The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 459 [459] Elemental Spirits during the Blizzard Period (First Update)

The white frost is attached to the ground, and has covered half the height of the hundred-meter-high trees. This primitive dense forest has also turned into a kingdom of ice and snow. Every few years, the land of frost and snow will usher in a blizzard period. Now, it is already a precursor to the coming.

The cold and killing opportunity is lingering, and the sky is also swept by the cold wind, forming a spiral black hole, deep and restrained, as if there is a big mouth that swallows the world, and tiny lightning is faintly emerging from it.

These wind and snow clouds are still spreading, affecting the entire sword-raising area, the white fog area, and even the territory of the Pale Hand.

Even the entire western front area is being affected, and the natural particle energy tide is also disordered, without any regular signs of calming down. ,

No one knows how long this blizzard period will last. We only know that in the face of this harsh environment that affects most areas of the frost and snow land, we need to be fully prepared to prevent possible losses.

The shortage of food and the extremely cold environment will cause riots among extraordinary creatures, which will most likely impact areas where humans live. A large number of mortal cities and mortal groups will also be affected.

The crisis of the beast tide is only a part of it. In this regard, it is also a big danger for wizards. They will solve and resist it in advance. Ordinary mortals don’t need to worry much.

The only thing to consider is food and keeping warm.

Many wizard forces have already conducted statistical calculations to see how many mortal kingdoms and mortals will die in the snow and ice this year.

The extremely cold temperature will give birth to some special elemental creatures, causing more severe effects and harms. This is the biggest trouble for wizards.

Elemental creatures, or elemental spirits born in extreme environments and snow, will spontaneously gather in places with high-energy reactions and energy reactions.

However, since elemental creatures themselves also carry high-energy reactions and have extreme properties, they can cause serious harm to most extraordinary individuals and cannot coexist.

The wizard forces, some of the resource lands, the buildings they built, and the embedded operation of the wizard array will also emit powerful extraordinary fluctuations, which will cause elemental creatures to gather and thus be destroyed under their characteristics.

Most wizard forces have also begun to gather resources and wizard manpower to prepare for possible attacks from elemental creatures.

Only by killing and resisting this huge number of elemental creatures and elemental spirits can the losses be minimized and this long and dangerous blizzard period be survived.

"The sky is changing."

The cold woman's voice was transmitted far away in the wind and snow, and the white air she exhaled was not swallowed by the cold air, but left a trace that seemed to be substantial, spreading far in the snow before disappearing.

The coverage range reached dozens of meters.

Of course, with her strength, the particle energy in her body is equivalent to the total energy accumulated by countless nuclear power plants.

A walking source of radiation.

If the strength level is too low, it will be affected by radiation, and it is an irreversible impact.

"Yes, the sky is going to change. This is the first time I've experienced a blizzard in the Frost and Snow Land. It seems to come only once every few hundred years, but the cycle is not regular. The next time, it may be a thousand years, or even longer."

With long purple curly hair, Wizard Iss shook off a few snowflakes that had clung to his body before the particle energy shield was formed. His eyes were deep, looking deeper into the sky.

The Ghost Light Wizard had his hands behind his back, his robe hanging on the ground, his boots stained with snow, but he didn't sink deeper.

"When I came here before, it was still a vast plain, but now the piled up snow has submerged everything."

The Ghost Light Wizard changed his voice, "However, the arrangement of the sword-raising area, including the surrounding mortal kingdoms, is almost complete, and our tasks have also completed the early stages. Next, we will see more extraordinary creatures move to more places and develop into tribes."

This is the living node, which can continuously extend the scope of the original virtual and real bubble formation, and the ultimate goal is to encompass the entire Pale Hand's sphere of influence.

The goal was achieved imperceptibly. The most difficult initial stage was completed. The rest was just a matter of time.

Unless there was a third-level Brilliant Moon, it would be impossible to detect the difference between reality and illusion.

"The blizzard period was beyond my expectation, and probably beyond the expectation of the Nightmare Wizard."

The two wizards, Ghost Light and Iss, flew up, and the particle energy shield they formed was almost immersed in the wind and snow, and could not be seen clearly.

Compared with the vast world, the power of an individual is indeed insignificant.

"It is difficult for weak extraordinary creatures to migrate to farther places alive, let alone develop into a tribe. Even if they survive, it is very difficult."

The two were ready to return to the Heart of the Battle to inform the specific situation.

The Ghost Light Wizard saw it very clearly. The environment during the blizzard period would bring unprecedented variables. The wizard forces in the entire frost and snow land had to deal with the arrival of this cold environment.

"Wait, there's movement."

In the airspace, all around was white, and the wind and snow began to fall like rain, and it was even a downpour. The visibility was extremely low, and there was only cold air mixed with white frost, and the breath was lingering and turning.

The clouds were also completely assimilated by one color.

The Phantom Light Wizard expanded his particle energy shield even more, including the Is Wizard.

The latter looked surprised. He looked at the Ghost Light Wizard and found that the latter's face was unprecedentedly solemn.

The Yisi Wizard was solemn in his heart, and was also thinking about what kind of experience would make a powerful star wizard show such an expression. Could it be that there was something in the clouds ahead?

"Here it comes!"

The Ghost Light Wizard moved his upper and lower lips. His fair face was reflected by the blue light scattered in the wind and snow clouds, which made him look a little weird.

Her pupils shrank slightly, "This is."

The Yisi Wizard widened his eyes, and his aura spread directly. The particle energy in his body was also fully stimulated, and the particle energy shield was brought to the extreme of the formal wizard level.




At the same time, in the center of the frost and snow land, there was a place named Frost and Snow Sky.

The huge tower is the center of everything. It is difficult to describe its greatness and height. It is almost directly connected to the sky and sinks into the depths of the clouds, as if touching the boundary between heaven and earth.

Any life will be shocked the first moment it sees this tower.

Dense energy pipelines exist in the special biological metal gaps on the outer layer of the tower, and there is a layer of faint blue ripple particles filling it, as if protecting the safety of the lines.

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