizard so calmly. Even I, when I was young, couldn't do it to his level."

"Solomon, the Son of God, is very promising. Galio, you have taught an incredible child."

There were many ripples in Wizard Qiudong's heart. The Lord Nightmare Wizard had never spoken to a young wizard like this before.

Galio Solomon's mood can only be described as a rough sea.

It's never been so up and down.

The moment the Nightmare Wizard stopped speaking, his heart almost stopped.

I thought something had gone wrong, or something would go wrong with the Son of God, and he was not taken seriously by the Nightmare Wizard, so this hard-won opportunity was completely wasted.

The Son of God was even more brilliant than he thought.

Galio Solomon was almost in tears.

Once the Son of God, Solomon, becomes the disciple of the Nightmare Wizard, the entire Solomon family will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Master Qiudong Wizard."

Under Galio, Solomon subconsciously wanted to speak, but he immediately realized what the occasion was, and quickly closed his mouth, and could only gesture to the Qiudong Wizard with grateful eyes.

Wizard Qiudong smiled and nodded gently.

There was almost no surprise when the Nightmare Wizard specifically woke up the Son of God Solomon.

"Son of God Solomon, what reasons do you have for me to accept you as my disciple?"

Wang Ya looked forward to the answer with an interested expression.

The young blue-haired wizard frowned, as if he was lost in thought, and his expression was very serious.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Galio Solomon's heart began to stagnate again.

He looked at the blue-haired wizard eagerly, hoping that he could answer quickly, but he was also worried that the answer would not be good and cause the dislike of the Nightmare Wizard.

The complicated mentality made Galio Solomon fall into a situation where the person involved was not anxious, but he was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Qiudong Wizard was also curious about what kind of answer the Son of God Solomon would give.

Finally, the young wizard relaxed his brows and gave his reasoned answer.

"At what stage, do what kind of things, and satisfy the values ​​that should be satisfied, that is what you expect of me, teacher."

"I will follow your footsteps, follow your wizard path, and walk out a path of my own."

Solomon, the son of God, said firmly: "I will become the youngest official wizard in the Land of War, and I will also carry out the Nightmare Path, toward the end of the wizard path, and push open the door of truth that symbolizes the final truth."

Few people know about the past deeds of the Dark Land, except for some old people whose memories have been deleted, or members of the Scourge.

Although Galio's memory of the Battle Fortress was deleted, his memory of the Dark Land is clear.

Solomon, the son of God, also knows some things in the past.

"There should be one more missing." Wang Ya said suddenly.

Solomon, the son of God, showed a hesitant expression that only young wizards would have.

"I will surpass my teacher and become a stronger and more outstanding wizard."

He gritted his teeth and said it.

"Master, the son of God Solomon is very special. He was born with a trace of rule power, which is not something that ordinary children have."

In the main control area of ​​the Battle Fortress, the face of the Hanged King appeared in the air and expressed some of his concerns.

"The continuation of species has rules, and the offspring born from extraordinary life must be closely related to the extraordinary species from which he originated. In the process of becoming stronger, wizards have also become alternative extraordinary species."

"The bloodline and extraordinary genes passed down will only become weaker and weaker with the passage of time, and there is a possibility of reversion to the ancestors, and more will gradually become thinner and finally disappear completely."

Wang Ya understood what the Hanged King meant. It was nothing more than Galio Solomon, who had no ability to give birth to such a descendant.

A trace of rule power is at least a blood descendant passed down by an existence that masters the rule level.

"At least he is now a wizard of the Heart of Conquest, isn't he."

Wang Ya did not have too many concerns. He had a lot to accomplish.

As long as he could achieve his goal, even if he paid some price, so what.

Besides, he was not without some backup plans.

As a member of the Nightmare Scourge, unless Wang Ya acquiesced, even if he died, he would still have a true spirit, and his soul consciousness would exist in the Nightmare Core, and he could not get rid of it even after thousands of reincarnations.

Wang Ya would also prepare all the relevant wizard contracts.

"Hanged King, start the experiment. I don't have much patience anymore. Let's start from the laboratory of the Night Moon Elf."

Wang Ya turned around, his figure faded and disappeared, and he had already walked into the void layer.

He was just a special little wizard with a trace of rule power.

Although it was rare, the world was so big that there were all kinds of things.

Wang Ya didn't care about that trace of rule power.

If there was enough time, perhaps he could also grow to the rule level and directly see through everything.


As the mechanical closed door closed, various energies were injected into the laboratory.

The dazzling blue light and the vibration of the instrument were clearly felt by the many Night Moon Elves in the nutrient chamber. Their brows furrowed, their bodies numb and lifeless, unable to resist. They could only shed crystal tears from the corners of their eyes, which mixed into the nutrient solution and were absorbed by the elves.

At the same time, on the other side, in the primitive land where Andersen was

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