The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 98 [98] Magic potion wholesale, human experiment, the future is clear (6000)

Gusai wizard was really shocked by Wang Ya.

He just subconsciously said some information about illusion and reality under the topic. This kind of information is only studied at this stage and belongs to the category of advanced knowledge.

It is definitely not something that a first-level wizard apprentice can master, and even cannot understand.

There may be some seemingly true and false perceptions, but Wang Ya's changes at the moment are more than just seemingly true and false perceptions. It is clear that he has understood and figured out some troubling problems.

'The changes are very obvious, the momentum is constantly rising, and the purity of the internal particle energy is gradually reaching another level. '

Gusai wizard's eyes are very sharp, and his judgment is not much different. After all, he has also come this way.

'The degree of concentration of mental power seems to have improved, and the release of witchcraft will be smoother. ’

Wizard Gusai couldn’t believe it. Although the extraordinary mental power was an extension of the will of the mind and could not be explored, what on earth was in this little guy’s mind that caused such a big mental state reaction because of some concepts and theories of illusion and reality. ’

It was estimated that it was no worse than eating a nightmare flower or morning grass.

He looked at the increasingly intense battle in the field with a wry smile, and still helplessly cast an isolation spell to hide all the breath.

They simply stood far away from the battle, and other wizards were observing the death battle and did not notice this side.

Otherwise, the gathering of many eyes and aura would destroy the special mental state of this little guy.

Even the biological force field of the extreme wizard apprentice would subconsciously affect this little guy.

In fact, for Wang Ya, the level of involvement in illusion and reality was indeed too much, but it did not mean that he could not understand it.

On the contrary, the good foundation laid in these days gave Wang Ya the basic ability to think about these things.

There is also the Gendass dog as an experimental sample for daily analysis and observation.

He wrote six experimental essays, and discovered many characteristics of the Gendass dog. He speculated on the six directions in the essays and conducted experiments.

After purchasing advanced subject courses and advanced meditation methods, Wang Ya will do variable experiments in these six directions.

The correctness cannot be guaranteed, and it can even be said that there are many wrong directions. It is just a speculation based on Wang Ya's current cognition.

But the method is extremely correct, and as time goes by, Wang Ya's knowledge and his own level continue to improve, and he can also judge the correct results through actual wizard experiments.

Wang Ya estimated the time, and two years is enough.

What Gusai wizard said made Wang Ya further shorten the process.

The content of his speculation, some of the expected directions and the balance theory of changes in virtual reality can correspond.

It's like a lot of puzzle pieces connected by a line.

Half of the six speculated directions can be ruled out, and the remaining three directions are all likely to be correct.

In this way, the time and resources Wang Ya spent on it will be greatly reduced.

The breath on his body slowly calmed down, and the particle energy in his body also returned to stability.

[Hint: Mental power increased by 0.5, and particle energy unit increased by 0.2.]

Wang Ya's pupils exuded a fine blue luster, and he used the Eye of Truth to collect the pictures of the battle in the field and some witchcraft performances.

The focus of observation and analysis was some information about the wizard Yisi.

The witchcraft released by the wizard Yisi was very terrible. The white particle energy spread all over the sky, and even the rolling sea water was contaminated by the particle energy, and a large area turned into a solidified bone texture.

This should be the inherited witchcraft of the white bone lineage. The power is indeed very powerful. It has the terrible characteristic of turning into bone, cutting off all vitality.

Even the nature of biological flesh and blood has changed. From the difference in the influence of molecular structure, it is estimated that even if the white bone wizard comes in person, it is impossible to save the people infected by the white bone particles.

An absolute double-edged sword.

One of the three research directions of the Gendass Dog also involves related genes and flesh and blood properties.

The opponent of the wizard Yisi was not the kind of enemy that could be easily dismissed. Under the coverage of such powerful bone particles, the four wizards used witchcraft to help each other and actually fought back.

Wang Ya was very surprised. The difference in realm was not as easy to cross as imagined. There were not many precedents in the history of wizards who fought across levels and won.

But the wizards of the Bailin family and the Zijinhua family seemed to have prepared in advance, and the witchcraft they released was surprisingly harmonious.

The energy of the bone particles was not invincible. While it was powerful, it was essentially not much different from the particle energy of other wizards. They all belonged to particle energy.

They could also counteract each other.

The combined strength of the four people, and with the cooperation of various witchcrafts, directly alleviated the coverage of the bone particle energy, forming a trend of confrontation, although this situation was very reluctant.

