The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 445: Prepare to be beaten

As for the reactions of the Shrek Seven Monsters, they were different. Tang Wulin performed slightly better. He reacted after being stunned for a few seconds, but his expression was still a little solemn. Although he had no research on space, he could sense that this space conversion method was more powerful than the Tang Sect's.

The other people's expressions were either frightened or indifferent. Only Ye Xinglan, Yuanen Yehui and Tang Wulin had similar reactions, but they were half a beat too slow.

Xu Xiaoyan ignored their reactions and clapped his hands twice to attract their attention, and then said: "Originally, the strength test part should be done one by one. Don't you often say that Shrek's Seven Monsters We share weal and woe as one body.”

"Now I give you two choices, one-on-one and seven-on-three. For one-on-one, you choose one of me, Sister Nana and Sister Lan as your opponent for the test, but the three of us will not play consecutively. ”

"For example, if the first one of you chooses me as your opponent, the second person can only choose Sister Nana or Sister Lan, and so on for the following people. As for seven versus three, it is very simple. The three of us will face you. Seven.”

Before Xu Xiaoyan could finish speaking, Tang Wulin and the others frowned. Neither of these two is a good choice. For them, one-on-one means being beaten alone, and seven-on-three means being beaten together.

As for winning against them, I have never thought about it. You must know that among these three people, no matter who they are, they are stronger than them. Xu Xiaoyan has become the Soul Emperor a long time ago. Although Gu Yuena doesn't know her true strength, she is definitely stronger than Xu Xiaoyan. Lan Fuzi is at the level of Titled Douluo.

If it were a wheel battle with Xu Xiaoyan, they still had a glimmer of hope of winning. But now Xu Xiaoyan obviously didn't give them this chance, and they were destined to be beaten.

At this time, even Xie Xie didn't stand up and say anything. He had already learned his lesson, and at the same time, he was worried that if he really said something that Xu Xiaoyan didn't like, he would be beaten even worse.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Wulin stood up and said, "Isn't it inappropriate to do this? We have no hope of winning, so what's the point of this assessment? You must know that our Shrek Academy entrance exams all use...levels Similar students, you guys..."

Originally, Tang Wulin wanted to say that they were about the same age, but it suddenly occurred to him that Xu Xiaoyan was the youngest among everyone present, and even Gu Yuena was the same age as them since she transformed.

Since age was no factor, Tang Wulin had no choice but to rely on rank. He felt that if he said this, even if Xu Xiaoyan didn't find someone of similar level to them, he should still suppress his own strength to fight with them, so that they wouldn't lose completely and might even have a chance of winning.

Xu Xiaoyan naturally heard what Tang Wulin was planning, shook his head slightly and said: "Shrek College is Shrek College. This is how the exams in our City of Miracles are. You want to take the exam or not."

Lan Fuzi also spoke up and said, "You people are really interesting. You have objections to letting you pass directly without taking the exam, and you have objections to the examiner when I agree to let you take the exam."

Lan Fuzi looked at Xu Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, they don't want us to be the examiners, so why not invite Sister Yali here and let her be the examiner. Sister Yali is from the therapy department. Extreme Douluo can treat them on the spot even if they are injured."

After listening to Lan Fuzi's words, Shrek's seven monsters felt a chill. If they really let Yali come, they are really worried that the other party will hurt them and then treat them and then hurt and treat them again. That would be terrible.

Thinking of this, Xie Xie said unwillingly: "We are here for academic exchanges, not to vent your anger. Who knows if you will do something secretly."

Although Xie Xie's voice was low, everyone present heard it clearly. Xu Xiaoyan said angrily: "Since you are worried about being secretly attacked by us, how about I call all the teachers in the Soul Master Academy for you to choose from. "

Xu Xiaoyan paused for a moment before saying, "That's not right. The teachers at the Soul Master Academy are all from our City of Miracles, and they might do something to you. How about letting Vast Sea Douluo serve as the examiner?"

Although the Shrek Seven Monsters were moved, after all, if Chen Xinjie really took action, he would definitely attack them. Even so, no one dared to agree. They really couldn't afford to lose this person.

If someone spreads the news, Shrek Academy actually needs to bring its own examiners for academic exchanges. The Shrek Seven Monsters in their current class may become the talk of the Douluo Star after dinner, which is something they don't want to see. .

In desperation, Tang Wulin said: "Then let's do what you said. As for which method to choose, we need to think about it."

Xu Xiaoyan stopped embarrassing them and nodded slightly: "I'll give you thirty minutes to think about and discuss tactics. However, I suggest you choose seven versus three. After all, there is a food-type soul master among you. ”

As Xu Xiaoyan said this, he pulled Gu Yuena and Lan Fuzi and walked away, leaving space for the Shrek Seven Devils. No matter what they chose, they were bound to get beaten. Who made Xie Xie such a mean person? Woolen cloth.

The Seven Shrek Monsters were slightly startled after hearing Xu Xiaoyan's words, and looked at Xu Lizhi involuntarily. If it weren't for Xu Xiaoyan's reminder, they almost forgot that there was a food-type soul master on their side.

In other words, they only have one choice, and that is seven versus three. If you choose one-on-one, it may be easier for Xu Xiaoyan, but Xu Lizhi will have the same result no matter who he faces.

The three of Xu Xiaoyan and the others left, obviously to give them space to discuss tactics, and also to leave them speechless after being beaten for a while.

When Xu Xiaoyan and the others disappeared, Xie Xie started to curse, and Tang Wulin calmed him down before telling him to shut up. But when it comes to tactics, they really have no idea at all. Even if the opponent doesn't have Lan Fuzi, a Titled Douluo, they can't be their opponent, let alone now.

No matter how sophisticated the tactics are, they are of no use in the face of absolute strength. However, in order to prevent Xu Xiaoyan and the others from underestimating the Shrek Seven Devils, they still seriously discussed countermeasures.

It's not the style of Shrek's Seven Devils to just admit defeat without struggling, not to mention it won't sound good if word spreads. They are still very concerned about their reputation.

Thirty minutes passed by in a flash. Xu Xiaoyan, Gu Yuena and Lan Fuzi returned to the gymnasium again. The Seven Shrek Monsters also looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy, although the enemy did not take them seriously. .

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