The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 440 Tang San’s Thoughts

Although Tang San's consciousness did not say what to do next, Tang Wulin knew that Poseidon Fate was held in Poseidon Lake, and there was Poseidon Island in the center of Poseidon Lake. There was an ancient golden tree on Poseidon Island. The golden ancient tree was officially Connect the node where your grandparents live.

The reason for doing this is very simple, that is to trap or even get rid of Anping and Gu Yuena. The reason why Tang Hao and A Yin were reluctant to take action at will was because they had to always be on guard against the Abyss Saint Lord in the abyss, hoping to lure him out of the abyss and then directly deal with him.

But the golden ancient tree is different. The golden ancient tree can be said to be a branch or embodiment of the core of life. If we were to do it under the golden ancient tree, we wouldn't have to worry so much. Unfortunately, Anping and Gu Yuena were never willing to come to Shrek Academy.

The reason why Tang San's consciousness came up with such an idea was to test the world's awareness of how much attention it paid to Anping. If it only paid general attention to Anping, it would directly deal with Anping and Gu Yuena. After missing such an important person, after a miracle, The city will inevitably disperse in one day.

If the will of the world attaches great importance to Anping, he can only try to control Anping and Gu Yuena. He does not want Anping and Gu Yuena to surpass his son or even himself in their ultimate achievements.

In that case, all his arrangements in Douluo Star would be in vain. According to his calculations, if the God Realm wants to return to Douluo Star, it will take more than a year or two. He really can't figure it out in such a long time. How far can Anping and Gu Yuena grow.

However, this matter still needs to be considered in the long term. Poseidon is said to be an annual event. In fact, the most important thing is only the time when Shrek's Seven Monsters come of age. Only such a grand event can be regarded as the most important thing. An excuse to invite all forces to participate.

If it was just a normal Poseidon Fate event, it could only be regarded as a small event in Shrek's inner courtyard. If people were invited to come and watch the ceremony, it would be easy for people to spot the clues. Even the Shrek Seven Devils' adult Poseidon Fate and Tang San's consciousness were not sure whether they could invite Anping and Gu Yuena.

After all, Poseidon Fate was just an internal event of Shrek Academy in the past. Even if Tang Wulin suddenly wanted to hold a big event and invite outside forces, it would be a bit abrupt.

Therefore, Tang San's consciousness plans to gradually open up to Shrek Academy starting from Poseidon Fate this year. When Tang Wulin reaches adulthood, Tang Wulin's identity will be disclosed directly, and then forces outside Shrek City will be invited to participate. It won't be too abrupt.

Tang Wulin was naturally very interested in the plan against Anping and Gu Yuena. He chatted with Tang San's consciousness for most of the day until Wu Zhangkong reminded him that he should study various books obtained from the City of Miracles. At that moment, Tang Wulin stopped with his thoughts still unfinished.

Now that they have decided to explore the secrets of the City of Miracles through academic exchanges, Tang Wulin and the Seven Shrek Monsters will spend most of their time studying in addition to normal practice. No matter how unwilling they are, they can't. Not so.

Tang San's consciousness could naturally sense Tang Wulin's hatred for Anping and Gu Yuena, and his murderous intention towards Anping and Gu Yuena became even more intense because of this.

After all, Tang San's consciousness originally sent Tang Wulin to Douluo Star just to give him a good growth environment, but now he was so suppressed by Anping and Gu Yuena that he couldn't even raise his head, even following Anping and Gu Yuena. Yuena's Xu Xiaoyan and Le Zhengyu were both able to defeat Tang Wulin easily.

In addition, Anping and Gu Yuena repeatedly destroyed the opportunities that belonged to Tang Wulin, how could Tang San's consciousness not hate Anping and Gu Yuena to the bone. If it weren't for the worry that the plan against the abyss would fail, Tang San's consciousness would have asked his parents to take action.

After truly understanding the City of Miracles this time, Tang San's spiritual consciousness understood that if he didn't take action against Anping and Gu Yuena earlier, when the two of them really grew up, the City of Miracles would become an enemy that existed beyond the abyss.

At the same time, while Tang Wulin was studying with his friends, Tang San's consciousness was also considering a question, that is, whether to let go of the suppression of the Tang Sect and the affiliated forces of Shrek Academy and let them Possibility of becoming a god.

The reason why he had such an idea was naturally because when he met Yun Ming in the City of Miracles, if he had not withdrawn the detection of Yun Ming in time, he would have been discovered by Yun Ming.

Although it was only a moment of detection, Tang San's consciousness could feel that Yun Ming was really not far away from becoming a god. After Yun Ming became a god, his strength might not be as good as that of Di Tian, ​​but he would definitely be better than himself on Douluo Star. The Niutian and Titan are more powerful.

Forget it, there is another angel martial soul who should be named Le Zhengen. Although there is a certain gap between Yun Ming and Yun Ming, it is not particularly big.

In other words, there will soon be three god-level gods in Miracle City, and they are all more powerful than Niu Tian and Tai Tai. When his parents can't take action, they really take action against Tangmen and Shi. There is no benefit from coming to Ke Academy.

So Tang San's consciousness came up with the idea of ​​letting go of the suppression of the Tang Sect and the affiliated forces of Shrek Academy, especially Chen Xinjie, who was called Vast Sea Douluo. It seemed that his talent was not much worse than Yun Ming. If he could become a god, he would It can be used to contain Yun Ming.

As for whether those people would rebel after becoming gods, Tang San's consciousness was not particularly worried about this. As long as he works a little bit, he can attribute the reason why they became gods to his help. As long as he doesn't say how someone could know that they can't become gods because of the suppression of Douluo Star.

From the perspective of Tang San's spiritual consciousness, those forces that were originally affiliated with Tang Clan and Shrek Academy would definitely be extremely grateful to him if they learned that he helped them become gods, so how could they rebel.

What's more, with their parents still there, no matter what, the two second-level gods can still suppress people like them who have just become gods. And there is another advantage to doing this, that is, when Tang Wulin grows up, it will be less dangerous to fight against the abyss.

After all, Tang Wulin no longer has the Golden Dragon King's divine core. Even if he awakens the Clear Sky Hammer with his own help, his strength will definitely not be as strong as when he has the Golden Dragon King's divine core.

In other words, if Tang Wulin wanted to become a god quickly in the past, he could also unblock the seal. Although it was a bit dangerous, it was still within the controllable range.

Now, if he wants to become a god quickly, using natural seeds to swallow the energy of the abyss is almost the only way. With a few more god-level protections, Tang Wulin will be safer in the abyss.

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