The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 455 [455] They are high above, overlooking the world

"The virtual and real bubble formation has a total of eighty-one nodes and two formation cores. I think you all know what to do."

"Reversing the sword-raising formation is only the first step, but if the first step fails, the heart of war will face an unprecedented predicament."

Wang Ya's voice was not loud, and his speech was not fast, but it echoed in the ears of all the formal wizards and star wizards present.

Everyone's expression became solemn, and no one spoke again.

The atmosphere became more and more depressing, and the murderous aura lingered.

"The accumulation of the heart of war for hundreds of years has created everyone present. Whether it succeeds or not..."

Wang Ya's voice suddenly paused.

Then a faint smile appeared on his expressionless face.

"We have no reason to fail, right?"

They are in the dark, and the pale hand is in the light.

Reversing the sword-raising formation is not to destroy the formation itself, thereby causing the pale hand to notice and rebound.

But to add more formation patterns and formation cores, and change some functions of the original sword-raising formation.

It is like a perfect programming, which is disassembled by engineers, and some new programs and algorithms are added to make it more perfect or add more functions.

This is what Wang Ya wants to do.

The Eye of Truth has estimated hundreds of times in advance, which infinitely reduces the probability of failure.

There are three possibilities of errors and omissions.

Either it is the heart of war, and there is a ghost inside.

Or it is the pale hand, which is detected in advance and blessed by luck.

Or there is a backhand in the sword-raising formation, in addition to the nine backhand methods that Wang Ya has already discovered.

"Let's start!"

Wang Ya also has a blood ball in his hand. After saying this last sentence, he turned and entered the white fog.

The white spores on his body are integrated into the particle energy.

The particle energy shield also has the ability to resist the swallowing of the white fog.

The other wizards are doing the same operation.

Before carrying out this plan, Wang Ya transformed the white spores into daughter bodies.

The mother body is naturally here with him.

In this way, the danger of the white fog area will not affect this plan.

On the vast wilderness plain with almost no visible edge, fortress-like buildings stand on it, separated by extremely long distances, but with regular connections.

The energy veins deep in the earth are connected and transmitted to each other, as if they are nodes, transporting a large amount of energy from the earth vein layer to the center of this wilderness plain.

The five towering towers are the most conspicuous, like mountains standing tall.

They represent the Pale Hand, five supreme beings.

Five star wizards.

Blood Moon, Sky Curtain, Blue Shield, Red Blood, God Dream.

The tower in the middle is the most spectacular and majestic, with a metal exterior wall, sharp edges and corners, and a mechanical beauty.

A large amount of energy maintains the circulation of the wizard array, gathering on a white gem on the top of the tower, giving people a sense of fantasy like overlapping ripples.

It was like an eye, monitoring the entire Pale Hand headquarters, and overlooking the farther area, until the entire Pale Hand sphere of influence was in sight.

The white and blue wizard robe was slightly gorgeous. The young wizard sat upright on a cushioned chair, closed his eyes, and had a very calm expression.

He was the only one in the room.

There was no other sign of life except for him.

Except for the chair on his seat, the buildings and decorations in the room were all empty.

"Shen Meng, what do you want me for?"

A voice appeared in the room. ,

I don't know when, a figure wearing a blood-colored wizard robe stood in front of the Shen Meng wizard, looking down at him.

White face, vigorous breath of life, a vertical line between the eyebrows, like an alternative eye.

It's hard to imagine that this would be the Red Blood Wizard, one of the five great star wizards.

He looks too young, not only in appearance, but also in the inner breath of life, and the feeling he gives people is also the same as his appearance.

In fact, the Red Blood Wizard has lived for at least 36,000 years.

Many official wizards of the Pale Hand have not lived half the life of the Red Blood Wizard from birth to death.

Of course, the Red Blood Wizard is not the oldest in the Pale Hand.

On the contrary, among the five great star wizards, he can only be regarded as the youngest.

The Shenmeng Wizard opened his eyes, his thoughts moved slightly, and a chair appeared behind the Red Blood Wizard.

Manifestation out of thin air, the power of creation in the void.

