After finishing speaking, he ignored the changes in Tang Wulin's faces and led them in one direction. A few minutes later, Sun Qingyi led them to a small courtyard.

Looking at the small courtyard in front of them, which was not particularly big but had many ponds, flowers, plants and trees, they nodded inwardly. Sure enough, as they saw from a distance, it was much better than the one they lived in at Shrek Academy, and better than the one in the inner courtyard. The accommodation is much better.

Sun Qingyi pointed to the yard in front of him, then each handed them a pamphlet, and then said: "From now until you leave, this is your residence. There are instructions for entry and exit and various props inside. ”

Tang Wulin looked around and saw that besides Sun Qingyi, they were the Seven Shrek Monsters. So he walked to a place not far in front of Sun Qingyi and asked in a low voice: "Can you tell me why you are so nice to us? Could it be that you and Tang What does it have to do with Men or Shrek?"

Hearing Tang Wulin ask this, Sun Qingyi was secretly amused as she didn't know that the other party was trying to get close to her. However, there was no change on his face. He smiled and said: "Don't think too much, I have nothing to do with Tang Clan or Shrek Academy. As for my attitude towards you, it is just my duty."

"After all, I am the president of the Student Union of Miracle City Soul Master College. My responsibility is to help students solve their problems. Although you are here for academic exchanges, you can still be regarded as my classmates."

Hearing that Sun Qingyi was so familiar, Tang Wulin's heart tightened. He instantly knew that he might have thought too much. Sun Qingyi was the president of the student union and had greater authority than some teachers. How could he be a simple person? He actually mistakenly thought that she wanted to show favor to him, which was really a bit greedy.

However, it is normal for Tang Wulin to have such delusions, not to mention that his appearance is already very good, even if he is not as good as Anping and Gu Yuena, he is not too different. Coupled with the fact that he has such strength at a young age, he is very popular with the girls at Shrek Academy.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Tang Wulin to have such misunderstandings. After all, the young Mu Ai is nothing short of normal. In addition, Sun Qingyi not only has a good appearance, but also has a charming personality.

But after hearing the words "responsibility", Tang Wulin knew that he was being sentimental. It might no longer be possible to learn about the City of Miracles through Sun Qingyi, and it might even arouse the other party's wariness.

Thinking of this, Tang Wulin quickly apologized and said with a smile: "I've thought too much. I apologize to Senior Sister here. Thank you Senior Sister for taking care of us."

Sun Qingyi still maintained a smile, waved her hands and said: "It's not a big deal. You guys go in and clean up quickly. I still have work to do, so I'll leave first. If you encounter any problems, you can go to the Student Union Office on the sixth floor of the Academic Affairs Office to see me. ”

After saying that, regardless of Tang Wulin's reaction, he turned around and walked out of the accommodation area. At the same time, her impression of Tang Wulin dropped again. She really couldn't understand that someone like Tang Wulin, who even relied on the golden ancient tree to improve his cultivation, could actually become the Shrek Seven Monsters. .

It's no wonder that Sun Qingyi thinks so. In fact, the people she comes into contact with such as Xu Xiaoyan, Lan Fuzi, Yali, Gu Yuena, etc. are not ordinary people. The more contact with these people, the more her horizons will naturally increase.

After Sun Qingyi walked away, Xie Xie approached Tang Wulin, bumped Tang Wulin's shoulder with his shoulder, and said with a lewd smile: "Wulin, you are not attracted to that Sun Qingyi, are you?"

Hearing what Xie Xie said, Tang Wulin couldn't help but feel a chill in his back, as if someone was staring at him. When he turned around, he saw Dai Yun'er staring at him intently.

Seeing this, Tang Wulin quickly walked to Dai Yun'er, took Dai Yun'er's hand and explained: "Yun'er, don't think too much, I just see that she has such a good attitude towards us, and I want to see if I can get something out of her mouth." What information was learned.”

"Really?" Dai Yun'er looked unconvinced, and then thought about how he had traveled thousands of miles from the Star Luo Empire to the Douluo Continent for Tang Wulin. What would he do if the other party was really with someone else.

Seeing that Dai Yun'er's eyes were slightly red, how could Tang Wulin not know that she was really sad? He quickly comforted him: "Of course it's true. Then how can Sun Qingyi compare to you? The president of the student union represents What, you also saw it in the admission manual, I just want to see if I can complete the task quickly."

Tang Wulin repeatedly emphasized that he would never abandon Dai Yun'er, and even swore on his martial spirit that Dai Yun'er finally beamed with joy.

Seeing that Dai Yun'er was finally coaxed, Tang Wulin breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Okay, we have been standing at the door for a long time, let's go in and see the accommodation prepared for us in this miracle city. "

After entering, several people had to sigh, this residence is indeed the same as it looks from the outside. All kinds of living facilities inside are also available, which are much better than their Shrek Academy.

After everyone selected their rooms and tidied them up, Tang Wulin and the others gathered in the living room. After confirming again and again that there were no monitors or anything like that, Tang Wulin looked at Dai Yun'er and said, "Yun'er , tell me about your detection results in the archives."

Dai Yun'er was now in a better mood. He held Tang Wulin's arm and rested his head on Tang Wulin's shoulder. He said, "Nothing was detected. Those filing cabinets gave me a feeling that I can't penetrate except for my mental strength." Other than that, it’s no different from an ordinary filing cabinet.”

Hearing what Dai Yun'er said, Tang Wulin and the others frowned slightly. If Dai Yun'er couldn't detect any information, their mission this time might be really difficult.

Seeing that Tang Wulin and others looked a little sad, Dai Yun'er said, "Could it be because the problem is not with the filing cabinet, but with the filing room itself? Have you noticed that the problem in that filing room The area is a bit too large, and space technology must have been used.”

They all discovered this. The filing room was just a visual inspection, and it was definitely larger than the area occupied by the entire Academic Affairs Office. Unless their location was not in the Academic Affairs Office, but teleported to other places, otherwise there was only This is the possibility Dai Yuner mentioned.

After thinking for a while, Tang Wulin said: "Yun'er means that the reason why those documents can be generated out of thin air is not that the problem occurs in the filing cabinet, but in the filing room itself. Since they can use space technology Using this kind of semi-open space, maybe that technology can be used in buildings?”

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