The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 94 [94] Investment by both parties, the Eye of Truth undergoes another transformation (6300)

The cold wind was blowing, and a few yellow leaves were driven by the wind, rising and falling in the sky above the dark land, passing through a large number of buildings, and finally, when they were about to enter the upper house area, they were affected by the invisible force in the air, turned into powder that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The transparent ripple-like energy amplitude was released by the giant witch array buried deep underground in the dark land. If an enemy attacked from the sky, an energy shield covering the entire dark land would be released in an instant.

The energy supply was endless, and even the witchcraft bombardment of the formal wizard would not have any effect.

Wang Ya wore a black wizard robe, and the collar was not folded down, but blocked the neck, and also isolated the ubiquitous autumn wind.

There were not many wizards walking on the street, all of them were in a hurry, and the fallen leaves were scattered on the top of the buildings on the street. The fallen leaves on the ground were automatically cleaned by the witch array.

Dark Library

Looking up at the tower-like building, he did not enter the wizard task transfer station on the first floor. There was no follow-up notification for his target task.

This time, he came mainly for the ability of the Eye of Truth after its transformation, which was to supplement the information of the algorithm and database.

On the second floor of the library, there are a large number of books, various recorded events, wizard history, strange stories, and even some strange landscapes of the Endless Sea, rare characteristics of extraordinary creatures, etc., all of which are included.

If the Eye of Truth obtains these materials, Wang Ya will have a clearer understanding of the information of the entire wizard world, and his analytical ability can be further improved.

Through the curved stairs on the side, he slowly walked up to the second floor.

A wizard array refining door exudes a bright glow, and Wang Ya puts his palm on it very experiencedly.

However, this time, there was no detection authority, but a flash of light in front of his eyes, and he appeared directly inside the second floor of the dark library.

Wang Ya looked normal, looking at the internal environment, and the first thing he saw was probably rows of books, and there were bookshelves on the walls on both sides of the spacious corridor.

Walking along the blue carpet to the depths, there will be a room door on the walls of both sides of the corridor from time to time, with some wizard words written on it.

[Wizard History Reference Room] [Endless Sea Chronicle Reference Room] [Supernatural Biological Species Reference Room] [Wizard Geography Reference Room] [Ethnic Humanities Reference Room]

The air exudes a faint fragrance, which should be some special pheromone serving readers. Wang Ya found that it has the effect of clearing the mind, tranquility, and accelerating thinking.

Although this effect is not particularly outstanding, it also belongs to the category of supernatural resources.

Various reference rooms seem to be blocked by the witch array, and you need to have the corresponding authority to enter.

The information Wang Ya needs is in these reference rooms, and there should be another world inside.

He looked up and saw a very obvious sign above, guiding the visitor to the librarian's position.

At the end of the corridor, the view suddenly opened up to a huge internal space, a huge bookshelf in the style of a spiral staircase, storing a large number of books, and some figures wearing wizard robes walking on the spiral staircase, maintaining various books.

There is not just one such spiral staircase bookshelf, but as many as ten, and the bookshelves are full of books, recording a huge amount of information.

Surprise flashed in Wang Ya's eyes. This was a scene he had never imagined.

Perhaps all the books written from the birth of the Dark Land to the present are included in it.

The traces of the sense of history are overwhelming. Everything here is a part of the history of the wizard continent.

The brilliant civilization of wizards can also be reflected from this corner.

"It seems that you are a little guy who likes to read books. It's rare that you don't have that kind of impetuous atmosphere."

A voice suddenly came from the side. There are some normal bookshelves side by side near the rotating bookshelf. A figure wearing a brown wizard robe puts the book in his hand into the bookshelf and walks towards Wang Ya with a smile.

His skin is a little dark, his eyes are full of precipitation and stability, and his facial features show that he is not very old, but it gives Wang Ya the feeling that he is facing an old man after middle age.

This kind of temperament has only been seen in the ancient wizard named Rollsley in the Black Ze Exchange before.

Wang Ya's pupils flashed with blue fragments of lightning that others could not observe, and he was a little surprised. It turned out to be another existence that he could not see through.

No, it should be said that compared with the past, after the transformation of the Eye of Truth, he could see more, but the information was not complete.

[Target: Unknown Wizard]

[Strength: Extreme Wizard Apprentice]

[Spiritual Power: 47]

[Constitution: 25]

This is the same extreme wizard apprentice as Wizard Yisi, Wizard Kelan, and Wizard Jialan.

Wang Ya didn't know how to speak, he just felt that the water in the dark land was very deep, and there were powerful and unfathomable wizards everywhere.

Being able to see the data of this extreme wizard apprentice, then Wang Ya now should also see this kind of information when observing Wizard Yisi.

