The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 445 [445] Lunar Goddess Genome Puzzle Zhouyue Yin Domain, Time and Space Overlap Point

Various twisted color lines appeared in the world in his eyes.

Solomon, the son of God, saw strange creatures again, composed of these paint lines, constantly changing, very strange, but also very dangerous.

A faint black halo emanated from the temporary mark of nightmare on his palm.

He also knew about the dream territory of the dream wizard.

In addition to being an elemental wizard, the nightmare wizard is also a dream wizard.

However, the bubble world is still full of mystery among the lower-level wizards of the heart of conquest. Only wizards with a certain share of conquest contribution points are eligible to enter the bubble world.

Wizards who enter it often get huge benefits.

The black and white bubbles hang in the sky, like small shining suns, refracting and absorbing the sunlight from the dream world itself.

The dense forest trees are far more bizarre than reality. Solomon, the son of God, even saw the internal organs of creatures hanging on those plants and trees, which seem to be flesh and blood organs grown from the plants themselves.

The blood that fell was absorbed by the flowers, plants and trees on the earth, making it lush and green.

These flesh and blood are the fruits of the trees. The flying birds and dream creatures also have strangeness that is not seen in reality. They stay on the tallest trees and pick the corresponding organs and fruits with their beaks and bring them to the deeper part of this world.

There was amazement in the eyes of the Son of God Solomon. The vastness of the bubble world, as well as the balance of buildings, facilities, dream creatures and ecological environment, are even better than those in the headquarters of the Heart of Conquest.

At the same time, he also felt the endless natural particle energy emanating from the depths of the earth. He can absorb and replenish his own particle energy and biological energy deficiency, and even use these powers to cast witchcraft and increase power.

"The Nightmare Wizard is so powerful that he can open up a new world in the dream world, and the rules of physical reality have been reshaped, and even the assimilation rules of the dream world itself have been controlled."

Solomon, the Son of God, followed the instructions and continued to go deeper into the center of the bubble world along the goose-warm stone path.

The ancient wood grain on the palm of his hand emits a faint light, guiding him as a pulling force.

Godson Solomon saw a few wizards coming in and out, but before they noticed, the temporary mark of nightmare on his palm burst into a grand light, covering him and teleporting him to a special place.

In the huge black and white bubble at the top of the bubble world, the roughly human-shaped body formed by the consciousness of the Black King glanced at the place where Godson Solomon disappeared.

It is not easy to interfere with the master's sister. Whatever the other party wants to do, as long as it does not violate the rules left by the master.




When Godson Solomon regained consciousness, he found that he had arrived at a place where maple trees gathered.

To be precise, it is a huge island surrounded by a calm lake and covered with a layer of maple leaves.

There are also irregular yellow shadows flying in the sky, which are emitted by the maple trees growing around, which looks very strange.

"The rules and the extraordinary substances emitted are different. The dream power is so rich, but it is completely different from the bubble world."

Solomon, the son of God, stood in place without any movement.

In an unfamiliar environment, it is the best choice to remain still, even if he has some guesses in his heart.

Compared with the bubble world, the dream power in this island world is still much worse.

Solomon, the son of God, saw a figure wearing a black robe walking back and forth on the edge of the island near the lake, and the breath of the soul could be clearly sensed.

His eyes moved slightly, and at this time, a voice came from behind.

"The Nightmare Wizard said that without a strong wizard's heart, he cannot be considered a wizard who can really walk on the wizard's path."

"Do you think you have a strong, tough, and never-retreating wizard's heart?"

The tall figure with long green hair, a white face, and a faint smile on the corner of the mouth, is Lusen Harak.

She walked over slowly with a green sphere in her hand.

The sphere is made of a special crystal. It is not pure, but full of gray inner light, which is very dirty.

Seeing the hesitation on the face of the Son of God Solomon, Lu Sen chuckled, "You haven't thought it through yet. Well, you can't answer me for now. Wait until you are sure of your heart, then answer me."

"The ordinary battle test is too boring. Let's do something interesting."

Lu Sen handed over the green crystal.

