The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 486 Returning

Of course what the old devil said was not deceiving Tang Wulin and the others. Although they did not understand why Anping and Gu Yuena kept them, it was true that they were now powerless.

In addition, Tang Wulin, who was still suspicious at first, suddenly saw that the bodies of several people seemed to be slightly transparent. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't even tell them apart. Seeing such a scene, the doubt in Tang Wulin's heart completely disappeared.

After all, if these people were really arranged by Anping and Gu Yuena to deceive them, there would be no need to make up such a story. At the same time, it also made Tang Wulin even more angry at what Anping and Gu Yuena did.

What's more, there is no point in Anping and Gu Yuena arranging a few people to deceive them. As long as they ask the senior management of Shrek Academy, they will know whether these people are from Shrek Academy.

After fully confirming the identities of several people, Tang Wulin said: "Since we are all here, we have to go to the core of the island to explore before reporting to the academy."

Tang Wulin would propose to go and investigate, not that he didn't believe what a few people said about Anping and Gu Yuena taking away the core of destruction and life, but because he wanted to see if Anping and Gu Yuena had left any clues. , even if you gain something, your trip will not be in vain.

The Seven Old Demons can also understand Tang Wulin's thoughts. After all, after they discovered the core of destruction and wanted to take it away, they wanted to contribute to the development of Shrek Academy. Tang Wulin's choice was just the same as theirs.

So they did not stop Tang Wulin, but said: "It is our guess that they took away the destruction fragments. Only the man and the woman know the true situation. If you really find something, remember not to act recklessly. , we are learning from the past.”

The reason why he said this was that the old man suddenly remembered whether this was a plan by Anping and Gu Yuena to kill Tang Wulin and the Seven Shrek Monsters of his generation.

Thinking of this, the old man told Tang Wulin in detail what the destruction fragment looked like, what kind of feeling it gave people, what they should do and what they should not do after discovering it, etc.

When it came to his own life, Tang Wulin was still very serious and carefully recorded every word that the old man said. After the old man felt that nothing was missing, he let Tang Wulin go towards the center of the island.

Following the direction pointed by the Seven Old Demons, Tang Wulin and others arrived at the valley the old man mentioned very smoothly. They saw that there were many flowers, plants and trees in the valley, one side of which was lifeless, and the other side was similar to On the contrary, it makes people feel full of vitality.

According to the density of flowers, plants and trees, the seven people finally reached the core location. What they saw was a square pit with neat cuts, as if it had just appeared.

Tang Wulin and others understood that this was probably what Anping and Gu Yuena had taken away. I really don't know how Anping and Gu Yuena did it, not even a trace of life or destruction was left behind.

Naturally, the few of them were not people who gave up easily, so they began to explore the surroundings seriously. After some serious exploration, they found that there really was nothing left, so they returned to the place where they met the Seven Old Demons.

Seeing Tang Wulin and others coming back with disappointed expressions, the leader, the old man, looked as if he was like this. He didn't think there was anything wrong and said, "Now that it's confirmed, you should leave as soon as possible."

Tang Wulin was a little confused and asked: "Why do you feel that you have been eager to let us leave? Is there something in this that has not been explained before?"

The old man nodded slightly and said: "It doesn't look like there was any danger along the way when you came. That's because the aura of destruction caused all the creatures in the ocean to not come near here."

"Now that there is no aura of destruction, no one knows when a large number of soul beasts will gather here again. You must know that thousands of years ago, before the destruction fragments fell from the sky, this was a gathering place for sea soul beasts. To you, it is Very dangerous."

Tang Wulin also understood when he heard the old man mention the sea soul beast. Not to mention thousands of years ago, even now there are still a large number of sea soul beasts in the ocean. If it is true as the old man said, they really must leave.

In the past, he might have hesitated. Ever since he encountered a soul beast attack on the way to the Star Luo Empire for academic exchanges, he knew that the ocean was really dangerous.

Thinking of this, Tang Wulin said: "After the previous investigation, we have reported the matter here to the academy. After that, the ship will come to pick us up. Several seniors will also leave with us."

The old woman among the Seven Old Demons sighed slightly and said: "We don't have a few days left to live. What else are we going to do? You can just leave on your own."

It's not that they really don't want to leave here. After staying here for a thousand years, they don't want to go back to Shrek Academy. Depending on their merits, maybe Shrek Academy will look for a way to save them.

However, they could sense that with their current bodies, there was no way they could be saved even if they returned to Shrek Academy. In order not to trouble the academy, they might as well stay here.

Tang Wulin shook his head slightly and said: "If we haven't encountered it, there will be no problem. But now that we have encountered it, if we don't bring a few seniors back, let alone say that we can't overcome the threshold in our hearts, even my master and the others will not let us go. ”

"What's more, as the saying goes, a family with an elder is like a treasure. Although these few are not as strong as before, the things they have experienced are not comparable to ordinary people. Even if they cannot help train students, they can still use their experience to Handed down."

Then Tang Wulin told the story about Noumenon Sect Muye, although his cultivation was abolished by Di Tian, ​​he still helped Shrek Academy to exercise his physical fitness.

The leader of the old man pondered for a moment, then said: "Now that we have said it, it would be our fault if we continue to refuse. We do have some things that should be passed down, and we are worthy of the teachings given to us by the academy."

Seeing that several people finally agreed, Tang Wulin, who had prepared many arguments, breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that he would not be able to convince these people.

Seeing them agreeing so easily now, whether they really want to pass on their unique skills or something else, shows that they really want to return to their roots.

After confirming that a few people would leave with them, Tang Wulin and others chatted with the Seven Old Demons about things that happened thousands of years ago. Compared to learning from history, after all, these people have lived from that time to the present, which is definitely more real than what is known from history books.

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