The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 452 [452] Dream Creation Soul Revival Three Years Later

[Target: Wang Yaharak]

[Strength: Level 2 Starry Wizard]

[Current Mental Power: 170]

[Current Physical Fitness: 180]

[True Spirit Mark: Nightmare]

[Special Talent: Primordial Strength Wizard Body]

[Number of Fission Fire Cores: 365]

[Virtual and Real Nightmare Destruction Meditation Method: (28/36)]

[Current Active Neurons: 40%]

[Current Elemental Life Transformation: 20%]

The improvement in all aspects is extremely rapid, especially in terms of mental power and physical fitness values.

This is due to the benefits gained from multiple invasions and devouring worlds.

The active neurons have reached a new high, and the neurons in the brain and the horse body hotbed are linked to the mental power values.

The original upper limit of the Virtual and Real Nightmare Destruction Meditation Method was thirty-six wizard runes, and now twenty-eight have been mastered.

The progress of wizard rune mastery seems to be related to the growth progress of the nightmare core.

There is still not much progress in the transformation of elements into life, perhaps it is directly related to the number of fission fire cores that have become a balanced system.

Wang Ya has no solution for this.

Particle energy, fission fire cores correspond to the balanced witch body after the illusory witch body.

The order must come one after another, and it must not be disrupted.

For thirty years, the improvement of strength is secondary, and the most critical is the various experimental research.

Among them, the creation of dream creatures and the research on the feedback of soul emotional consciousness are undoubtedly the most in-depth.

Wang Ya discovered the deep subconsciousness in the consciousness of the resurrected soul body. Stimulating that part of the subconscious can stimulate the soul body to produce instinctive resistance, thereby guiding this resistance force and returning the original ideology.

Whether it is the body or the soul, in Wang Ya's view, it cannot represent a person so purely.

Only memory, thought and personality can truly represent an individual with a life goal.

The body can be transformed.

The soul can be alienated.

Only the self-consciousness, the root of the self-spiritual, can never be changed.

In other words, when the self is no longer the self, then even if the body and soul are stronger, it is no longer the target individual.

In the worldview of the immortal civilization, there are four words: never forget the original intention.

Wang Ya thinks it makes a lot of sense, but it is only part of it.

True spirit, true spirit, only the true spirit that gathers many aspects.

The world in front of him began to change, gradually overlapping into another world.

Wang Ya entered the bubble world.

The black and white bubbles are still floating in the sky, and the black and white trees are big and small, occupying the territory of different sizes.

There are not many people, and some buildings that existed in the past have been demolished and placed in reality.

This can reduce Wang Ya's own burden and allow the nightmare core to grow faster.

It is also convenient for him to conduct experiments on the creation of dream creatures.

Many formal wizards' towers are still left, and the second is some special places, such as the inheritance place, the place where extraordinary resources are stored. Wizards with a fighting heart can only enter the bubble world and exchange corresponding resources and items unless they have a suitable reason and meet the standard battle points.

The members of Nightmare Calamity have much higher authority than ordinary members of the Heart of Conquest, and can enter and exit to a certain extent.

Wang Ya's dream creature transformation experimental field is not in the outer layer, nor in the inner area, but in the black and white world of the core area.

Each black and white bubble can be infinitely extended in the dream world, turning into a dream world, and even adding some unique things to form a black and white reincarnation, allowing wizards to enter it and sink completely.

The black and white world is very special. It is formed by the convergence of ninety-nine giant black and white bubbles, plus Wang Ya's consumption of a large amount of nightmare dream power to form a real world.

Existing in the bubble world, but independent of the bubble world, it is equivalent to a small world.

Even if it enters the reality, it is also possible. The only trouble is that it needs to receive power support from the dream world all the time to maintain some distortion consumption of changing the real physics.

Wang Ya's purpose is not to put it into the real world.

The biggest benefit is that it can become a hotbed for creating dream creatures.

After debugging in the hotbed first, put it into the real bubble world for adaptation.

One more guarantee.

