The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 471 Handover

While Tang Wulin was thinking about how he should respond to the current situation, Dai Yun'er flipped through the news on his phone and frowned: "Shrek Academy publicly accused the Tang Clan of treason and claimed to To draw a clear line between us and the Tang Sect, which side should we stand on?"

Obviously Dai Yun'er didn't have a deep understanding of the relationship between the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy in the Federation, so he asked such a question. After all, although she has been in the Federation for a long time, she has spent most of her time practicing and studying, so it is normal to have such thoughts.

Ye Xinglan, who was closest to Dai Yun'er, explained: "This is just a statement on the surface. It is different from the cooperative relationship between the Tang Sect and Monster Academy in the Star Luo Empire. Although the relationship between the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy in the Federation seems to be related to Star Luo Empire, It’s almost the same in the Luo Empire, but it’s not an exaggeration to say they are one.”

"If you get to know it carefully, you will find that most of the teachers and senior management in Shrek Academy are members of the Tang Sect. The main reason why Shrek Academy does this is not to ruin its 20,000-year reputation. You must know that no matter whether it is the academy The development of Tang Sect requires a lot of fresh blood."

Hearing what Ye Xinglan said, Dai Yun'er breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that Shrek Academy and Tang Sect were really at odds with each other.

At this time, Tang Wulin, who had been pondering for a long time, said, "I am also a little undecided, so I might as well ask Vast Sea Douluo for his opinion."

As he spoke, Tang Wulin dialed Chen Xinjie's number, but after waiting and waiting, no one answered the call until the call automatically hung up. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation in a while. After a moment of silence, Tang Wulin dialed Chen Xinjie's phone again, but no one answered for a long time.

Now Tang Wulin understood that Chen Xinjie was either tied up by something or something had happened. Under normal circumstances, Tang Wulin would certainly not think about what might happen.

You must know that Chen Xinjie is an Ultimate Douluo, and he is a top existence among the Ultimate Douluo. But this is not a normal situation. The person dispatched by Miracle City is Di Tian, ​​a god-level being.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Wulin made up his mind and said: "Something may have happened to Vast Sea Douluo. I think we should leave this place of right and wrong now while the City of Miracles has not taken action against us."

Hearing Tang Wulin say something might have happened to Chen Xinjie, the others couldn't help but feel shocked. At this time, Dai Yun'er asked: "What did Lord Poseidon say?"

Seeing Dai Yun'er mention Poseidon, the others also looked at Tang Wulin with hope. Poseidon Tang San's consciousness was in Tang Wulin, which was not an unspeakable secret to them.

Tang Wulin gave a wry smile and said, "Dad's consciousness stayed at Shrek Academy for training this time and was not with me."

What Tang Wulin didn't say was that even if Tang San's divine consciousness was on him, he probably wouldn't be able to get any answers. You must know that the reason why Tang San's consciousness did not follow Tang Wulin was because of what happened last time.

This was the last guarantee for his connection with the divine world. He didn't want to disappear inexplicably like the divine consciousness in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes. Anping and Gu Yuena didn't take action against him the first time, and he couldn't guarantee that it would be the same this time.

When several other people heard that Tang San's divine consciousness did not follow, they instantly understood one thing, that is, Shrek Academy publicly accused Tang Clan of treason and drew a clear line with Tang Clan. I am afraid that it was Tang San's divine consciousness who instruct.

Since Tang San's consciousness was gone, they could only follow Tang Wulin's instructions and quietly leave the City of Miracles before the City of Miracles attacked them.

And just when they packed up and walked out of the house, they found Le Zhengyu, Xu Xiaoyan, Sun Qingyi and Lan Fozi waiting at their door.

Looking at the four people who were far more powerful than them, it was impossible to fight them out. Tang Wulin walked out of the team, looked at Xu Xiaoyan and said with a smile, "What are you doing? We don't seem to have violated anything, right?"

Seeing that Tang Wulin was still pretending at this time, Xu Xiaoyan felt a little funny, shook his head slightly and said, "Of course you didn't violate any rules."

Then he changed the subject and said: "It's not us who are looking for you, but the people from the Federation. Come with us, the people from the Federation are already waiting outside."

When it was obvious that they couldn't beat them, Tang Wulin and the others did not make a struggle and simply followed them outside the school. However, several people couldn't help but murmur in their hearts, saying that they were from the Federation, but in fact they were not from the City of Miracles.

As he walked, Tang Wulin asked, "I wonder how the Vast Sea Douluo who is with us is doing?"

This was his biggest concern. After all, Chen Xinjie was also their leading teacher.

When Tang Wulin asked about Chen Xinjie, Xu Xiaoyan, Sun Qingyi, and Lan Fozi shook their heads in unison. They really don't understand this, let alone Xu Xiaoyan and Sun Qingyi. One of them works in the education department and the other works in the college.

As for Lan Fuzi coming here, it's just a coincidence. She heard that Xu Xiaoyan and Sun Qingyi were together, so she wanted to find out whether it was true or not, and this happened to her.

Instead, Le Zhengyu said: "I heard that Chen Xinjie was seriously injured because he resisted arrest. As for the real situation, I can't say. You will know when you see him."

Hearing Yue Zhengyu say that Chen Xinjie was seriously injured, Tang Wulin and the others couldn't help but feel a little angry and helpless. The last person who was seriously injured by Ditian was Muye, and they were a little worried whether Chen Xinjie would be like Muye now.

The few people were quickly taken to the gate of the Miracle City Soul Master Academy. What they didn't expect was that the leader of the Federation team was actually an acquaintance. This person was Pan Wen, the Federation Secretary-General who had led them to the Star Luo Empire.

Seeing Le Zhengyu and Pan Wen exchange the words with smiles, Tang Wulin and the others couldn't help feeling a little chilly. They never expected that the Federation had been infiltrated by the City of Miracles. But thinking about the various products produced by Miracle City, this seems to be a matter of course.

After the handover was completed, Tang Wulin and others were brought with them soul guides that suppressed soul power. It's not that Tang Wulin and others don't want to resist, it's just that they are unable to do what they want.

However, they are not worried about their own safety. After all, the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy are the largest forces in the federation. Although the Tang Sect has been labeled as traitorous, they are still students of Shrek Academy.

Coupled with Tang Wulin's identity as the son of Poseidon, it was impossible for Shrek Academy to give up on them. In their view, this arrest was just a formality.

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