The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 77 [77] Good experimental subjects, good stuff

The cause of death of this mortal was not only the superficial injuries and the internal organs being eaten up, which were secondary. What was more important was that the biological energy in the body, along with the vitality, disappeared.

It was as if it was taken away by the unknown creature that was eating it.

Wang Ya had several witchcrafts in his mind that could also cause such damage, but there would be signs and fluctuations in particle energy.

If this was the case, the mental perception of a first-level wizard apprentice could completely cover the entire convoy and would not be unnoticed.

Halak's perception was different from his. After the birth of blood power, he could see different perspectives through shadows.

To be precise, it was a beast in a distorted and irregular state, and it looked like a canine species. After Halak's shadow perspective was shared, it was very abstract, like graffiti on a scroll.

He looked at the thin man with nervousness, suppressed excitement, and the greedy desire in his eyes, which was appetite.

The distorted and irregular beast ran out of the thin man's body and hid back.

[Hint: Analysis successful, unknown means caused the death of the mortal, the target is the thin man, the confirmation rate is 92%. ]

[While the flesh and internal organs of the mortal were being eaten, the vitality and soul also completely disappeared. Within an hour, the corpse will turn into a black and rotten skeleton. ]

[The unknown creature can switch between fantasy and reality, and it is possible that it lives in the thin man's body. It must be symbiotic, instinctively absorbs the host's vitality and biological energy, and is greedy. ]

Wang Ya's eyes flashed with surprise, and two words emerged in his mind: "Grudge spirit"!

Before death, it is full of extreme negative emotions, and the mental power is high. Under the conditions of the existence of natural particle energy, the grudge spirit can be born.

However, this situation is still very rare, and the grudge spirit is in a state of confusion at the beginning. After sensing the vitality of the living, it instinctively attacks the living and devours the soul and flesh.

The grudge spirit hates all living life, and at the same time longs for these things that it has never had.

The more people you kill and eat, the stronger you will be!

At the same time, the more nightmare powder you grind out, the more extraordinary powder you will grind out. No, different types of vengeful spirits will produce different extraordinary powders.

This unknown creature does meet all the requirements of vengeful spirits.

Normally, vengeful spirits in the first stage are in an illusory state and it is difficult to affect reality. They can only intervene through will shock and dreams.

In the second stage, they can affect reality, but they cannot interfere too much, which can cause mortals to have hallucinations and lead to death.

In the third stage, they intervene in reality and become entities, which can kill mortals physically, comparable to extraordinary creatures.

In the fourth stage, the most troublesome, the unique mental power of the vengeful spirit is difficult to kill completely.

However, the wizard's extraordinary mental power can suppress this kind of strange soul, and the witchcraft formed by particle energy can also hurt the vengeful spirit in the illusory state.

What Wang Ya hesitated in his heart was that the vengeful spirits should not have the ability to isolate mental power perception. Could it be that the beast vengeful spirits would be different?

Regarding the extraordinary information in this regard, he could not have studied it carefully, at most he had consulted the information.

The caravan traveled between the two countries and passed through the territories of various nobles. How could this thin man be parasitized by the vengeful spirit? It should not be said that he was using the vengeful spirit to kill people.

Wang Ya observed the pleasure and hatred in his eyes.

He did not care about the love, hatred and hatred between mortals, but he was very interested in things related to the extraordinary.

Nicotine discussed with the caravan, and under the mobilization of Hans, he suppressed his fear and several knights moved the body away with a cross sword.

After such a strange thing happened, everyone did not dare to stay any longer, and drove the carriage and left this place.

Some knowledgeable old people obviously thought of something, but did not dare to say much, and walked in silence with their heads down.

Lasi was forcibly pulled by Nicotine and sent to the carriage, and several knights were arranged to walk around.

Wang Ya still returned to the end of the carriage, riding on a black horse, and walking slowly on the mountain road.

A looming black shadow in the sky circled uncomfortably.


He finally killed this damn guy, really drank his blood and ate his flesh.

Jones leaned on the side of the carriage, walked with his head down, his eyes full of joy and madness.

The God of Gendass was indeed real, giving him powerful power.

He could feel the existence of the god in his body. As long as he worshipped Him with all his heart, he could become an immortal god regardless of his body, soul, or consciousness.

The evil thoughts in his heart kept rolling, and he looked at the carriage beside him. How could the fat pigs in it have this caravan? They should all be his.

Las, the little bitch, should also be his. She couldn't walk when she saw a little white-faced knight.

Hans, the dog, dared to look down on him and never gave him a straight face. He deserved to die.

The pupils were covered with bloodshot, and strands of black lines flowed in the blood vessels. Jones's teeth gradually lengthened, like a beast. There seemed to be a low roar of beasts as the blood flowed in his body.

The convoy left the forest and mountains and came to the road. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were in the territory of the Mayan Kingdom, which was much safer.

The pressure caused by the inexplicable death was also relieved a little.

As night fell, the stars twinkled and the moonlight shone. In the camp, torches dispelled the surrounding darkness and everyone started to make a fire and cook.

After eating, the people who were left to keep watch fell asleep.

Lasi was lying on the bed, not affected by the dead, and the face of Mr. Arthur appeared in her mind.


The low roar sounded in the single tent, making her inexplicably frightened. She sat up from the bed subconsciously, and her pupils immediately reflected a terrifying beast creature that pounced on her.

Jones stuck out his tongue and licked his teeth, mucus secreted. He stood in the dense forest and looked at the fire in the camp on the road below.

His lower body even became excited, repeating in a sick voice, "Come on, come on, my little Lasi, uncle will love you well."

But he didn't notice that in the shadow behind him, there was also a figure, looking at him with the eyes of a rare experimental subject.

Wang Ya was really aroused by the desire for knowledge. Human vengeful spirits are already extremely rare, and this is even rarer, almost unheard of beast vengeful spirits.

From the virtual state to reality, it is really flesh and blood, and it has the characteristics of granulation regeneration, which is too much like an extraordinary creature.

What is the principle here? Is the conversion of virtual reality of reference value?

In other words, after the dissection, can we find some useful things that can be applied to Halak or ourselves, or bring benefits.

Wang Ya's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he even licked his lips subconsciously because of excitement, revealing his neat teeth.

A rare experimental individual.

With the accumulation of wizard life, Wang Ya gradually developed into a qualified wizard.

Desire for knowledge, study nature!

: It's so cold, please give me some recommendation votes! No miserable!

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