The black and white world itself is very similar to the bubble world, and it can even be said to be of the same origin. ,

It's just that there is the plasticity of dreams, which makes it convenient for Wang Ya to change the environment at any time.

The power of nightmare dreams consumed is much less than changing the environment in the bubble world.

It is equivalent to an illusory world at a deeper level in the dream world.




A dense forest, and each tree grows differently. Some are covered with fur and flesh like creatures, and their limbs are branches. The heart part is the core of the tree, and it is still emitting hot heat. During the trembling, some blood is injected into the roots of the earth veins, and it is also transporting while absorbing.

Some are like the white bone trees in the starry forest, bare, showing a grim white, without any vitality, and there are no branches, leaves or fruits on them.

Different trees have different areas. This is the result of Wang Ya's control. Different dream creations have different habits, providing them with habitats and survival.


A skeleton creature, a kind of dream creature, lives in the skeleton tree area, without any flesh and blood, sensed Wang Ya's presence, and let out a threatening growl.

This is a tiger, but the bone distribution is not similar, with the characteristics of other animals, pupils burning with soul fire, the existence of soul consciousness, fell into silence.

The skeleton tiger showed instinctive animality.

This is also the reason why Wang Ya did not show his own momentum,

and ignored the barking of this little guy.

He just sensed the state of the blue soul fire in the hole of his skull.

Wang Ya frowned slightly.

The soul fire is the essence of the souls that have been resurrected before. After being nurtured by the natural ecology, the original self was born and resurrected again.

This process utilizes the balance, adaptability, and evolution of natural ecology. It is not the nature in the real world, but the nature under the characteristics of the dream world, which even has thousands of possibilities than the real world.

Reality does not have the distortion and weird characteristics of the dream world. The power of dreams can affect everything, allowing bones to survive and souls to become creatures.

Similarly, using the natural balance and adaptability of the dream world, the wizard's soul consciousness is stored with the power of the true spirit to create corresponding dream creations, which will continue to grow and multiply with the black and white world environment itself.

The black and white world is also like a large black and white reincarnation place.

The dream creation created by the soul belongs to the dream creature, but it also has the part of the real wizard.

An alternative combination and overlap of illusion and reality.

In the process of the growth and reproduction of dream creatures, the part of the real wizard has a probability of awakening, awakening, and restoring the consciousness of the self.

Even if the corresponding dream creatures are not resurrected in the first life, as the reproduction process continues, generations of dream creatures are born, and the corresponding real wizards will also be passed down, accumulating the spiritual consciousness power and true spirit power obtained by the growth of the dream creatures in the previous life.

The reproduction and inheritance of dream creatures is like the reproduction of mantises in the real world, which requires female mantises to eat male mantises to maintain the nutritional energy required.

The reproduction of creatures in the black and white world, the moment the previous generation reproduces the next generation, will also collapse into pure illusory power, and then merge into the body of the next generation.

This aspect is taken from Wang Ya's research on extraordinary blood and flesh.

The extraordinary creatures in reality have the characteristics of blood inheritance.

There is no reason that dream creatures cannot have such characteristics.

After thirty years of research, experiments, deductions, and a lot of energy and resources, the black and white world in front of us is the result of a series of research.

The balance has been met and the cycle has been built.

It is a world of its own, and the subsequent development only requires waiting for the self-adaptability of dream creatures.

Wang Ya walked in the area of ​​white bones and trees, and saw a lot of white bones. Some were lying lazily, while others were active, hunting, or roaring at Wang Ya's intrusion.

Unfortunately, there are still too few people who can awaken their self-awareness from the black and white world, and then walk out to become new wizards of the heart of war.

Wang Ya observed the dream creations in other areas, and the result was still the same.

Thirty years have only built a warming platform and a hotbed.

It will take a longer time to realize everything expected.

The black and white world can also be used as a place for the resurrection of the wizard's true spirit power stored in the core of the nightmare.

If you die in the outside world, you can use the natural adaptability of the black and white world to resurrect.