"This is the green dream crystal I made by imitating the black and white foam of the nightmare wizard. Although it can't form a thought and memory cycle like the black and white foam, it can replicate everything that can be done in the mind."

"Our battle will take place in it, and it is also to collect some data to improve this witchcraft."

Solomon, the Son of God, looked at the calm eyes of the Green Dream Wizard and nodded.

"The green dream crystal is already very perfect. Collecting data is also to judge whether there are differences in the performance of different wizards in it, so as to gain insight into some loopholes in the crystal itself."

Lu Sen explained the functions and characteristics of the crystal, as well as the rules of the battle test.

"Putting your spiritual consciousness into it is like entering a black and white bubble. How powerful you are inside depends on your understanding of extraordinary knowledge and your cognition of things. Whatever you don't know, don't understand, and don't have a grasp of. Even the extraordinary knowledge cannot produce the corresponding witchcraft.”

"In other words, if you are unable to perform a witchcraft in reality and have not fully mastered it, you will also be unable to master it in the green dream world."

When Midori talked about this crystal, he had an excited smile on his face.

This is one of her creative inventions. It can be said to be a special witchcraft or a type of witchcraft prop.

The initial trigger came from the shadows left by the black and white foam.

She has the idea of ​​catching up with her brother and then completely defeating him.

Green Dream Crystal is part of this process.

Seeing Son of God Solomon nodding, Midori said: "Without further delay, let's get started."




The sleeping time cannot be defined. Everything he sees is still the blue ribbon of moonlight, but it is indeed different.

Wang Ya's body woke up and instinctively noticed this subtle difference in changes.

He looked at the Xingchen Tears held in his chest with both hands. The light emitted almost covered the entire blue gem, supporting it like a new moon. He subconsciously held on tighter.

It is the key to studying the bloodline of the Moon God Elf, and it is also the key to opening the Yeyue Treasure House. The round-trip sailing ticket, Star Tears, is even more essential.

"The difference in this change seems to be the temperature, and my own acceleration has slowed down. The power of the Moon God's Light Wings is weakening."

"No, this is not a change caused by the weakening of power. The moment the Star Tears were built, the flow speed and acceleration of the Moon River were planned to the most precise time. There will not be too much error.

There were no accidents during the voyage. As a result, I should be almost at my destination. The moonlight will become more intense and the temperature will drop accordingly. "

Wang Ya frowned slightly. This was not a good sign. It might be regarded as another test.

A test for the bloodline of the Moon Goddess.

The moon ball system is a suitable habitat for the moon elves. They have strong blood power and can adapt to the extremely cold environment.

As a branch of the Moon God Elf bloodline, the Night Moon Elves naturally have corresponding characteristics.

"Only the Yeyue Elf royal family can obtain Star Tears, and their bloodline is the richest. Under the nourishment of Star Tears, the number of Moon Elf extraordinary factors in the body will gradually increase, and it is also moving closer to the Moon Elf. Only the king can use Star Tears. Arriving at Yeyue Treasure House."

"This is the real test, a test at the bloodline level. The opening of the Yeyue Treasury will definitely be related to the bloodline of the Moon God Elf. Even if an outsider obtains the Star Tears, if they don't know the key, they will definitely die miserably. "

Wang Ya thought about temperature and environment again.

The environment of the moon system is only ten times or even dozens of times worse than the normal void of the universe.

Right now, I am surrounded by the moonlight.

He is also blessed by the power of the Moon Goddess Tianyi.

They have all felt the cold feeling that is everywhere.

When they arrive at their destination, all these powers dissipate, and Wang Ya will face the Zhouyue Yin Domain with the strongest and most extreme Yin tide energy.

In the inner and core areas of the moon system, even time, space, gravity, and black holes will be frozen.

Not to mention an official wizard-level creature.

Even if it is an extraordinary existence at the level of rules, it is difficult to say whether it can enter the inner area of ​​the Zhouyue Yin Domain.

"No, I fell into a misunderstanding. The Moon Elf is not a madman and would not build the Yeyue Treasure House in such a crazy place. Moreover, this is just a treasure house of the Yeyue Elf branch. At most, it can be built by a single Moon Elf. "

That is, the existence that represents the source of Yeyue Elf's bloodline.