They were secretly happy in their hearts. As long as they held on for a little longer, they would be able to survive after ten minutes.

The light of hope for survival and the future seemed to shine on their faces.

The subsequent actions of the wizard Yi Si were like the harvest of the Grim Reaper's sickle, turning into the most terrible nightmare in the hearts of the four people.

Accompanied by the sound of "chi chi", the energy of the bone particles began to increase rapidly, and even the space began to squeeze, as if he had not used his full strength just now.

In fact, since the death fight entered the battlefield, Wizard Yi Si has been standing still without moving, with an extremely cold expression.

In addition to the surge of the energy of the bone particles, he has not used a single spell.

But now he moved, took a step towards the position of the four people, and the surrounding bone particle energy, under the blessing of some kind of power, directly began to erode the space.

Wizard Yi Si also needs to use this opportunity to show the strength of the bone lineage.

When the tiger naps, the monkey can be eager to move forward.

If it doesn't roar in the mountains once, the bone school, which ranks second in the extraordinary school, will probably be annoyed to death by some scoundrels again.

As for the mocking expression on his lips after being exposed, they are just four trash, how can he use his true strength.

"Yisi has become stronger again. The bone particles can actually spread in the void. It's incredible. Is this a combination of spatial ability and bone particle energy, or is he further balancing the virtual reality and walking ahead of all of us?"

The wizards watching the battle around were all emotionally fluctuating. It was unknown what kind of changes the powerful wizard Yisi would bring.

It will probably not take long before he can reach the last step and become the leader of each major school.

That is a wizard apprentice who has reached the level of a formal wizard in some aspects and can only be promoted after the final sublimation.

It is very scary and very rare. At present, there are only about twenty in the dark land.

There are only fourteen people in the headquarters of the dark land, and the leaders of the twelve extraordinary schools are all of this strength.


As the wizard Yisi walked, the sea water and reefs turned into bones, and the sky behind him turned into a white curtain.

A huge bone palm formed in the white sky. Wizard Yisi raised his right hand and gently waved it towards the four people.

This terrible witchcraft also suppressed it with a terrible momentum.

The bone palm on the outside was false. The real inside was the bone particle energy that was constantly oscillating at a special frequency.

Being able to accommodate such a high concentration of bone particles and keep them stable already reflects Wizard Yisi's abnormal control.

Once infected, even if they are also extreme wizard apprentices, they can only turn into white bones and their flesh will die completely.

"Damn it, he hasn't even exerted his strength yet." A wizard from the Bailin family showed despair on his face. They have already used up most of their strength.

"Use the combined witchcraft quickly. You must survive in this guy's hands. I don't want my wizard path to end here." The older wizard next to him shouted, and the particle energy in his body surged out.

In order to be absolutely fair, there is no natural particle energy inside the battlefield. The particle energy in the wizard's body was consumed and could not be replenished.

The four people released corresponding attack magic at the same time, trying to destroy the giant bone hand. The torrent formed by flames, strong winds, and ice made many people present look sideways, and some expected to bring more pressure to the wizard Yi Si.

Such magic has reached the level of the ultimate wizard apprentice, and it should not be defeated too quickly, they thought in their hearts.

It's over!

Wang Ya judged the result. He could see more than other wizards, even the ultimate wizard apprentices could not compare.

The gap between the two sides was too obvious. In terms of various numerical values, the biological energy and particle energy of the wizard Yi Si had almost no fluctuations.

On the other hand, the particle energy of the other side dropped by more than 70%, and the speed of biological energy decline was also very fast.

The radiation amplitude of the bone particle energy affected their flesh. The less particle energy in the body, the stronger this obscure erosion.

The final result was to turn into a white bone statue.

Wang Ya was able to determine that the bodies of these four family wizards had begun to develop lesions and malignant changes.

The blue fragments of light slowly disappeared in his pupils, and he had also collected the information data he wanted.

At the same time, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes. This time, the harvest was really too great.

Just Gusai Wizard's explanation of the balance of virtual reality could help him save a lot of time.

There was also a death battle between the extreme wizard apprentice and the four third-level wizard apprentices, especially the latter who were desperate. The information collected was richer than Wang Ya expected.

After several thoughts, Wang Ya had a clearer understanding of the next wizard path.

The advancement of the Haohai Meditation Method, the mastery of intermediate witchcraft knowledge, the study of extraordinary advanced disciplines, the uncertain improvement of witchcraft plan, and the research on the Gendass Dog, the "Source of Life" and "Core of Death" plan. Wang Ya's time is very tight and busy.

