The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 426: Appointment

Halfway through the words, Tang Wulin's eyes dimmed, and he continued: "I'm afraid this won't work. Although I don't know how Shrek Academy and Sun Moon Academy, as well as the Federation and Star Luo Empire reached an agreement before, the City of Miracles is probably Wouldn’t agree.”

It should be known that the various colleges in the City of Miracles did not prohibit them from visiting. After this period of observation, Tang Wulin found that the teaching methods of the City of Miracles did not require communication with Shrek Academy.

What's more, there are Yun Ming and Yali in the City of Miracles, and Yali is even responsible for the education work in the City of Miracles. As long as the person in charge of the City of Miracles is not stupid, how could he agree to conduct academic exchanges with Shrek.

In Tang Wulin's view, neither Anping, the lord of Miracle City, nor Gu Yuena, the deputy lord of Miracle City, nor Le Zhengen, the external person in charge of Miracle City, are fools. It can even be said that these three people are not easy to get along with.

What's more, it is said that the explosion in Mingdu ten thousand years ago seems to be related to the academic exchanges at Shrek College. Anping and Gu Yuena are students at Sun Moon College. Ling Hongchen, the descendant of the Hongchen family, is now in the city of miracles. They must be How could someone who knew the inside story not be on guard against them?

Zhuo Shi also shook his head with some worry: "It is indeed difficult to get them to agree to academic exchanges. Today's City of Miracles is not the former Sun Moon College, nor is it the down-and-out Star Luo Empire."

In the troubled times, it seems that the City of Miracles has Yun Ming and Yali, and there is also Ling Hongchen, the dean of the Sun and Moon College. They are both existences with students all over the world. Others may not necessarily be the same. In terms of education, they will definitely not be better than Shi Laike. The college is worse.

But the more they thought about it, the more Zhuoshi wanted to promote academic exchange activities. They also wanted to know how the education method in the City of Miracles compared with their Shrek Academy, and whether there was anything they should learn from.

To be honest, they have only visited a few elementary and middle schools now, and what they know is what the City of Miracles wants them to see. If they don’t understand it in depth, they really can’t understand the emphasis on culture of the City of Miracles. What is the best model of education?

Moreover, the person in charge of education in Miracle City is Yali. Zhuangshi knows Yali very well. Things that even she agrees with must be beneficial, but he really can't see it.

Things like physics and mathematics can still be understood in troubled times, and they are all relatively practical things. Those things like literature and art, ideology and politics, geography and history, I really can’t understand the meaning of it in troubled times.

In the eyes of the troubled world, these things are useless and can be put in the library for interested people to see. The most important thing for a soul master is his cultivation and combat power. But when Yali did this, there must be a deep meaning.

But if they are allowed to imitate without knowing the inside story, it would be fine if it succeeds. If the imitation is only insignificant, it will not be a good thing for Shrek Academy.

The most important thing is that there are universities in the City of Miracles. They can't even get into the full-time cultural and arts universities in the City of Miracles, let alone the Military Academy, which they are most concerned about. This is also what they want to know through academic exchanges.

However, Zhuo Shi would never have thought that the reason why they couldn't get into the university in Miracle City was because no university in Miracle City had begun to accept students. Otherwise, I don't know what he would think.

Although Chen Xinjie didn't know what Zhuo Shi was thinking, he could tell that Zhuo Shi really wanted to promote academic exchanges between Shrek College and the City of Miracles.

So Chen Xinjie said: "Let's not say whether it can work or not. You have to try it before you know whether it works or not. Aren't you familiar with Yun Ming in Zhuoshi? Why don't you go find him and give it a try."

After all, he had just communicated with Yun Ming, and Yun Ming didn't give him any face. Naturally, Chen Xinjie couldn't come to him again because of this matter. He still wanted to save face.

When Zhuang Shi heard what Chen Xinjie said, he was a little moved after thinking about it carefully. Although Yun Ming refused simply last time, it was because he wanted the Ice and Fire Eyes and Immortal Grass. Yun Ming's refusal was also expected by him. matter.

But academic exchanges are different. After all, Yun Ming used to be the master of the Poseidon Pavilion, but the person who cared about Shrek Academy the most should not refuse something that benefits both parties.

After Zhuo Shi responded, he began to contact Yun Ming to invite him out for an interview. And Yun Ming was also a little curious as to why the troubled world was looking for him at this time. Anyway, he was not particularly busy, so he agreed after meeting for a while.

Since Zhuo Shi didn't hide anything from anyone when he called, he naturally heard everything clearly. Among them, Yuan En Yehui was also a little moved. The reason was naturally because her second martial spirit, Fallen Angel, had some influence in the City of Miracles, but it also isolated the inexplicable feeling of summons.

In the past month, Yuan En Yehui has been much better off than he has been in the past ten years or so, and he even doesn't want to leave the City of Miracles. If the City of Miracles agreed to academic exchanges, there was a high probability that she would be a part of it, and Yuanen Yehui was naturally very excited.

As for the other six of Shrek's Seven Monsters, they all have different ideas. Tang Wulin, Ye Xinglan, and Xu Lizhi naturally agreed, but the reason was that they really wanted to explore the secrets of the Miracle City.

As for Xie Xie and Dai Yun'er, they looked disdainful, obviously not believing that the City of Miracles was powerful. After all, the two of them are not people who do research, nor are they good at thinking. Naturally, they don't understand the meaning for a while.

The place Yun Ming agreed on was a teahouse in the City of Miracles. When there was still time to stay before the agreed time, Zhuang Shi took Tang Wulin to the teahouse. After asking the teahouse owner, the teahouse owner took them directly to the place where Yun Ming had settled. In the box.

The reason why Zhuo Shi brought Tang Wulin with him was very simple, that is, to bring Tang Wulin to see the world. After all, Tang Wulin would have to decide many things in the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy in the future, and he needed to be allowed to do so. Grow up as quickly as possible.

When the teahouse owner walked out of the room and closed the door, Tang Wulin said with some confusion: "Master, it's still very early before the appointed time. Do we need to come so early?"

Tang Wulin didn't understand the significance of this. If it was just a few minutes or even ten minutes earlier, it shouldn't be so early even if the other party was Yun Ming.

Zhuo Shi shook his head slightly and said: "We are here to ask for something, so naturally it is better to be earlier. Based on my understanding of Yun Ming, he will definitely not be late, he will only be earlier than the agreed time."

Tang Wulin knew that Zhuo Shi was teaching him how to deal with things. He nodded slightly to show that he understood, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

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