The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 485 [485] (Second update) Interview in progress Mystery

Dullness, dead silence, and cold are the only feelings inside the base.

Just like the entrance and exit of a subway station, there is an elevator shaft that goes directly up and down. On the surface, the base also has a building, which is the headquarters for external supplementary material exchange.

The more core base facilities are all set deep in the ground.

As for how many meters and how deep it is, no one knows.

Even the company behind the base and the time of loss of contact cannot be determined.

The background information is not clearly given.

Thinking about it, these novice reincarnators are also allowed to conduct investigations, which is part of the interview assessment.

There is no doubt that danger is also hidden in the process of exploration.

Wang Ya stood in front of the entrance to the elevator shaft. This was a large mechanical elevator with a total of three entrances, two leading to the bottom and one to the top.

There was a cold and turbid wind blowing around through the cracks in the elevator shaft, picking up some dust and covering the footprints of the novice reincarnations.

All facilities are in good condition, energy is abundant, and the elevator shaft is in operation. It seems that the novice reincarnators who escaped before used the elevator.

"A choice?"

Wang Ya chuckled lightly.

One is to choose to enter the surface command center above, and the other is to go deep underground for exploration; the two options have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former is safer and has less possibility of obtaining information; the latter may encounter greater danger if it goes deeper. It is easy to lose life, but you can also be the first to contact and understand the essential reason for the loss of contact.

There are many similar movies in reality. The novice reincarnators are all modern people. There are also many people who choose to enter the surface above, even more than those who go deep underground.

Wang Ya looked at the ride weight displayed above the elevator button and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

That's right, no matter how many movies you watch, it's just ordinary people across the screen, immersed in the real world, whether it's a virus leak, a biohazard, or aliens, it's all It's deadly.

Who knows how many people will die. If the cause of the loss of contact can be found at the surface base, there is no need to take risks.

Many people also pretended that others knew the reason for the loss of contact, so they could share the profits and escape from the dungeon mission world.

"The Lord God Space is not a good company. It's a good boss. He is definitely a big hungry wolf among capitalists. How could he let you pass so cheaply?"

Wang Ya can be sure that there are no relevant clues about the cause of the loss of contact on the surface base.

Even if there is, there is still a fatal danger, even more serious than the danger underground.

Wang Ya chose to go underground, but while waiting for the elevator, he searched the transfer station platform.

The escaped reincarnations were too panicked and did not explore or search this platform transfer station.

Unused gas masks.

A military shovel.

A high-intensity military flashlight.

Military first aid kit…

The above is what Wang Ya gained from this transit platform.

‘My current body is just a mortal body, and I don’t have any extraordinary abilities, so I’d better try to be careful. ’

Wang Ya thought in his mind and put on his equipment. At this time, the elevator had come up.

The steel ropes carried the weight, and Wang Ya discovered something strange about the elevator car, which was entirely made of alloy.

There were a lot of clothes in the carriage, which seemed to be base uniform collars with serial numbers and work badges on them. They were piled up in a messy manner. This was obviously abnormal.

First of all, there are underwear inside these clothes. No one would take off all their clothes in the elevator, especially when there are so many people.

Unless the owners of these clothes all become idiots at the same time, or there are special circumstances that require them to do this in order to obtain more important results.

Secondly, the number is too much. The clothes here are at least the number of people who can fill the entire mechanical elevator.

"It's interesting how you take off your clothes in such a sealed environment and how you do it so synchronously."

"The reason is why, is this the reason why the base lost contact."

The elevator door opened.

Wang Ya walked out. There was a spacious passage in front of him. The light was still bright and sufficient. However, the iron plate floor and the energy input pipes between the gaps in the wall and sky shields were built towards the outside, which would cause a certain shadow angle. .

Where to go, for the time being, the location, three mechanical elevators, corresponding to different exit passages, also represent different base areas.

Although these three elevators are built on top of each other.

"The number of personnel should be at least around ten, and there should be about fifty new recruits participating in the interview."

As for the number of new reincarnations who successfully interviewed, Wang Ya could not judge this.

There are so many factors that influence it, including luck.

After walking for a while, there were many more forks in the road, as well as signs and road signs.

Wang Ya unbuckled the insurance for Bai Ge and entered the canteen area with big steps.

Even if there is an accident that prevents contact with the outside world, in order to survive, the people inside the base will go to places with food and water to maintain their own lives.

It would be great if the exact person inside the base could be found.

Even if it is a corpse, many clues can be unearthed.

It's a pity that until now, I haven't met anyone inside the base, except for the clothes in the mechanical elevator.

Wang Ya's eyes swept around the canteen's area A. It was empty, but he found fresh traces of the reincarnation, footprints printed by the dust on the ground.

There was no one in the backstage of making food, and the same was true for the subsequent areas B and C.

The canteen area was finished.

Wang Ya also carefully checked the warehouse where food was stored. Unfortunately, there was still nothing related to the people inside the base.

No, there was still something, and it was the same as the situation in the mechanical elevator.

In the food warehouse, a lot of clothes that were almost overlapping with the ground and coordinated with the dust were found; they were very regular, and the underwear inside was also there, as if the underwear was deliberately put in. Wait, Wang Ya's eyes widened a little, he seemed to think of something.

Logically speaking, he should have thought of it a long time ago, and he shouldn't have missed such an important clue.

Even the important clue was right in front of him, and it was stimulating again and again, but he didn't judge the result.

Wang Ya thought of the pile of clothes in the mechanical elevator and the pile of clothes in the food area warehouse.

One represents leaving, the other represents food. Both of them yearn for survival and staying alive.

Some unknown influence threatens the lives of people inside the base.

They are panicked and afraid. Some people want to escape in fear, while others hide in the food area in despair and have no time to leave.

Or they are desperate and think that leaving will not work.

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