With the support of Wizard Kelan, the plan of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure does not need to develop extraordinary tribes for the time being. The most important thing is to let Halak form a strong fighting force.

With the end of the death battle, Wang Ya left the battlefield with Wizard Gusai.

As he expected, four white bone statues were left permanently on the battlefield.

The Bailin family and the Zijinhua family were also completely submerged in the dust of history.

Wang Ya purchased the follow-up of the 'Haohai Meditation Method' from the ancient Sai wizard. There are a total of twelve wizard runes in it, which is three more than the basic meditation method.

At the gate of the Dark Wizard Academy, Wang Ya and Wizard Gusay parted ways. As early as in the commercial street, Wizard Fengxing and Wizard Lando had left.

Not surprisingly, his wizard mark had the identity information of three more wizards.

It is estimated that none of the new students in the lower house would believe that he could have contact with so many wizards in the upper house and their identity information.

"The balance between illusion and reality is not a level that you can touch at the moment. Even if you have some ideas of your own, don't delve too deeply into it." Wizard Gusai reminded Wang Ya when he left.

"I understand, Lord Wizard Gusai."

Wang Ya is very clear about his position. The current connection in the wizard's mark and the goodwill expressed by these wizards are all because he has a higher value.

Realizing one's own value, or making the value higher, is the most correct approach.

Improve your strength and knowledge base.

It is the most stupid thing to be complacent about this and forget about it.

There is also a supernatural school behind the Gusai wizard. During the conversation, we learned that he is a rare elemental wizard in the divine blood lineage.

Hades merchandise store

The sound of wind chimes swayed, a clear and sweet reminder of the working figure inside, who rushed out at a quick trot.

"Welcome, I wonder what the guests need."

Mona was stunned for a moment. The black wizard robe, the familiar white and handsome facial features, and the tear mark impressed her deeply. A smile appeared on her face, "Wang Ya, you haven't been here for a long time."

"Recently, all the new students in the House of Commons have gone their separate ways and have not become as close as before. More and more people are going astray, signing wizard contracts and selling their bodies or losing their dignity and running away. Those new members of the wizarding family are at your disposal."

Mona led Wang Ya towards the interior of the Hades merchandise store, while the two of them talked from time to time.

"There has been no news from Gray and Mars recently. I don't know what they are doing. Maybe they are continuing to take on wizarding tasks."

Wang Ya listened silently, and the two of them had arrived at an area selling extraordinary resources to assist meditation and enhance spiritual power.

"Wang Ya, what have you been doing recently?" Mona continued the topic.

"Like you guys, prepare for the secret realm competition in two years' time, earn magic stones, and improve your strength." Wang Ya glanced at some cabinets in this area.

Through the glass, you can see the various bottles and jars inside, with different colors and even different thicknesses. Some of them simply condense into one piece.

There is corresponding text information under the cabinet, recording the effects and names of these extraordinary potions.

Mona said with emotion: "Yes, the ultimate goal of every freshman in the Lower House is to compete in the Secret Realm two years later. If you can get a good ranking, show your outstanding performance and let the wizards and extraordinary schools of the Upper House see it. If you realize the value, you might be able to get support, and the wizard's road ahead will not be smooth sailing, but at least it will avoid a lot of detours."

【Night Demon Potion】

[Utility: Increase a certain amount of mental power. 】

[Side effects: endure the tearing pain for 24 hours, and keep your consciousness awake, otherwise you will be affected by the extraordinary medicine, your body will undergo mutation, pollution, and the characteristics of the South Angel Night Demon will appear. 】

[Price: 100 Magic Stones]

In the memory area of ​​Wang Ya's mind, some information about Nan Angel Night Demon automatically appeared.

[Name: South Angel Red Flame Butterfly. Phylum: Lepidoptera; Subphylum: Lepidoptera; Class: Abdominal Lepidoptera; Subclass: Lepidoptera; Order: Lepidoptera; Family: Pleuropodidae. 】

Distributed in the small secret realm of South Angel, it is an exclusive product of the dark place. It is a very special extraordinary creature with a small appearance and special red scale powder on its wings. It can reflect the light of the moon and has the effect of confusing spiritual power. .

Wang Ya did not think about it in detail, because relevant information would continue to appear in his mind, including the growth environment of the red flame butterfly, the difference between larvae and adults, habits, food and natural enemies. The land of darkness has a long history, and almost The secret resources he possesses are utilized very thoroughly.

