The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 60 [60] Eliminated Sold, 1,000 Magic Stones

Wang Ya chose the free zone and the commercial zone. He put on the Canmeng Mask and activated the magic array in it. The face in the mirror changed strangely.

In the blink of an eye, the tear mole disappeared, and the hair turned from black to gold. It was exactly the same as Arthur's face on the ship.

There are relatively fixed extraordinary shops in the commercial zone. No matter how rare the Equis Secret Record is, it is only an apprentice-level thing. If those shops buy it, the price will be very low.

The wizards of this department have a variety of channels to obtain extraordinary knowledge.

The attraction of the Equis Secret Record is not very great for the wizards of this department.

The free zone is connected with the dark wizard city outside. Many wild wizards and ordinary wizards are keen to come here to trade and exchange extraordinary materials.

A secret record that can reach the third-level wizard apprentice will definitely cause a big sensation.

The most important thing that troubles the wizards in the wild is the knowledge blockade.

After all, whether it is a combat wizard or an astrological wizard, only when the strength is improved can we consider the future.

Wild wizards rarely think about this aspect.

Half an hour later, in front of Wang Ya was a large group of tent-like buildings, which belonged to the free zone and was a wizard camp outside the free zone.

It is said that if you go out through this road, you can leave the headquarters of the Dark Land.

There are many such roads and wizard camps. The free zone is too big and leads to different wizard cities.

Figures wearing various wizard robes walked around Wang Ya, some of them were wizards from the headquarters, and some were foreign wizards.

Many shops and industries opened in the free zone originated from them.

Foreign wizards do not have wizard marks and cannot enter the free zone, but paying some magic stones can change this situation.

Wang Ya turned and walked deeper into the street. He had already understood that the free zone has a unique wizard exchange, which has a place similar to an auction, and you can choose to entrust your items to them for sale.

After being appraised by professional scholars, you can also choose a suitable price and sell them to the wizard exchange.

As for the wizard exchange, it is suspected to be connected with the underground black market and is an extension of some black industry chain. Wang Ya does not care about these. The model he chooses is the latter.

He does not have so much time to wait for the results of the sale. Time is very precious. He has a great sense of urgency in his heart. It comes from the observation of the wizard freshmen in other camps through the Eye of Truth at the freshmen conference. At least ten of them are no weaker than him.

The freshmen of the wizard family occupy the majority, and that Monta is also a potential threat.

It is very important to improve strength!

"This wizard book is really an ancient object. It dates back thousands of years and is still well preserved." In the reception room, the old man wearing a monocle, his beard on his chin almost dragged to the ground, carefully observing the details of the Equis Secret Record.

This kind of wizard is very special. He likes to soak in books and has some knowledge of many niche knowledge and history.

To the outside world, it is also called a polymath or an ancient researcher.

Finally, he came to the conclusion, "The secret record is only a part. The complete secret record should be able to reach the level of a formal wizard. What a pity."

The scholar sighed, "It's even more unfortunate that this is an eliminated combat wizard system, but it has a good collection value."

Wang Ya: "."

There was another figure in the reception room, a male, short, and actually a dwarf of the Aland race, with an oval head and relatively flat facial features. His name is 'BYD'.

He is one of the managers of this wizard exchange.

He discussed with the scholar and gave Wang Ya a price.

"Three hundred magic stones, you can copy a copy, we only want the original wizard book, and sign a wizard contract, only sell this copy, and don't pass it on."

"Or one thousand magic stones, we buy the original wizard book, you can't pass on the wizard knowledge information on it."

Wang Ya was thinking.

BYD went on to say, "You can rest assured that what we earn at the Black Market Exchange is only that share of profit, and we will not deceive or mislead customers."

"Mr. Rollsley's judgment will not be wrong. The combat body wizard is an antique, and has been outdated for a long time. The blood wizard and the white wizard have completely replaced it, and the mechanical wizard has emerged."

Speaking of this, BYD was quite impressed, "The world is changing too fast, and the potential of the mechanical wizard is too terrible. If we don't catch the trend of the times, we may be eliminated at any time."

"Of course, any wizard book and extraordinary knowledge has value, it depends on how you choose."

Wang Ya walked out of the Black Market Exchange with a black magic card in his hand that can be exchanged.

There is a share of one thousand magic stones in it, which can be exchanged at any time in the wizard bank in the commercial area or the free zone, which is enough for Wang Ya's subsequent wizard practice.

Speaking of which, this wizard bank was gradually established after the mechanical wizard launched the wizard technology revolution.

Of course, you can also use magic cards to directly deduct shares from the extraordinary stores and institutions that can support it.

The commercial area is relatively not as densely populated as the free zone.

But in the wizard residential trading area, the area of ​​a wizard's residence alone can reach a terrifying level of 5,000 square meters, and it is covered by a wizard array to block the eyes of outsiders and prohibit intrusion, etc.

In addition, the rules and regulations implemented by the Dark Land itself in the commercial area and free zone, there is no need to worry about safety.

"The wizard's residence is equipped with a personal laboratory, a cultivation room, a magic plant garden, a lounge, and a witchcraft testing room. Of course, the surrounding environment can also be selected: mountains, swamps, wetlands, deserts, plains, and forests."

Similar to the real estate center in the previous life, but in the wizard world it is called the wizard's residence sales office. A young female wizard named Dove pulled out the relevant wizard's residence images on the wizard technology display platform.

Zoom in or out, and introduce the advantages and benefits of these wizard's residences from all aspects.

"If you have needs such as snowy mountains and cliff tops, it is not impossible to meet them, but the price will be much more expensive." Dove said, with freckles on her face, thin lips, short hair, and her eyes looking at Wang Ya, waiting for his choice.

Wang Ya thought about it, the cultivation of Halak, and considering the subsequent reproduction of the race, plus the extraordinary subject he had decided on, he gave an answer.


The balance of the magic card was deducted by 500, which made Wang Ya's heart skip a beat. This half of the magic stone was consumed.

However, Wang Ya has his own wizard's residence, which can be used for one year.

Next, it is the choice of extraordinary subjects and further study.

Gradually get on the right track.

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