The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 476 [476] Altar New World Strength Change

Interests are eternal and the buttons that maintain everything.

Wang Ya worked hard for the existence of the Heart of War, and also achieved his own interests and gained greater benefits.

If one day, the Heart of War could not help him on his wizard path, but only separated from it, he would leave without hesitation.

Of course, there would be some opportunities left, the nightmare bubble network would still exist, and the upward ladder would not be cut off, but it would only be left to capable wizards.

Wang Ya placed the Sun Lamp in the center of the laboratory, just below the Heart of Harak.

The radiant light became increasingly dim, as if it was suppressed to a certain extent.

The bright luster in each eyeball seemed to be stimulated by something and appeared brighter.

Wang Ya's eyes widened slightly, and he saw the essence. This was the suppression between the rules, and there was also a confrontation between the external rules and the rules of the Book of All Things.

Compared with the essence of the connection between the container's rules and the rules of the Book of All Things.

The rule power of the Sun Lamp is a complete outsider, a stranger.

The locals will naturally be targeted and hostile.

For Wang Ya, this is a good thing. Conflict means there is an entry point. With an entry point, you can see the deeper essence and discover the fundamental power of the rules.

[Hint: The original ‘Research on the Fusion of the Book of All Things’ and the ‘Research on the Rules of the Sun Lamp’ overlap. ]

[Available computing power: two levels]

[Used computing power: two levels]

[Estimated time: two hundred years]

[Analysis direction: fusion of rule fragments, level of rule power, unit division, and differences in the properties of different rules. ]

[Analysis purpose: construct a rule power map and rule power database. ]

It will take more than seven hundred years to analyze the connection and characteristics between Di Libo and the extinction rules of the misty world, and the computing power consumed is one level.

The current progress of analyzing the three witch bodies is the illusory witch body, which consumes three levels of computing power. There are still more than a hundred years left, which is close to two hundred years.

Wang Ya's ambition is very big. He is not limited to using the rule power of the Book of All Things. He wants to build a special rule power research system from scratch, so that the rule power has no secrets in his eyes.

No matter what kind of rule power, it can be included in his own research system and find the corresponding and appropriate position.

Before leaving the laboratory, Wang Ya's face showed some hesitation, and finally gave up the golden pocket watch and rusty iron sword, and placed them on the Heart of Harak.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and you can't take too big steps.

He didn't even study the rule rune spell of the Battle Fortress.

He didn't dare to intervene in the current laboratory.

The previous lesson of Fengxue Xingling will never be forgotten by him. It will become a special alarm bell, making him feel awe and more careful to deal with the unknown.

There is no doubt that the balanced cycle rule is not a simple rule power, but more special and more powerful.





The air conditioner is running, and the dripping air conditioner water splashes on a step on the street.

In the hot summer, being in a coastal city is also a disguised form of scorching heat torture; the surging sea breeze is salty, wet and sticky, and the pedestrians are in a hurry. When the wind blows, they will frown, wear thin summer clothes, and apply sunscreen in advance.

This is a prosperous city, and everyone in it is busy, as if once they slow down, there will be extremely serious consequences. They are also the screws of this city, a part of the prosperity.

The black-haired young man wearing ordinary short-sleeved shirts has deep eyebrows and eyes. The black crow on his shoulder squats, opens its beak, and seems to yawn; he walks on the street, and some passers-by, whether male or female, will subconsciously gather their eyes, even if they look at the back, they will feel very temperament and charm.

This is not handsome and handsome, the young man's facial features are very ordinary, and the people who are attracted cannot say specifically, the attraction of temperament is very special.

The black-haired young man walked into the "Dongguan City First Library" under the eyes of a group of passers-by.

There are books from all walks of life in the city, from ancient times to the present, including reprints and originals, but they are kept in the storage area where they cannot be borrowed.

The library is also very large and magnificent. The black-haired young man can see students coming in and out from time to time, in groups of three or two, with joyful expressions on their faces.

He is also here to read books, waiting for a black car to enter the library. The car window is rolled down a little, and the girl with a fair face and big eyes inside is looking straight at him; Wang Ya also has a faint smile on his face and nods slightly, being polite to the extreme.

Gently shaking his shoulders, the black crow flew into the sky and returned to the nature of the city.

The crow is just an ordinary crow. The affinity of the wizard and the essence of Harak can also make Wang Ya easily influence and control all the crows in this world.

He looked up at the tall library building and walked into the shadow that blocked the scorching sun, which is also the entrance to Building No. 3 of the library.

A wisp of true spirit power, carrying a spiritual consciousness, came to this world about three days ago.

This seems to be an ordinary modern world, a world without magic.

In three days, he also sensed every aspect of the city under his feet, and there was no extraordinary.

But the pressure on the World Altar is not small, far exceeding that of the Warrior World, and is on par with the Meteorite Dragon Realm, and even more powerful.

There is a conflict between the two.

Wang Ya decided to start from history.

I hope to find clues.

This world is a new world discovered by the World Altar.

Wang Ya hopes that if there is a world embryo in the core of the world.

The prerequisites for breaking through the Huiyue Wizard will also be met.

[Target: Wang Yaharak]

[Strength: Level 2 Star Wizard]

[Current Mental Power: 177]

[Current Physical Fitness: 183]

[True Spirit Mark: Nightmare]

[Special Talent: Original Strength Wizard Body]

[Number of Fission Fire Cores: 365]

[Virtual and Real Nightmare Destruction Meditation Method: (30/36)]

[Current Active Neurons: 42%]

[Current Element Life: 23%]

Over the past few decades, Wang Ya's strength has not changed as rapidly as it did during his apprenticeship.

The values ​​of all aspects are within the normal range.

This may be the price of embarking on the legendary road. You can no longer use auxiliary items other than the legendary series of potions.

Only after you have completely completed the legendary road can you use other auxiliary items to improve mental strength, physical strength, soul strength and other values.

Wang Ya sighed in his heart. If it weren't for the corresponding troubles in the Meteorite Dragon Realm, using too much power in the Battle Fortress would make the network aware of it. He would not have any hesitation and would let the Hanged King suppress the immortal dragon directly.

After checking the borrowing card.

Wang Ya came to the history library of the library and began to look through it.

Specially looking for myths, legends, ancient strange people and events, and replicas of the original ancient books.

The world is not normal. If there is a trick, history can always find some information.

Wang Ya doesn't believe that he can't find any clues.

This clone can probably exert the power of a formal wizard, and if it doesn't fight, it can exist for about a thousand years.

If you use power to overcome the influence and suppression of the magic-free world, the existence time will continue to decrease.

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