'The value of mental power is really exaggerated, reaching a terrifying number of 47. '

Wang Ya has a clear concept of the extreme wizard apprentice.

His current mental power data is only 10.1, which has initially entered the range of a first-level wizard apprentice. The value of 20 is in the range of a second-level wizard apprentice. The data can be matched one by one in the future.

‘This wizard is only three points away from being promoted to a formal wizard. His physique is weak. He should be on the path of an elemental wizard of the pure energy school, or a dream wizard, and his physical strength is not outstanding. ’Wang Ya thought in his heart.

“Dear wizard.” Wang Ya bowed slightly to express his respect.

“No need for so much etiquette. My name is Sleti Carrest. Few wizard students come to the second floor. Generally, they are old acquaintances. You are a new face.”

“Sleti wizard, I am the latest batch of wizards to enter the Dark Wizard Academy.”

Wang Ya was also surprised. The extreme wizard apprentice in front of him was surprisingly approachable and even a little enthusiastic.

Generally speaking, there are more wizards like Iss Wizard and Tuta Wizard who take the path of indifferent faces.

After all, after going through too many twists and turns in life and completing many difficult wizard tasks, the will tempered is very strong.

Having seen life and death, and even personally carried out a lot of killing, they have gradually become numb and silent, with a very clear purpose.

The more powerful the wizard, the more unique they are, otherwise it would be impossible to step up from the bottom to the current height.

Whether it is will, mentality, or thinking, combat ability, they are relatively perfect, without too big a shortcoming, very scary.

Wang Ya was very polite when facing Slaty, and there was nothing wrong with him.

"You should have some books to borrow, right? Tell me about them. I am very happy to have new wizards to dig up the knowledge here." Slaty's mood was obviously high when he talked about knowledge. He smiled and pointed at the spiral staircase and the bookshelves, saying, "No matter what kind of knowledge, there is a lot of value. The value here is enough to equal half of the Dark Land."

He sighed again, "It's a pity that most wizard students are blinded by extraordinary knowledge and can't see where the real value is."

Slaty seemed to open the topic and began to talk about the cause and effect of the second floor of the library tirelessly.

What was the founding wizard when the Dark Land was established, and how the wizards who came later developed the second-floor library step by step to its current scale

Wang Ya listened to Slaty's historical origins calmly. He was not impatient. It was not a bad thing to have a clearer understanding of the Dark Land.

The content of what he said was indeed the inside story that was difficult for the wizard students of the lower house to understand.

Even the current general manager of the Dark Land, the Light Wizard and the Dark Wizard, both said some secrets, such as exploring some special wizard relics and finding lost historical books.

Slaty smiled and looked at Wang Ya, "Little guy, you are the first wizard to listen to me nagging so much, and you are not afraid of offending my patience. It seems that you are really interested in the content of these books."

"Are you interested in writing a book with me, mainly the Dark Book History that records the information of these books." Slaty invited Wang Ya, "If the books here disappear one day, the existence of the Dark Book History can record the history of these books existing in the second floor of the Dark Land."

"Every book has its own soul, shouting, you listen and read carefully, and you can experience the charm of it." Slaty exclaimed almost obsessively.

Wang Ya: "."

Wang Ya couldn't help asking after all, saying, "Master Slaty, is he an ancient among wizards?"

He then said directly, "I don't have the idea of ​​participating in the writing of books for the time being. In addition to my lack of ability, there is also the secret realm competition. Slaty's good intentions cannot be fulfilled."

Slaty said with some regret: "It's a pity. I think you are quite suitable to participate."

"But the secret realm competition is obviously more important and can't be delayed. After all, it is the most important thing in the entire dark land at the moment." He changed his tone again.

"How about this, I will decide to let you have the secondary authority of the library and enter the outer areas of the major reading rooms. If you have anything to read, you can go there by yourself."

Wang Ya was obviously stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded: "Thank you for the generosity of Master Slaty."

He naturally couldn't refuse something that could be free.

To read the content of the book, you need magic stones. Although the number is not much, you can save it.

Before there is open source, use a little magic stone, and you will have less magic stone.

Soon, Wang Ya received a message from the wizard's mark.

"Lower House Wizard - Wang Yahalak, you have obtained the secondary authority of the books on the second floor of the Dark Lower House Library, and can view the contents of the books in the outer areas of the major reading rooms for free."

Slaty said with a smile: "Of course, it is only limited to the outer areas. There are books in the inner and core areas, but they are all charged."

Wang Ya returned to the corridor where he came from and chose the [Supernatural Biological Species Reading Room].

