The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 451: File entry

Then Sun Qingyi introduced what types of books were in the library, and the way he talked was not like his peers at all, but more like someone older than them.

Because they wanted to know the secret of the City of Miracles, the Seven Shrek Monsters all listened very seriously. When they heard about the books on cultivation methods and explanations in the library, Tang Wulin and others' eyes lit up, and they secretly decided to list the library as the first place to investigate.

Under the guidance of Sun Qingyi, several people came to the back of the library. Behind the library was a building with a white theme. Sun Qingyi did not need to introduce it. When the Shrek Seven Monsters saw the words on it, they knew that this was the Academic Affairs Office. .

Although there are three big characters for Academic Affairs Office written on the side of the building, Sun Qingyi still introduced seriously: "This is the Academic Affairs Office. It is where all the teachers of the college work after class. At the same time, the office of the Student Union is also in this building. From now on, you will If you come to me for anything, I’ll usually be here.”

Then Sun Qingyi introduced them to his office floor, as well as the departments on other floors, where the teachers of each subject worked, etc.

While listening, the Seven Shrek Monsters followed Sun Qingyi to the door of the Academic Affairs Office. Sun Qingyi swiped the card in his hand on a card swipe, and the door of the Academic Affairs Office opened with a clang.

Seeing Tang Wulin and others looking at the card in their hands, Sun Qingyi raised the right hand holding the card and introduced: "I almost forgot to mention, this is the identity card of the college. In addition to being able to prove your identity, In addition, it is also a necessity for passing the academy.”

"Whether it is a dormitory, teaching building, academic office, gymnasium, etc., you need to use this if you want to enter. In addition to the function of passage, it also records your grades, mistakes, etc. in the college."

"Of course, it also has the function of trading, and you also need to use it for eating and shopping. I remember that your Shrek Academy uses something similar. I won't introduce more. I believe you will get used to it soon. ”

While talking, several people had arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the Academic Affairs Office. When they walked to the middle of the hall, Sun Qingyi read the name of the department, and they felt that the screen turned and they reached a door.

Sun Qingyi opened the door and explained: "The lobby of every building is a teleportation device. As long as you think about where you want to go, you can be sent to the door. However, this requires an identity card. When you have an identity I will be able to do what I am after using the card.”

Following Sun Qingyi as he approached the door, he saw rows of filing cabinets. Seeing that Tang Wulin and others were a little strange, Sun Qingyi explained: "This is where the information of college personnel is recorded. I don't know why they are all paper documents."

Hearing Sun Qingyi say that he didn't know why, Tang Wulin said: "It should be because if you use a computer to record, the data will be easily lost if the computer breaks down. It is not safe if it is placed on the network, so it is generally divided into machines Records and entity records.”

The reason why he said this was because Tang Wulin saw someone sitting in front of the computer busy with something in front of them. She should be responsible for recording and organizing information.

To their surprise, the girl with a single ponytail said: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. Although this computer has a recording function, the most important thing is to use it as an output tool. As long as you record what you want to Enter it in and the corresponding file will be generated in the filing cabinet.”

The girl's voice is very clear, giving people a very cold feeling. As for the content of her words, Tang Wulin and the others were really surprised. They had never heard of such a file generation method.

Tang Wulin looked at Sun Qingyi and said, "If it's convenient, can you show us how the file is generated? Of course, if it's not convenient, forget it."

Tang Wulin spoke sincerely, but Sun Qingyi's expression didn't change in any particular way from beginning to end. She just laughed and said: "It's not a secret anyway, you can see it if you want to, but if you want to see something, probably It will make you very disappointed.”

Seeing Tang Wulin's obviously disbelieving expression, Sun Qingyi explained: "I remember you guys attended the previous product launch, right? It's probably like how a soul ring generator and a soul bone generator produce soul rings and soul bones. You guys You’ll know after seeing it.”

As he spoke, Sun Qingyi took a stack of documents handed over by the girl in front of the computer, distributed them to Tang Wulin and others, and said, "You guys should fill these in first.


Just when Sun Qingyi handed the documents to Tang Wulin and the others, another girl said angrily: "Why are you talking to them so much? They won't always go to school here."

Sun Qingyi smiled and said, "Sister Song, after all, you are one of the Seven Shrek Monsters of Shrek Academy. You must give us the respect you deserve, otherwise how will people outside see our City of Miracles."

The girl surnamed Song slightly bent her head and said nothing more, but looking at the other party's expression, it was obvious that she did not take the name of Shrek's Seven Monsters seriously.

Although the two people communicated in a low voice, the stall was very empty and the Shrek Seven Devils could hear clearly. Although Tang Wulin and others were dissatisfied, this was the City of Miracles Soul Master Academy after all, and they did not want to cause trouble.

Soon, Tang Wulin and the others filled out all the things that needed to be filled in, and then handed the documents to Sun Qingyi. Sun Qingyi then handed the documents to the girl named Song and said, "I'll leave the rest to Sister Song."

The girl surnamed Song waved her hand, indicating to Sun Qingyi to stay where he could to cool off. Sun Qingyi smiled and said to Tang Wulin: "Sister Song is like this, I hope you don't mind. By the way, don't you want to see how the file is generated? Come with me."

As Sun Qingyi and Tang Wulin and others walked towards the file room, they realized that there was something wrong with the size of the file room. There were rows of file cabinets as far as the eye could see, obviously the space was used up. technology.

Tang Wulin and others followed Sun Qingyi to a filing cabinet, only to see that it was marked temporary files and that there was not a single file in it.

Just when they were wondering if Sun Qingyi had made a mistake, they saw an incomprehensible scene. The shadow of a document appeared and then quickly solidified.

Although it looks somewhat similar to the generation of soul bones and soul rings at the previous product launch, the speed is obviously much faster, and the duration of the ghost is almost negligible. However, considering that these files are just record files, It has no special effect and is considered normal.

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