"It can only be at the outermost edge of the Yin Domain of the Eternal Moon, and it may not even involve entering it, but in the farther, disordered void gravitational area."

It’s not the racial treasure trove of regular creatures like the Luna Elf.

The source of the Night Moon Elf is a single Moon Elf.

The bloodline of the Moon Goddess can also be traced back to the same source.

That is even more ancient, involving existences at level five, level six, and possibly even higher.

Wang Ya can believe that such a level will intervene in the inner and outer areas of Zhouyue Yin Domain, and even the core area.

Wang Ya didn't quite believe that a mere treasury of an elf branch would be within the scope of Zhou Yue's underworld.

You must know that the scope of influence of the Yin Domain of the Eternal Moon is not just this wizard universe, but a certain overlapping space-time point in multiple wizard universes.

If you have enough ability, you can even travel to other wizard universes through the Yin Domain of Zhouyue.

But these are not things that Wang Ya needs to consider for the time being, they are still too far away from him.

What he has to do now is to overcome the impending crisis.

"I may not be able to possess the Yeyue Elf bloodline. This body is originally prepared for the current situation."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ya's mouth.

A qualified wizard will not do anything useless, choose.

That's why the spiritual consciousness and part of the soul are deliberately allowed to enter this new physical body.

The essence is also the creation of "real creatures" that is based on the creation of "dream creatures".

The results obtained in the research on the blood of the Night Moon Elves reshape a new and complete Night Moon Elves.

On the other hand, it is also to fulfill the promise and meet the needs of Asuna, the elf.

He has done it, and can complete the genetic blood transformation technology of the Night Moon Elves' target individual reappearance at any time.

The number of Moon God genetic extraordinary factors extracted from the four Night Moon Elves' branch bloodlines is a total of 32.

Some are overlapped and then excluded.

There are a large number of extraordinary factors on a single gene fragment and extraordinary spiral chain.

Wang Ya estimates that there are thousands of extraordinary factors in a complete single extraordinary gene of the Moon God.

And these extraordinary genetic factors need to be arranged in a specific way to meet all the functions of a complete Moon God gene and have all the functions of a normal Moon God elf bloodline.

Of course, it also depends on how rich the blood of the Moon God Elves is.

The richer it is, the more extraordinary genetic factors there are in the arrangement and combination.

The degree of perfection of the life bloodline is also higher.

On the contrary, those that are not rich have certain defects.

Although the arrangement order is normal, forming a single individual of the Moon God Elf bloodline, it has been separated from the potential.

The difficulty of the Moon God Elf bloodline reproduction plan.

It also lies in these two aspects.

First, the number of individuals corresponding to the extraordinary genetic factors needs to be found in multiple elf branch bloodlines.

Second, the arrangement order of the extraordinary genetic factors is like a scrambled code, a puzzle, which needs to be decrypted and pieced together again.

The bloodline shackles and bloodline shackles that trouble a large number of bloodline wizards are also due to these two.

The Moon God genome puzzle, if Wang Ya only focuses on the Night Moon Elves, there is hope to reproduce it.

That is the Moon God Elves, the source of the Night Moon Elves bloodline.

But Wang Ya's ambition does not stop there. He wants to get more to pursue the high-quality bloodline of the Moon God Elves.

"After the Eye of Truth fully analyzed the thirty-two lunar god genetic factors, the arrangement order of the Night Moon bloodline was initially deciphered. A single gene will incorporate a large number of inferior extraordinary genetic factors and belong to the category of lunar god elf bloodline, but the bloodline factor of the Night Moon elves."

"The total number of extraordinary genetic factors is 230, and the number of genetic factors of the royal elf Asuna is 280. The former lunar god genetic factors account for 1% to 3%, and the latter accounts for 5% to 10%. "

"Let's start, the Night Moon elf bloodline is loaded and transformed."

Wang Ya's expression became serious, and he stretched out his hand and stabbed his heart.

Then he pinched it, and a certain substance inside was stimulated by the particle energy and shattered directly.

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