This was a pleasant surprise, allowing Wang Ya to save a lot of magic stones. When he came in, he only planned to choose to read some of the book contents.

Supernatural knowledge is expensive.

Too much ordinary knowledge will also make his eyelids twitch and his flesh hurt.

With the touch of the wizard's mark on the palm, the authority was passed, and the door emitting a faint light swallowed Wang Ya in.

The indoor environment is similar to the spiral bookshelf in the hall, but it is relatively much smaller and the space is even smaller. There is only one spiral bookshelf. Along the path of the stairs, there is a lighting stone at a certain distance from the bookshelf, so that the light in the room is very sufficient.

The outer area is marked in front of the stairs, and Wang Ya will not break in and disrupt the rules.

Pick up a book called [Detailed Explanation of Arthropod Extraordinary Creatures], open the pages, and you will find all the texts and pictures.

‘Arthropoda’ ‘Crystal Segment Hexapoda’ ‘Gastropodidae’ ‘Lepidoptera’ ‘Hunteridae’. This is a purple giant dragonfly extraordinary creature with wings similar to wisteria flowers, and a fast flying speed, forming a wind blade that cuts steel. It is called ‘Benny’s Wisteria Dragonfly’

Wang Ya turned a new page again, this time recording a spider-like extraordinary creature with a whole body of precious red, dotted with golden silk structural lines, and a large area of ​​crystals covering the abdomen, named ‘Wushan Crystal Bag Treasure Hunting Spider’

It belongs to the phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, order Crystalline Arachnids, and family Treasure Hunters. It is a special supernatural resource. The crystals in the abdomen can conduct wizard particle energy.

In a damaged secret place in the dark land, there are supernatural creatures of this kind.

It seems that there is only information about this kind of information, and there is no information about the supernatural properties of this kind of supernatural creatures.

Wang Ya was not disappointed. His pupils were shining with fine lightning. In ten seconds, as Wang Ya turned the pages of this book, the corresponding text was also collected.

Then, he set his eyes on more books.

Four hours later, Wang Ya, who had collected one-third of the books in the outer area, walked out of the [Supernatural Biological Species Reference Room].

The follow-up time is still very long, so there is no need to be too demanding to collect all the information in a short time.

With Slaty, the extreme wizard apprentice, Wang Ya can only maintain this character.

Wang Ya can clearly feel the touch of the Eye of Truth and is in a subtle change. As long as he continues to collect information about the books, the changes and improvements will not stop.

The speed of analysis is also based on this information and knowledge.

If it is the collected extraordinary knowledge information, the degree of improvement will be greater.

Wang Ya even considered whether he should collect more extraordinary knowledge.

But the expensive price made Wang Ya give up the idea instantly.

Wang Ya has not sold the extraordinary items in the two wizard rings.

Those wizard books are not the direction that Wang Ya is good at, nor the extraordinary subjects he chose.

After returning to the wizard's residence, it took a few minutes for the Eye of Truth to collect information. A slight swelling pain came from the eyeball, and Wang Ya subconsciously covered his eyes.

Then he showed a touch of joy. The time for the two targets that were originally being analyzed was reduced by half a day.

In this way, the originally planned wizard experiments and witchcraft experiments can be advanced.

Before the competition in the secret realm, Wang Ya can improve his strength more.

White Bone Wizard Tower

In the three-layer space created by the space folding wizard array, there is a huge primeval forest with huge grass and trees. Various extraordinary creatures are roaring to the sky, trampling out from it, and rushing towards the figure in the center.

Each extraordinary creature, in terms of momentum and strength, has reached the level of a third-level wizard apprentice. ,

If they were in the outside world, they would all be top extraordinary predators. Ordinary extraordinary creatures would not be able to resist the momentum released and could only be slaughtered.

The figure in the brown wizard robe had an indifferent expression, and the purple hair was flying under the momentum blooming all over the body. Compared with the terrifying extraordinary creatures around him, he was even stronger.

Pure white particle energy was dispersed around the wizard robe figure, turning into a creeping liquid substance, as if clinging to the space, instantly covering those extraordinary creatures.


One extraordinary creature after another was transformed into pure bone statues by this terrible particle energy, and even the soil under his feet and the surrounding forest vegetation were the same.

After defeating so many terrible creatures in an instant, the figure in the brown wizard robe still had no expression on his face, but there was a bit of strangeness in his eyes.

Wizard Yisi has been thinking about the recent news.

His teacher, the white bone wizard brought back the content of the discussion at the Dark Supreme Conference. The appearance of the evil god incident surprised him, but he was not surprised. At most, he would participate in the wizard mission to defeat the evil god.

At his current level of strength, he is not far from becoming a formal wizard. He only needs the most important and most difficult promotion and sublimation.