Of course, it is inevitable to experience everything that the wizard Sur experienced.

But no one will refuse an extra life.

It is still in the test version, and Wang Ya has not taken too many souls to experiment.

Among the dead wizards in the dark land, only about one-third are in the black and white world.

The endless green grassland, without tall trees, can't block the sunlight from the sky. The spring breeze blows, bringing the scenery that has never been seen in the frost and snow land.

The black and white world can achieve seasonal environmental changes. In reality, Wang Yake doesn't have such a high price to bear the loss of such changes.

The dream creatures living here are some rabbit-like creatures.

They are very big, almost the size of a calf.

They have long rabbit ears and green and white fur. They jump in the grass and look very cute.

But the premise is to ignore their tusks like ivory. The teeth are side-by-side sharp teeth like sharks, and not just one row, but three or five rows overlapped, densely packed, more hideous than the mouthparts of lampreys.

They eat grass, but they also eat meat, and even like to eat meat.

Of course, their own meat can also be eaten.

The essence of dream creatures is no different from the dream creatures in the dream world.

It's nothing more than the true spirit consciousness of the real wizard.

Wang Ya stretched out his right hand, and an invisible force acted on the four cute rabbits that were looking up from the tall grass.

The rabbits were looking at Wang Ya, and seemed to be curious and wanted to get closer, but they were hesitant and afraid of something.

The force was not very strong, but it was not something that the four dream creatures could resist.

Creatures do not have too strong power, which is different from the dream creatures in the dream world.

Wang Ya's eyes were filled with joy.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the Night Moon Elves are more likely than human wizards in this regard, and the progress of recovery is much better."

"Within twenty years, these four Night Moon Elves will be able to complete the recovery process."

Wang Ya thought about how to arrange the real resurrection bodies for these four Night Moon Elves.

According to the previous agreement, they will participate in the Moon God Bloodline Recovery Plan and serve him for five thousand years.

This agreement and contract are for Asuna.

Wang Ya doesn't care much about the four inferior Night Moon Elves.

But Wang Ya will not break his promise.

"If you want to become a Night Moon Elves again, then meet your requirements."

Put the four rabbits into the grass, and suddenly, the four rabbits, who were stimulated, ran around everywhere and soon disappeared in the grass.

Wang Ya spread out his right hand, and a black sphere gradually appeared in the palm of his hand, about the size of a thumb, more like a seed, with an irregular shape, and there were gully-like lines on the surface.

With the infusion of the power of nightmare, the seed trembled continuously, cracks gradually appeared, branches grew out, and the breath of life was extremely strong.

Wang Ya drew a circle in this grassland area, and the grass and trees in the circle began to degenerate, revealing traces of soil on the surface.

The seed grew branches and was thrown into the mud by him.

The moment it touched the soil, it was directly integrated into the soil.

Wang Ya turned and walked into the void.

Not long after he left, the four hidden rabbits came over cautiously and tentatively, and saw the seed branches in the circle, revealing sharp corners, above the surface.

The color was not green, but purple with a blue luster, and there was a certain extraordinary fluctuation.

The red eyes of the four rabbits were glowing, and they seemed to be extremely interested in this branch.

But they did not dare to step into it, so they could only wander outside the circle, swallowing the extraordinary fluctuation breath emanating from it.




Real world

The black robe gradually calmed down. Wang Ya sat on the chair in the office and opened some books on the desk. The dense text symbols on them were all written by him in the past thirty years.

There are many such books, all placed on the desk in the office.

Any book placed in the dark place of the past can be called a heritage.

It is also a very high-level heritage involving the study of blood shackles, an information recording manuscript.

It can be regarded as a wizard relic, a heritage left by an ancient and powerful wizard, even if it is placed in a dilapidated house.

"The road of rules is too vast. Just satisfying a prerequisite has cost me so much energy and time. Every rule wizard has experienced and gone through more difficult things than ordinary people think."

"There is still the last thousand years of time for the Star Fighting Competition. We should do our best to improve to what extent."

Three years later.

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