The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 483 [483] (Second update) Don’t forget your original intention and look forward to the futur

"Not only for this reason, I can consume the power of dreams and simulate most of the reality, but I cannot simulate the real power of rules, nor can I affect the power of rules.

Unless the same power of rules is used, or the high-end knowledge of wizard civilization or immortal civilization; high-end enough to affect the power of rules, it is the only power that reflects the heavens and the true self. "

Wang Ya shook his head and sighed again: "It's hard, hard, the rule power bloodline is in trouble, and now it seems to be in trouble again. The Eye of Truth cannot simulate the rule power and use it in the virtual laboratory.

But if I want the Eye of Truth to rise to that level, and my strength needs to reach the realm of rules, how can I accomplish this paradox of sequential differences? "

"The Hanged King has lost too many memories, and the rules, runes, and spells that exist are so high-end that I can't understand them at the moment. This is the knowledge that can really affect the power of the rules."

"The level is still too low, whether it is the source of the Dark Land, the immortal inheritance left by the Netherworld Wizard, or the content I accumulated in the past and exists in the Eye of Truth database."

Wang Ya smiled a little self-deprecatingly. This may also be because of his greed.

His own strength is at the level of the Star Wizard, so he wants to transcend the realm of the Moon Wizard and directly contact and study the power of rules, which is a high-end research direction that only the Sun Wizard is involved in.

"How many wizards of Huiyue are stuck in the realm of rule-breaking wizards, unable to break through in their entire lives? Even the great wizard of Black Sun, who once had outstanding talents and amazing talents, has also stopped before the rule wizards."

"I'm too anxious, too impatient. I've been doing research in many aspects and trying to quickly improve my strength to the level of a regular wizard. This is unreasonable and impossible to achieve."

"My foundation is too weak. It is very possible to break through the Huiyue Wizard. But if I study the power of rules and break through to the Sunlight Wizard level, it will be too far behind."

"I should understand my own gap and face myself squarely." Wang Ya took a deep breath, turned around and walked into the void. The dream world made of black and white foam behind him collapsed directly, folding and perishing in the illusion.

"If you take too big a step, you will end up troubled by yourself."

Wang Ya figured it out and made a choice.

Be practical and climb up step by step.

The most important thing is to advance to the Huiyue Wizard level first.

"What am I worried about? Is it the upcoming Battle of the Stars, or is it the influence of Andersen in the dark?"

"Or maybe it's because my heart can't be quiet anymore. I encountered setbacks and fell into trouble, so I got into trouble."

In the battle tower, Wang Ya's figure condensed reality from illusion. With a slight wave of his right hand, the door was closed, and then the windows blocked the cold wind and white light from the outside world.

The interior of the room suddenly dimmed.

Wang Ya was sitting on the chair in the office. It was rare that he did not write down his experience about the experiment. He also placed some research records and manuscripts on the desk in black and white bubbles.

There was nothing on the desk except for Halak, who fluttered his wings and flew down from the shelf.

Wang Ya put Halak in his arms, stroked the feathers on Halak's body, leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and chose to have a good night's rest.

Harak was also very quiet, squinting his eyes slightly, feeling very comfortable, lying in his master's arms as if enjoying himself.

Wang Ya couldn't remember how long it had been since he relaxed and became quiet.

This kind of relationship only existed in the past, when we were still on the wizard ship, heading to the Mountains and Seas Continent.

The days when he and Halak relied on each other.

"Perhaps I really should take a good rest."

"Everything is proceeding step by step. I will focus my research on advancing to the Bright Moon Wizard and developing the illusory witch body. It will not be so difficult and I will be helpless."

"The power of rules is the power of rules after all. I need higher-end extraordinary knowledge and a higher-end platform."

Wang Ya had some enlightenment in his heart.

"The Wizarding Continent, the home planet of the Wizarding World, is still too backward after all."

"The Battle of the Stars is the opportunity to change everything now."




Two days and two nights passed before Wang Ya woke up from his sleep.

This sleep was also the most comfortable sleep he had ever had.

How long has it been since he slept?

I can’t remember clearly either.

After becoming extraordinary, some of the physical habits that ordinary people have are not necessary for him.


Harak also woke up and was biting his fingers with his beak.

Wang Ya smiled and let him fly. The room also opened the windows and doors at the right time, and the light from the outside world came in and hit his fair face.

Wang Ya was in a good mood and he had figured out many things.

"The advancement of the wizard's path is what I pursue, witnessing more unknowns, understanding them, analyzing them, and collecting them; this is my original intention. Immortal civilization also has a saying of not forgetting its original intention, and I will not forget it. "

"The existence of the Heart of War is just a channel for the Nightmare Bubble Network to replenish the members of the Nightmare Scourge. It also serves to continue the relationship between the Process and the Dark Land."

There are also reasons for solving the problem of Andersen, the powerful and mysterious ancient returner.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party caused the "Dream Wizard" to get lost in the dream world, and he didn't know his specific whereabouts and status.

The enemy of life and death has long been determined.

"No matter where you are, I will find you and kill you, Andersen."

The other party is afraid of the Star Council. If Wang Ya joins it, some of the dangers that he was originally worried about will be the other party's worries.

Be prepared for both situations.

The plan for the online area must continue.

The Heart of War needs to stand on the stage of the Frost and Snow Land.

The Pale Hand is a good stepping stone.

This is also a gift from Wang Ya to many wizards of the Heart of War.

This is all he can do.

If Andersen's traces are not found after the Star Battle begins, he can only give up temporarily.

Use the Heart of War as an eye to monitor Andersen's existence in the future.

Wang Ya will not give up the secret of the existence of the White Fog Area.

The Heart of War will be his rear.

"Sometimes, proper relaxation can help you get out of the game, look ahead with an outsider's perspective, and suddenly see the light."

The smile on Wang Ya's face became more intense and more humane.

If Mona and Mas were here, they would definitely notice that the shadow of Wang Ya Harak in the past seemed to have reappeared on the nightmare wizard Wang Ya.

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