What surprised him was that many formal wizards actually mentioned a person he could never have thought of at the Dark Supreme Conference.

The figure and face of the wizard on the wizard ship and the new wizard on Gulin Mountain appeared in his mind.

Wang Yaharak, this little guy who made him look at it more, actually experienced the evil god incident and brought back the evil god information that many formal wizards care about.

This is simply incredible, a new wizard can actually do this.

Even if the evil god is not the real body, and there is luck, it is still very amazing.

At least, it is impossible for him to do it when he was a first-level wizard apprentice.

Perhaps, he should re-emphasize the value of this little guy.

Wizard Yisi's eyes suddenly turned cold. Wang Yaharak's target task was affected. This was a small matter, but the task information was generally impossible to be false. The waste of the wizard family did not even find the evil god incident, but thought it was some kind of vengeful spirit.

This little guy brought another excellent opportunity to influence the wizard family alliance.

It can even be regarded as a violation of the rules. There are many specific parts that can be manipulated.

"This little guy has the ability and qualifications to become my main chess piece." Wizard Yisi was shocked. His strength improved too fast.

It seems that the opportunities and secrets hidden by this little guy should be extraordinary.

Wizard Yisi would not think about killing people and robbing treasures. He would not lose face so much. What opportunities could he have that were greater than becoming a formal wizard's inheritance disciple!

Instead, he thought about supporting the other party.

Being able to survive the evil god incident has already demonstrated his outstanding ability.

The secret realm competition is related to the dark training plan. Every quota is extremely important. The plan and arrangement of the wizard family alliance is a very important part of the wizard's new life.

If Wang Yaharak can get a quota, it will be a major blow to the wizard family.

The corner of the Yisi wizard's mouth raised an arc. This is indeed a feasible plan. If successful, the school will have many more quotas.

He has already thought about how to fund it.

The resources needed to improve strength and some witchcraft of the White Bone School can be given to the other party after signing the wizard contract.

If he succeeds in getting a quota, he will personally ask the White Bone Wizard to accept him as a disciple. This will also enhance the strength of the White Bone lineage.

It is difficult to find a wizard with outstanding ability and character, and it can also give the White Bone lineage an extra quota.

Sometimes, it is not just a struggle between the school and the wizard family.

It would be a lie to say that there is no competition among the twelve extraordinary schools to enhance each other's influence.

After all, this is related to various extraordinary resources and is a close and precise interest.

The wizard Yisi thought of the chief of the Shoggoth. Given the other party's personality characteristics, he should also support this matter.

The one who likes to stir up trouble the most is not him, but this guy who laughs on the surface but is very vicious behind the scenes.

The funding can be handed over to Wizard Denor.

Wizard Task Management Agency.

Before entering the door, Wade first tidied up his wizard robe, combed his beard, took out a mirror and looked at himself in the reflection, and then knocked on the door gently.

A cold and neutral voice came from inside, "Come in."

Wade then pushed open the wooden door and saluted the wizard sitting on the chair behind the desk.

"I have something for you to do, Wade." Wizard Kelan put down the parchment roll in his hand and looked up at the white-haired old wizard.

His strength may have regressed to the point where he can no longer fight.

But his down-to-earth and steady character, as well as his reliable ability to do things, made Wizard Kelan very respectful.

Wade said solemnly, "Please give me your instructions, Wizard Kolan."

"The target task of the lower house wizard 'Wang Yaharak' has been successfully confirmed. The task level and task rewards have been changed. You take this parchment to him." Wizard Kolan pushed the yellow parchment with various handwritings to Wade.

Wade was very tactful not to read the content on it, nor would he take the initiative to ask Wizard Kolan's thoughts.

Even though he knew that the change of the target task information only needed to be notified through the wizard's mark.

The subsequent task rewards were also collected directly at the resource management office.

"Got it, Master Wizard Kolan." Wade nodded solemnly, then folded the parchment, put it into a special cylinder, and left the task management agency office.

There was a bit of thought on Wizard Kolan's cold face. She didn't know if the dream wizard would react to her doing this.

But she has always been full of guilt, letting the Huanmeng wizard fall into the dream world, so that he can only stay there most of the time.

Her guess should be correct. This little guy should be valued by Teacher Huanmeng and will be accepted as a disciple after the secret realm competition.

There are really too few people with such outstanding inspiration.

With a nervous heart, the wizard Kelan prepared to give some help to this future junior brother.

Maybe it can help him in the secret realm competition, and the rest depends on him.

You can follow [Daytime Fantasy] on Douyin. Some original western fantasy things created by friends are very good. Crystal Bag Spider and Wisteria Dragonfly, source! !

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