This red flame butterfly alone can be used as a raw material in more than ten kinds of extraordinary potions.

Even the alchemy of witchcraft can have a certain neutralizing effect.

The night demon potion is a special potion mainly made of red flame butterflies. The amount of improvement in spiritual power is related to the wizard who takes the potion.

There is drug resistance, and the effect will be completely lost after about three doses.

In two years, Wang Ya tried his best to improve his strength.

Extraordinary mental power and particle energy units, as the hard conditions for performing witchcraft, are what Wang Ya attaches the most importance to.

"Three copies of Night Demon Potion, two copies of Heart Clearing Potion, two copies of Dawning Potion, one each of Grief Potion and Despair Potion."

Wang Ya was bleeding heavily this time, and the amount he spent on the potion had exceeded 600 magic stones.

The extraordinary potions chosen are almost all related to improving mental power, or are extraordinary potions such as the Heart-clearing Potion, which assists meditation and outlines.

At the counter, Mona completed the magic stone settlement for Wang Ya with a complicated look on her face.

When handing the wizard card to Wang Ya, she couldn't help but say: "Wang Ya, any choice requires a price. Don't go astray. Even if we are lagging behind other wizard freshmen, we can always get through it."

Wang Ya: "."

Mona thought that Wang Ya went astray and signed a wizard contract with some wizards, selling his body to become an experimental subject in exchange for a large amount of magic stones.

Although it was good in the short term, the disadvantages would become apparent over time.

Generally, the new students are bound by this contract and used for experiments. They are unstable, immature, and need to be tested for some special substances to get results.

Or test the new extraordinary potion to determine the medicinal properties.

There are also some immature extraordinary bloodlines that are implanted into the corresponding wizard experimental subjects through wizard surgery to verify the results.

Wang Ya guessed Mona's thoughts, and he shook his head and said, "I know, Mona, I know it in my heart, and I haven't signed any wizard contract."

Some time ago, he really refused the wizard support contract invited by the Deno wizard and didn't sign it.

The special parchment scroll of the Kelan wizard didn't have the existence of the wizard contract.

Wang Ya was really right.

Mona's face was still worried, and she obviously didn't believe it, but she couldn't say anything else. She could only watch the black wizard robe figure silently, and walked out of the store door in the sound of wind chimes.

Wang Ya returned to the wizard's residence and looked at the magic stones he had left, the number was 2,600.

For the first time, he experienced the beauty of having enough magic stones. He didn't have to worry about magic stones. At least in the next one or two years, he could complete his wizard experiments with confidence.

Halak flapped his wings and flew in from the special entrance of the castle. The various environments inside were also familiar to it.

Soon, he came to the laboratory and landed on the shoulder of his most familiar and closest master.

Wang Ya stretched out his white fingers and tapped Halak's forehead.

Gray-black pupils and streamlined body, smooth feathers, but it would take some effort to remove some of the flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood on Halak that was to be removed was not picked casually. It was the best area for the wizard experiment of "Source of Life" and "Core of Death" after Wang Ya's judgment.

Two of these three directions are aimed at trying to obtain the characteristics of the Gendass Dog.

That powerful recovery power is rooted in other hosts. No matter what kind of damage it suffers, it can recover instantly. As long as the biological energy supply is sufficient, this represents life.

But is such recovery normal, or with the continuous recovery, the flesh and blood of the Gendass Dog will constantly replace the flesh and blood of the original host, and in the end only the Gendass Dog will be left, and the host can no longer be considered a living person, which is death.

There are many aspects involved, including physics, psychology, and even the concept of the definition of existence.

By partially fusing the flesh and blood of Harak with the flesh and blood of the Dog of Gendass, we can determine what the result will be.

Will it bring life or death? This wizard experiment is to determine the reality between reality and illusion.

The words of the Gusai wizard emerged in Wang Ya's mind.

To achieve a balance, we need spiritual illusions. Wang Ya's eyes flickered, which requires real human experiments.

It is necessary to prepare a variety of variables, ordinary people, wizards, and even other humanoids.

The host human that was captured before has died in the wizard ring and has no experimental value.

Wang Ya's eyes gradually became cold, and there was nothing to be disgusted or worried about. It was nothing more than buying some slaves for human experiments, as long as it met the concept of equal exchange.

If the balance between illusion and reality can be achieved through experiments on the Dog of Gendass, it may be of great help to his future wizard path.

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