The Red Blood Wizard did not feel much surprise, and sat down.

In contrast to his young face is his personality.

Very casual.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Can you tell me the reason why you asked me to come here?"

"An old antique like you usually sleeps or peeks at other wizards of the Pale Hand. How could you suddenly wake up and come to me?"

"Is there a fight going on?"


The Divine Dream Wizard had a very calm expression and spoke very simply, just expressing the meaning of the sentence with the fewest words.

"The reason why I woke up from the dream was not because I encountered something, but a whim."

The Divine Dream Wizard's expression became solemn.

"It's like something extremely bad is about to happen. This impulse is very sudden, but very real."

The expression of the Red Blood Wizard also became serious and solemn.

After thinking for a while, he said coldly: "Are you taking it for granted? Something will happen to bring disaster to our Pale Hand."

The Red Blood Wizard said: "Is it the sword? If the sword is found, it will be a disaster. No, it should be said that there is no sign of disaster. We will all die and the Pale Hand will disappear."

The Red Blood Wizard sneered: "As the eyes of the Pale Hand, you look at everything, everything on the earth, but you dare not look up at the sky."

"There are also a pair of eyes in the sky, and those eyes are even more terrifying."

The God Nightmare Wizard did not speak, but was indifferent, but his eyes fluctuated, and it was obvious that his heart was not very calm.

"It shouldn't just be me who is asked to talk about this." The Red Blood Wizard lowered his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and his robe fell down. "Speak now, what else is there?"

The Divine Dream Wizard insisted: "It's still that whim, nothing else."

The Red Blood Wizard was silent.

"Then what do you say? How should you deal with your whim? If it's those guys in the sky, even if you didn't have a whim, you directly saw the source of the crisis, and there is no way."

The Red Blood Wizard moved his upper and lower lips, a little depressed, and sighed, "There is only one way to accept fate and wait for the result."

In fact, he doubted whether the plan of the Pale Hand was really safe and absolutely secret.

The sword was really not exposed. The Red Blood Wizard had experienced some things and knew the horror of the Huiyue Wizard. When he faced the transitional catastrophe, he even went to the frost and snow.

The Divine Dream Wizard was even more silent. After a few minutes, he spoke, "Let's gather the others to discuss it first."

"Okay, as you wish."

The Red Blood Wizard stood up, turned around and walked into the void. ,

Only the Divine Dream Wizard was left sitting in his original position.

After he left, the environment changed dramatically. All the voids were shrinking, collapsing, and even overlapping, like a picture of a book, and the pages began to fold and close, which was the result of this situation.


Everything disappeared, and the Divine Dream Wizard also disappeared in the overlapping darkness.

A pair of hands grasped the darkness.

In the deepest part of the Divine Dream Tower in reality, the existence wearing a blue and white wizard robe closed the book in front of him, with a pair of white eyes, as if there were thousands of black dots, but they were all living beings, multiplying and thriving.

That was the soul, and it was also some manifestations of the creatures in the dream.

As a wizard who walked the path of the dream wizard.

The Divine Dream Wizard's dream attainment has reached an extraordinary level.

In the entire Pale Hand, only he is the most powerful dream wizard, and he is also a dream wizard who is at the forefront of the wizard path.

"What exactly is this sudden impulse? Could it be a problem with the sword?"

The Godly Dream Wizard murmured, and confusion also appeared on his indifferent face, and there was even a bit of hidden fear and horror.

That was the fear of some terrible existence.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky.

He didn't look at it for long, just glanced at it, and then retracted his gaze.

The Godly Dream Wizard closed the window and walked into the darkness of the room.

The sky is still the sky, but it is not the sky.

Many times, there are peeping eyes in the sky.

And they can't detect it.

They know this because the former owner of the sword passed on the secret message to them before he died.

As long as the wizard forces in the online area and the wizard members who have entered the Frost and Snow Sky will bring such a pair of eyes back to the original wizard forces.

The Divine Dream Wizard speculated that perhaps all wizard forces in the online area were in this situation.

They were high above.

They looked down on the world.




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